Chapter 3213
Anyway, when making this plan, Yang Fei kept thinking about what these little devils would do.

Empathize with the identities of these little devils, and after encountering various situations, what choices will these little devils make and how they will do this.

So, under such circumstances, Yang Fei's groping for the little devil's mind can be said to have become a real master level.

Not to mention, Yang Fei has always succeeded in this trial after trial.

Calculation is also a technical job.

Especially calculating these cruel little devils is a technical job.

If the level is fixed, the current Yang Fei is already at the level of a master in calculating the little devils.

At this time, the two of them, Kitano Jiangji and Matsuhara Nori, were completely fooled by Yang Fei.

Just look at the guarantees of the two of them now, and you will know.

As long as they can't be defined as traitors, they will fully cooperate with the plan and let them do whatever they want.

And this is what Yang Fei wanted.

Cooperating willingly and being forced to cooperate are completely different.

Being forced to complete some tasks, when some things happen, some unexpected situations, it is completely rebellious, and it is possible to make a betrayal and sabotage the plan.

So, under such circumstances, Yang Fei felt unsafe before, so he came up with this little plan, and made a reverse counter-measure plan against Chief Kitano Eji and Chief Matsuhara Nori.

This is the safest way, as long as it succeeds, then these two guys will be able to work for him wholeheartedly.

At that time, even if there are real little devils fooling them, there will be no problem.

Anyway, as long as it is successful, even if a real little devil says it, they will not believe it, but believe what he said, and the plan will be [-]% accident-free.

"Well, don't worry, if there is a mission at that time, if you need to do it, I will definitely tell you. Now you can complete the mission assigned to you by the Heavy Artillery Brigade. This is what the Army Headquarters means."

Yang Fei then started fooling around again.

"One more thing, I mean, if, if you can really survive in the end, then the awards and rewards from the Army Headquarters will definitely satisfy you. As long as the Army Headquarters' plan is successful this time, your military achievements After being ordered, it is possible for you to be promoted to the rank of Colonel. Of course, the premise is that you can survive."

Yang Fei said the most important point, the premise is to survive.

If you can't survive, then it's impossible.

If it survives, it is entirely possible.

"Alright, Liuyuan-kun, we will remember!"

At this moment, I was completely excited when I heard that Colonel Kitano Eji and Colonel Matsuhara Nori were here.

Becoming a major general of the empire is their dream, and it can also be said that they have been dreaming day and night. The goal they are striving for is to become a major general of the empire and become a high-ranking officer in the army department of the empire.

In this way, if you return to your native land, you can enjoy even more of what you enjoy.

"Well, you guys go back, prepare well, and just follow orders!"

Yang Fei waved his hands to Chief Kitano Eji and Matsubara Nori.

When things come to this point, it's perfectly fine.

Yang Fei still knows the truth that too many words will lead to mistakes.

"Okay, Liuyuan-kun, we will follow your orders in the next period of time. If you need anything, please tell us directly. We will do our best to complete this matter."

The Colonel of Kitano Jiangji assured.

This, he also must do now.

"That's right, Liuyuan-kun, this is our place after all. We have worked here for the longest time, and we are very familiar with some things. In this case, leaving things to us will save you a lot of time. !"

At this time, Colonel Matsuhara Nori also promised.

He may not be able to do other things well, but he can still do small things well.

"Ok, I know."

Yang Fei nodded in agreement.

As long as it is necessary, he will not be polite.

Besides, the plan has already been launched, so there is no need to do other things at all. He only needs Colonel Kitano Eji and Colonel Matsuhara Nori to strictly implement the order and help him win the Jinchuan theater, which is completely enough.

As for what will happen to Beiye Jiangji and Songyuan Yeli after winning the Jinchuan theater, we can only wait until then.

In any case, the chance of surviving is still very high, as long as the two of them don't make any small moves.

"Well, Liuyuan-kun, you should rest early, we are going back."

Chief Matsubara and Chief Kitano Eji respectfully bowed to Yang Fei, then turned and left.

And, close the door for Yang Fei.

"Ha ha!"

Looking at the two people leaving, Yang Fei immediately sneered.

A brain is a good thing, but unfortunately, these two guys don't have one.

This is really being lied to by him, otherwise, she wouldn't have believed him so easily.

At this time, Major General Shi Yitaro, who was in the theater headquarters, was talking with the chief of staff and others.

And the topic of their conversation was how to use the name of the 73rd Division.

"Your Excellency, Commander, I feel that the title of the 73rd Division is actually not so useful."

The chief of staff said with a serious face: "Even if it is used well, it is at most a scattered division of the Imperial Association Army, which has no combat power at all. Anyway, I don't think it is of much use. Besides, it is now occupied and managed by the empire. The Imperial Association Army has already taken enough places, any more will be a burden to us, and the resources given to the Imperial Association Army are also quite a lot, you have to think about this, Your Excellency Commander."

From this point of view, the chief of staff of the theater command does not agree with this point.

In his opinion, the Imperial Association Army is indeed useful, but at some point it is useless.

If there is no fighting power, if there is no courage, then what is the use of raising so many imperial association troops.

Just like before, there were too many troops of the Imperial Association Army in some places, and there were troubles.

Those who don't want to, have to be on guard.

In the following time, the other devil officers below also expressed their opinions.

However, most of them support Major General Shi Yitaro.

What they think and think is actually very simple. They are not as awesome as the chief of staff, and they can only agree with the plan of the commander, Major General Shi Yitaro.

The rest of the opponents were also from the Chief of Staff line. With the Chief of Staff as the background, they dared to disagree.

Otherwise, they would not dare to do so.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing the following opinions, Major General Shi Yitaro smiled and said: "Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, what you think is right, but, you have overlooked a problem?"

"Your Excellency, what is the problem?"

Hearing this, the chief of staff of the theater command also became puzzled.

Is there anything else he hasn't thought of?
(End of this chapter)

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