Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3219 Exchange experience in front of the mountain wall

Chapter 3219 Exchange experience in front of the mountain wall


As cold as water.

Yang Fei, Feng Changxin, and the soldiers leaned against the warm mountain wall.

In front of them was a crackling and burning fire, and the mountain wall reflected by the fire was glowing red, and a stream of warm air was constantly circulating.

"According to our previous understanding, the closest place to us is the Chaosheng area. We don't know how many devils there are, and we don't know how many traitors are there. The only thing we know is the biggest local snake in the Chaosheng area, the Zhao family of the Chaobang. "

Feng Changxin looked at the night sky while smoking, and continued:

"The Chao Gang Zhao family used to be just a big landlord and businessman in the Chaosheng area. Like his Zhao family, there are several others. However, after the devils came, the old man of the Zhao family directly took refuge in Under such circumstances, with the devils as the backing, the Zhao family established the Chao Gang and swallowed up several other big families, and now the Zhao family is the number one Chao Gang in the Chaosheng area!"

Speaking of this, the murderous look in Feng Changxin's eyes suddenly rose.

"This bastard has taken refuge in the devils and committed all kinds of evil. He deserves to be killed!"


Yang Fei nodded and said: "It's normal, I can only say that in front of this group of butchers and beasts, the common people are too weak, it is impossible to resist them, this is why we came here at this time."


Yang Fei exhaled a puff of smoke and continued: "Actually, these bastards are more hateful than devils. The relationship between us and devils is family hatred, and these traitors have directly become traitors." , Became the lackeys of the little devils, this is the most abominable place, under such circumstances, they bite the people back, it is absolutely cruel, just do whatever they want, they have to please their masters!"

At this time, Yang Fei's heart was also full of killing intent.

However, he endured it.

Anger is of no use.

It is far worse than turning anger into strength, into the power to kill devils.

In Yang Fei's view, venting anger is a sign of the weak.

The strong should turn grief and anger into strength.

"It's the same reason, but I'm very good, Lao Yang!"

Feng Changxin couldn't understand it. His eyes were full of murderous intent, but he shook his head and smiled wryly: "The country is destroyed, the family is destroyed, and the relatives are killed. In such a situation, love, we Chinese sons and daughters, shouldn't unite as one and work together to kill Devil, drive the little devils out of the land of China and live a good and stable life. Why are there so many traitors and traitors?"

Feng Changxin couldn't figure this out.

"Every time I think of this, my heart is cut like a knife, Lao Yang, why are there so many soft bones, traitors who are willing to be little devils and lackeys, traitors for glory, this is, these **** bastards!"

Speaking of this, Feng Changxin's tiger's eyes turned red, and tears flowed down his face.

"Yes, Commander, why?"

"Why are they doing this?"


Not only Feng Changxin, but also the soldiers, tearful and full of unwillingness.

They can't figure it out, why is this happening?
It is the right way to work together to drive these bastards out of China.

Why do so many people choose not to do this, but to be the lackeys of the little devils, traitors and traitors?
what is this?
At this time, Feng Changxin and the soldiers all needed an answer.


Looking at the crying Feng Changxin and the unwilling soldiers, Yang Fei exhaled thick smoke and said with a wry smile: "Actually, many traitors have no choice but to act!"

Yang Fei never denied this point.

Except for a very small number of bastards, the majority of people, the imperial association army, and traitors, were traitors who did it out of desperation. In the end, they couldn't hold back. They became more and more hateful, more and more bastards.

On this point, Yang Fei neither understood nor understood, nor forgave.

As far as he knows, many maintenance presidents do it for the sake of the villagers.

Of course, there are also those who are determined and cannot be beaten to death with a single stick.

But what makes Yang Fei hate the most is the kind of person who can't hold back, changes his original intention, and directly becomes a beast.

"Helpless, what are they helpless for? They have become traitors, oppressed and harmed the common people, feasted and drank spicy food, and let the common people die in despair. What are these traitors helpless?"

Feng Changxin disagreed with this point.

Because, his family members and villagers all died tragically at the hands of these traitors.

He was lucky to survive, otherwise, he would have died tragically at the hands of these traitors.

Helpless, they are helpless ass.

"Yes, Commander, this group of beasts deserve to die, they are not helpless, they are all beasts!"

"Captain, I don't understand what you said!"


Neither Feng Changxin nor the soldiers actually understood this.

In their hearts, traitors are traitors, and they all deserve to die.

"You will know after listening to me, you will understand!"

Yang Fei said: "From the very beginning, I will analyze it for you when the little devils first came. After listening, you will understand."

"Okay, Lao Yang, tell me!"

Feng Changxin lit another cigarette, smoked and listened.

The same is true for the soldiers leaning on the mountain wall.

"Since the little devils invaded China and killed our Chinese people, there have been traitors."

"These traitors at the beginning were completely frightened. They saw little devils killing people and killing people with their own eyes. Therefore, under such circumstances, the desire to survive deep in their hearts defeated the blood and backbone of Chinese men. , in order to survive, they became the lackeys next to the little devils, and saved their own families."

"For the sake of their families, they acted like dogs in front of the little devils. In order to please and serve the little devils, they personally participated in the massacre of innocent people and became real beasts and traitors. "

"This kind of thing is unforgivable and deserves to be killed!"

"Because they are just selfish, just for their own family, of course, this is human nature!"

Yang Fei said seriously: "This is the first point, then I will tell you about the second point!"

At this moment, Feng Changxin and the soldiers listened very carefully.

"As for the second point, that's not the case."

"The traitors who belong to the second point, they are not for their own family members, but for the people of the whole village. For example, Zhao Jiaerlang from Zhaojia Village before, why did he become a traitor and follow the little devil? Isn't it for the whole village The common people can survive!"

"Some of them personally buried their immediate family members for the sake of the people in Baoquan Village. This, you say, are they helpless, can they forgive?"

Speaking of this, Yang Fei looked at Feng Changxin and the soldiers.

And after hearing Yang Fei's words, the hearts of the soldiers and Feng Changxin were suddenly enlightened.

This matter is really not as they thought.

It seemed that they were blinded by hatred.

The captain is right.

Traitors and traitors are also different.

For example, Zhaojiabazi Village and those [-] Bazi Villages, aren't the people there just like this, in order to protect the villagers of Bazi Village, they endured the humiliation and became traitors.

This is the truth.

In fact, it's not that they don't understand, it's just that they are blind.

Before, no one woke them up, and they thought that these traitors must have no good things.

So, under such circumstances, they believe that traitors are traitors, and they deserve to die, and they are all beaten to death with a stick.

"Of course, when I tell you this, I don't mean to ask you to hold back and pity the traitors of the Imperial Association Army when they face them."

Yang Fei took a puff of smoke, and said again: "In the future, when you encounter traitors from the Imperial Association Army, you should still do what you should do. You can't delay the mission just to spare them."

"Also, you have to distinguish carefully. Some traitors are also very good at disguising. Do you understand? I'm telling you this now to remind you not to beat them to death with a stick, but, don't all Believe them, traitors are traitors after all."

This point is very necessary to remind.

Otherwise, the sudden pity would cause even bigger accidents.

This point, Yang Fei must point it out at this time.

Otherwise, if the soldiers had an accident in this regard because of his reminder in the future, it would be too late to regret.

"Don't worry, Lao Yang, we are still clear about this!"

Feng Changxin took a deep breath and nodded: "We will know what to do in the future."

"Yes, Commander, don't worry, we will still have the ability to distinguish right from wrong!"

"Hey, don't worry, leader!"


At this time, the soldiers also directly started to guarantee.

In such a matter, they are determined not to relax.

Otherwise, more people will be harmed.

This point is clear in their hearts.

"Well, it's good that you understand."

Yang Fei nodded and ended the topic.

In fact, this is a helpless choice.

It is also a human issue.

You say he is wrong, he is for his family.

You said he was right, he was selfish, totally benefiting himself at the expense of others.

Even, he lost himself, forgot his original intention, and caused even greater killings.

So, this is also a human problem.

"Especially this time, you have to keep your eyes open for this Hongling war zone. For other war zones, some traitors can be forgiven and let them atone for their sins, but this Hongling war zone is completely different. There are too many traitors in it, so the first thing you must insist on is to kill and recruit traitors. As for how to kill? How to recruit? This depends on you. I can't do everything. Those who can take care of you, understand?"

This point, Yang Fei also has to say.

Otherwise, this Hongling war zone is too special and there are too many traitors. Otherwise, an accident may lose the lives of soldiers, or cause even bigger accidents.

This is something Yang Fei has to take into consideration, otherwise, if there is an accident in the future, it will be difficult to control it at all.

It's better to make this point clear while you have time now.

Otherwise, once there is an accident in the future, that is the real regret and there is no place to regret it.

"This is something that needs to be taken seriously."

Feng Changxin also nodded, and said: "In this case, do you still need each of you to speak about this matter? At the very least, you should talk about your understanding of this situation and this mission. Yes, this will help you all, how about this, Lao Yang!"

At this time, Feng Changxin also expressed his opinion.

He believes that the recognition and understanding in each soldier's heart is different.

In this way, let every soldier speak out what is in his heart. In this way, the soldiers will listen to it once, and it will be of great use to their progress.

Gathering the strengths of everyone, this is the truth.

"Yes, what Old Feng said is right, what your chief of staff said is indeed a very good idea."

Yang Fei looked at the soldiers and said with a smile: "This matter is not difficult to say, as long as you listen to your own opinions, I believe that as your chief of staff said, you can figure it out. At least I have a preparation in my heart, and I have a steelyard!"

To be honest, Yang Fei also felt that Feng Changxin's suggestion at this time was very good.

"Hey, if that's the case, then start with me!"

"Okay, you start first!"


This time, in the following time, the soldiers all expressed their opinions, thoughts, and opinions one after another.

The soldiers poured out their hearts to each other without any reservations at all.

Under such circumstances, the soldiers gained a lot.

Although there are repeated opinions, as long as they are not repeated, they will all be harvested.

In this way, the fighters can summarize their progress based on their own opinions.

The project to sum up experience lasted for more than an hour.

"Alright, alright, that's it for today."

Yang Fei waved his hand and said: "It's getting late, hurry up and rest, don't delay the rest time, which will affect tomorrow's task, rest, there is still time to continue summarizing this in the future!"

It was indeed getting late at this time.

If the communication continues, most of the night will pass, don't do anything tomorrow, just sleep and rest.

"Well, rest early and recharge your spirits. You still have tasks tomorrow."

Feng Changxin also stubbed out the cigarette butt, and gave instructions.


"Yes, Captain!"

"Yes, Chief of Staff!"


At this moment, the soldiers who received the order immediately began to pack up and entered a state of rest.

The fire next to it was burning brightly, and the light of the fire shone on the mountain wall, driving away the wind and cold at night, making the soldiers in front of the mountain wall feel very warm.

In such a warm state, the soldiers quickly fell into a dream.

Yang Fei and Feng Changxin were not talking either, they also fixed their own sleeping places and fell asleep directly.

One night passed quickly.

Because there were soldiers on duty, the fire burned all night. In the morning, Yang Fei, Feng Changxin, and the soldiers didn't feel the slightest bit of wind and cold.

It can be said that during the march, if you rest like this, you can definitely recover 100%.

Otherwise, it would be the same as sleeping in the wet and cold dew, not to mention sleeping well, and it would be good if you don't have a cold and a cold the next day, but the state is not good anyway.

But at this time, Yang Fei, Feng Changxin, and the soldiers had recharged their spirits overnight.

This is the gap between camping experience and skills!

(End of this chapter)

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