Chapter 3210

The night at the Jinchuan Theater Command was very quiet.

There is a sense of ease, as if there is no war.

But Yang Fei knew that this was just an illusion.

Why is this little devil's Jinchuan theater so peaceful.

Didn't these little devils kill and drive away the people in the Jinchuan area?

Under such circumstances, the Jinchuan area, where there are no ordinary people and only little devils, can be restless.

So, between him and the little devil, this is a real hatred that can never be forgotten, even a national feud that cannot be forgotten by generations to come.

It must be remembered in the bones and in the blood, and we must never forget this humiliating history.

These little devils, these beasts, the harm and trauma they caused to China will never be erased.

Yang Fei was deeply aware of this point in his heart. He looked at the night sky outside the window, thinking, thinking, even if he finally drove the devils out of the land of Huaxia, he still couldn't forgive them.

Animal-like things can never be forgiven.


Yang Fei let out a foul breath, and murmured: "Hurry up, devils in the Jinchuan war zone, you are about to go to hell, I will definitely make you feel extremely regretful, coming to the land of China to do evil, you group of mourners All good things should be damned!"

This is actually Yang Fei's belief all along.

When training with Lei Zhan, Lei Zhan has been telling them that they should never have any hope for these little devils and these beasts.

They are a group of beasts, a group of bloodthirsty demons.

When you are strong, these beasts can wag their tails and beg for food in front of you.

However, once you are weak, these beasts will immediately pounce on you and eat you up, not even giving you any bones left.

The Battle of Nanjing is an example.


Inhuman massacre.

It's simply devoid of conscience and miserable.

This is what these little devils, these beasts made and killed with their own hands.

How can forgive, impossible.

This also led Yang Fei to carry out a belief, kill!

Those who can subdue useful little devils can be kept for use, and those who can atone for themselves and kill more devils can be kept.

However, he was determined not to keep one of the useless ones.

As long as they are little devils, kill them all.

This Kitano Eji and Matsubara Nori are actually an example.

If it is useful, keep it.

However, there is no guarantee that these beasts will survive.

Yang Fei made quite a few conditions for Chief Kitano Eji and Chief Matsubara Nori.

The first one is to help him take down the Jinchuan Theater Command and kill Major General Shi Yitaro.

This one is very important.

As long as this can be done, Yang Fei will give them a chance to atone for their sins.

Of course, if you can't finish it, let's talk about it.

This opportunity for atonement is to release their own value. If you want to atone for yourself, you can kill the devil.

You don't have to kill the little devil yourself, but you can teach the soldiers your skills and abilities.

In this case, it is atonement for oneself.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Chief Kitano Eji and Matsubara Nori must work for Yang Fei and kill devils.

Go deal with the little devil.

Regardless of whether it is done by yourself or by someone else, you must do your best.

As for whether they can succeed in the end, it depends on themselves, and of course it also depends on Yang Fei.

Anyway, as long as there is something that can't be done well, Yang Fei will not be polite to them and kill them all.

it is necessary.

During that time, Yang Fei asked Feng Changxin to tell Colonel Matsuhara Nori and Colonel Kitano Eji all this.

The two of them have no choice.

So, I can only continue to do it according to what Yang Fei arranged.

Under such circumstances, only the current conditions and circumstances exist.

They arrived at the headquarters of the Jinchuan theater very smoothly.

This also means that these little devils, as long as they are used well, the effect will definitely be good.

"Bang bang bang!"

This is, the door of Yang Fei's room was knocked.

"Come in!"

Yang Fei came back to his senses and said directly.

If someone wanted to look for him at this point in time, Yang Fei would guess who it was.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Yang Fei's face.


Just like that, the door of the room was pushed open, and Colonel Matsuhara Nori and Chief Kitano Eji pushed the door and walked in.

"Liu Yuan-kun."

After entering, Chief Kitano Eji and Chief Matsubara Nori greeted directly.

In fact, the moment Yang Fei appeared, the hearts of Chief Matsubara Nori and Kitano Eji were greatly relieved.

Because, Yang Fei's identity has not been revealed yet, in the hearts of Senior Commander Kitano Eji and Second Commander Matsuhara Nori, Yang Fei has always been their Liuyuan Lord, Liuyuan Hejia.

They didn't know why Liuyuan Hejia came back.

But, now that Liuyuan Hejia is back, it is definitely a good thing for them.

So, under such circumstances, the two officers, Kitano Eji and Matsubara Nori, took advantage of this time to come here directly.

During the march, they didn't dare to touch Yang Fei, fearing that they would ruin Yang Fei's affairs and expose Liuyuan Hejia's identity.

But now, when they came to the theater headquarters, the plan was about to start, so the two of them couldn't help it.

The Liuyuan Hejia that Yang Fei pretended to be is their last hope now.

If they can't grasp this hope this time, then they will really do that.

As for the consequences, they dare not imagine now, and what's more, they dare not determine their own fate, which is the most important thing.

So, at this time, they had no choice but to come to the Liuyuan Hejia disguised by Yang Fei.

Let's see if the Liuyuan Hejia disguised by Yang Fei can help them.

After all, they knew that Liuyuan Hejia, who Yang Fei was pretending to be, was a man of great ability.

For them, it is like a life-saving straw.

It is definitely an existence that cannot be let go.

"Matsuhara-kun, Kitano-kun, you are here."

Seeing Senior Commander Matsuhara Nori and Senior Commander Kitano Eji walking in, Yang Fei greeted with a smile, "Come on, sit down!"

"Okay, Mr. Liuyuan, seeing you coming, Mr. Songyuan and I are relieved. Otherwise, we both have no bottom in our hearts now."

Chief Kitano Jiangji smiled bitterly: "We regret that we didn't listen to your words at the beginning, which led to this end now. Regret, Liuyuan-kun."

"That's right, Mr. Liu Yuan, we really didn't expect that there would be such a big scheme in that small heavy artillery brigade."

Colonel Matsuhara Nori also had a bitter look on his face, of course, more of it was the resentment in his heart.

Obviously everything is going well, why is it like this now.

He was even more regretful in his heart.

At this moment, Colonel Matsuhara Nori and Colonel Kitano Eji, with hope in their eyes, looked at the Liuyuan Hejia disguised by Yang Fei.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Yang Fei chuckled and said: "I am clear about the situation you are facing, even after I left, I am clear about the choices you made, etc., and the development of things. It's just that I can't stop you, after all, I have my own mission, including meeting you this time, I also have my own mission."

Yang Fei didn't say much about the plan for the Jinchuan Theater Command this time.

He wants these two guys to speak out in person, only in this way will not arouse the suspicion of these two guys.

Otherwise, if he said everything, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of these two guys.

Colonel Matsuhara Nori may not, but Colonel Kitano Eji, who is good at calculating, will definitely doubt it.

Once in doubt, the next thing is not easy to do.

(End of this chapter)

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