Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3216 Death of Major General Shi Yitaro

Chapter 3216 Death of Major General Shi Yitaro

To be honest, Yang Fei felt like his body was rusted after being idle in the base headquarters for so long.

He didn't want to let his body's combat skills and combat power be wasted in order to formulate these plans.

Otherwise, no matter how good the brain is, if the body is not capable of fighting, it will collapse.

The most important thing is that you can't kill devils with your own hands. This is the biggest loss.

With Yang Fei's character, he couldn't kill devils with his own hands, he couldn't fight with his own hands, so it would be better to let him die.

This is Yang Fei's idea.

He is a born warrior, born for fighting. Since the little devils invaded, his task and mission is to kill the devils, try his best to kill the devils, drive these beasts to death, or drive them out. Go to China.

In a word, life is endless, fighting is endless!

After arriving at the attic compound, Yang Fei took a look. There were no patrolling squads of devils in the attic compound, but only sentry posts.

Stationary sentry.

However, at this point in time, in the middle of the night, these little devil sentinels are also very tired, constantly leaning against the wall, or leaning on the pillars, etc., and fell into a nap.

In the past, these little devil sentinels did this
Even if those officers see it, it's nothing.

So, under such circumstances, these little devil sentinels became more and more courageous, as long as the first half of the night passed, they would take a nap.

After all, in the feelings of these little devils, the theater command is the safest place, and nothing has ever happened.

Therefore, there will be no accidents. Even if they stand guard, it is just a decoration.

With such a mentality, this also led to the fact that even if Yang Fei walked swaggeringly in the attic compound at this time, these little devil sentinels might not be able to find out.

This is the real situation in the attic compound at this time.

"Ha ha."

After seeing this situation, Yang Fei immediately laughed.

He really didn't expect that the sentinels of these little devils could be so slack.

Of course, after thinking about it, Yang Fei understood.

This is the so-called darkness under the lamp.

The little devils in other places seem to be all elites.

However, under such circumstances, in the theater command, these little devils, especially their sentries, will definitely slack off.

This is just too normal.

The less accidents there are, the more slack you will be.

The more slack, the lazier you are.

As the saying goes, accidents often happen under such circumstances.

"If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Yang Fei smiled coldly, pulled out the bayonet directly from his waist, and then dodged to the side, and the little devil sentry who was closest to him touched it.



At this time, the devil sentry who was closest to Yang Fei was sound asleep.

Seeing them leaning against the wall behind them, sleeping so soundly, you can tell that this is not a one-day effort, but a long time of practice, otherwise, it would be impossible for them to sleep so soundly leaning against the wall.

"Hehe, goodbye!"

Yang Fei's figure suddenly appeared, covering the devil's mouth directly, and the bayonet cut the little devil's neck with the fastest speed.


Blood sprayed.


The little devil soldier in his sleep began to struggle violently with bloodshot eyes in his widened eyes.

It's a pity that facing an old hunter and warrior like Yang Fei, he won't have any chance.

Soon, the little devil soldier stopped struggling, and the breath of life disappeared.


In this way, Yang Fei was very fast, killing all the little devil sentries in the attic compound as quickly as possible.

The attic courtyard, which was already extremely quiet, fell into a dead silence at this moment.

At any rate, there were still the snores of these little devil sentinels.

Now, even the snoring is gone.

There was no movement at all.

The first floor of the attic is the living room.

And no kid.

Yang Fei went directly to the second floor of the attic.

On the second floor of the attic, there is a little devil officer.

These people are the personal guards of Commander Major General Shi Yitaro.

Specially responsible for protecting his existence.

Not many people.

A lieutenant officer and a dozen elite soldiers of the Devils.

The real elite.

It is the most powerful soldier specially selected among all these little devils in the entire Jinchuan theater.

They slept on the second floor to protect Major General Shi Yitaro on the third floor.

It can be said that there are them on the second floor.

Major General Shi Yitaro on the third floor is the real security.

With these personal guards, no one can go up to the third floor.

This is a fact.

However, Yang Fei wanted to break this fact today.

Since no one could possibly succeed, he challenged that.

Besides, this is an obstacle and a mountain that is indeed impossible to make an appointment for ordinary people.

Now, to Yang Fei, it was just a small mound.

The fighting situations that Yang Fei encountered were extremely bad, and they can be found everywhere.

For him, this is a small thing.

At this moment, the wooden door on the second floor was gently pushed open.


When the door was opened, the first thing that came was a slight snoring.

It has to be said that the personal guard of Commander Major General Shi Yitaro, like the sentinels outside, was slack at this time.

Otherwise, they would not rest.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this grunt, the corners of Yang Fei's mouth immediately turned up.

Obviously, it is still a relatively difficult challenge.

Now, it's not even a small challenge.

Entering the second floor, Yang Fei saw that a dozen devil soldiers just fell asleep sitting on the sofa.

The one sleeping on the biggest sofa was a lieutenant officer.

According to the tip of the intelligence, this devil officer Zhongzuo is in this three-story attic, second only to Major General Shi Yitaro's target.

His bodyguard officer.


After seeing clearly what was going on in the room at a glance, Yang Fei moved without the slightest hesitation.

His speed at this time is very fast, like a preying cheetah, the bayonet in his hand, with a sharp cold front, is like a flower in Yang Fei's hands, and at the fastest speed, he directly sent this famous little devil soldier to him. Cut the throat directly.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Fei cut the throats of a dozen little devil soldiers who were sleeping on the sofa.





"Help, ahem..."


At this moment, the dozen or so little devil soldiers on the sofa all started to struggle fiercely while grabbing the surging blood.

Their complexions are like maroon.

The neck is like a bellows.

From this point, it can be seen how painful these dozen little devils are.

That's right, let alone them, as long as it is a living thing with its neck cut off and unable to breathe, it will definitely feel like descending into hell.


The violent struggle of these dozen or so little devils also awakened the devil Zhongzuo officer from his sleep.



When the devil Zhongzuo officer was awakened from his sleep, he immediately exclaimed, his face full of horror.

Because, the first moment he opened his eyes and stood up, what he saw was blood all over his eyes and the struggle of the imperial soldiers.

Regardless of how rich his combat skills are.

At this moment, when I opened my eyes and saw this in my sleep, I couldn't bear it personally.

What he didn't see and feel even more was that a figure appeared behind him at this time.

This figure was Yang Fei.


Yang Fei's movements were quick, and he cut his throat directly without giving the devil's lieutenant officer any time to react.

The terrified ghost lieutenant officer didn't even have the ability to react, so he felt a chill on his neck, and then a scarlet fever, followed by a heart-piercing pain and a feeling of suffocation. Come.


He knew that at this time, he also fell into the fate of the soldiers of the empire.

How can it be?

how come?
This one, the devil's Zhongzuo officer, overcame the subconscious feeling of clutching his neck, but reached for his gun, and he wanted to fire a warning shot.

Alarm the imperial army outside and come to the rescue.

In particular, Major General Shi Yitaro, who was upstairs, was alarmed, so that His Excellency the Commander woke up and prepared.

Otherwise, the enemy who sneaked in will really succeed.

From this point, it can be seen that the professionalism of this devil officer is indeed very strong.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to make such a choice and action at this time.

Cutting his throat, what a painful thing, he actually held it back with his own perseverance.

This is really scary.



However, Yang Fei, who appeared next to him, had already expected this step.

He struck directly, and in an instant, the arm of the devil's lieutenant officer was removed.

Now, even if the devil officer wanted to warn, it was impossible.

"Go to hell, you beast!"

After Yang Fei smiled, he walked straight to the attic on the third floor.

"problem occurs!"

At the same time, Major General Shi Yitaro, who was resting in the attic on the third floor, woke up.

He has not been sleeping very deeply, and the movement downstairs has just woken him up.

At the first moment, he felt that something was wrong.

After all, he has gone through a lot of dangerous things and battles to get to where he is today.

From the feeling, he knew something was wrong.

Not to mention, at this moment, the air in the attic was filled with blood.

This made Major General Shi Yitaro more aware that something really happened.


Without the slightest pause, Commander Major General Shi Yitaro directly took out a pistol from the bedside cabinet, loaded the bullets, dodged to the door, and hid himself.

He wanted to kill him with one shot when the people downstairs opened the door and entered.


Just like that, the wooden door was slowly opened.

And the commander of Major General Shi Yitaro behind the door directly raised the pistol in his hand, aimed it at the door handle, and slowly moved up.

He is measuring the distance.

After feeling almost the same, Major General Shi Yitaro was about to pull the trigger in his hand.




However, at this moment, the wooden door was kicked down by Yang Fei, and he pushed it hard against the wall.

Major General Shi Yitaro, who was about to pull the trigger, was directly pushed against the wall by this huge force.

As for the bayonet in Yang Fei's hand, it pierced directly through the wooden door and onto the chest of Major General Shi Yitaro.


The severe pain made Major General Shi Yitaro scream, and the pistol in his hand fell to the ground.

Although he is also powerful, but after he became an officer of Zhongzuo Dazuo and was promoted to a major general, he has not personally participated in the battle, and his combat ability has long since degraded.

The subconscious feeling of pain made him immediately drop the gun in his hand and grab the bayonet pierced into his chest.

"Ha ha!"

With a stern smile on his face, Yang Fei walked out in front of the wooden door and appeared in front of Major General Shi Yitaro.


"who are you?"

"You dare to attack the commander-in-chief of the imperial army of the Imperial Japanese Army at this time, you are courting death!"

"Damn things!"

"Let me go now, you can still leave!"

"Even, I'll give you ocean, give you gold, and improve your status!"

"Also, you can't escape, the outside is full of my empire's imperial army, you can't escape!"

"Don't kill me, you know, I can give you everything!"


I have to say that at this time, Commander Major General Shi Yitaro was really frightened.

Otherwise, he could not speak incoherently.

Angry at first, then terrified.

"Ha ha!"

For this, Yang Fei just sneered and said: "I don't want these things, because these things belong to China, and you beasts invaded my land of China and plundered them, so I just want to kill you!" , to avenge my compatriots who died tragically. Of course, I will let you watch a play before I die!"

The killing intent in Yang Fei's eyes had already taken shape.

He grabbed the incoherent Major General Shi Yitaro and came to the window.

Yang Fei opened the window and said to Major General Shi Yitaro, who had a face full of pain, "Look!"

Major General Shi Yitaro, grinning in pain, looked directly out the window.

For a moment, Major General Shi Yitaro's eyes shrank suddenly, and his face became even more rigid.

Because, he saw now that all the lights in the theater headquarters were divided into two parts.

Lying on the ground, and standing.

And lying on the ground is the Imperial Army.

He didn't go to see this in person, but after seeing Yang Fei beside him, he knew what was going on.

His theater headquarters has completely fallen at this time.

Among them, the imperial army were all killed.


Commander Major General Shi Yitaro looked ferocious and roared angrily.

He cannot accept this.

"Hehe, die in despair!"

At this moment, Yang Fei made an instant move, directly breaking the neck of Major General Shi Yitaro who was in despair!
Major General Shi Yitaro, the commander, fell from the sky to the ground, and died amidst all kinds of unwillingness!

(End of this chapter)

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