Chapter 322
At this time, the little devils who rushed out of the barracks were laughing and waving their arms in the open space in front of the barracks.

And the flower girl in front ran even faster when she saw the little devil chasing after her.

In this way, the little devils behind were successfully scattered.

At this time, the remaining little devils in the barracks were holding spoons, shovels, and wearing aprons, laughing and watching.



Observing all these situations outside the forest, Lei Zhan snorted coldly and gave the order to shoot.





The soldiers who heard Lei Zhan's order started shooting according to the roll call tactics assigned by Lei Zhan.

And this sniper rifle with a silencer installed made a sound like farting.

This is the defect of the muffler in this era. Although the sound is small, the puffing sound is really unflattering.

This dull sound is very small, if you are not close, you can't hear it at all.

The snipers were calm and calm. From the moment they pulled the trigger, their eyes were full of coldness.

At this time, in their eyes, the target is no longer a person, but a beast!


At this time, these little devils who were wearing aprons were standing next to the camp. They smiled and looked at the imperial warriors who were chasing the flower girls in front of them.




Suddenly, blood burst out of their heads while they were laughing.

Moreover, the splashed blood is so bright red under the reflection of the sun.

And the bullets piercing through their heads brought out a lot of red and white things, which was very disgusting.

The dozen or so little devils still had smiles on their faces, and they just fell to the ground with spoons and shovels in their hands.


After the little devils fell to the ground, red and white brains mixed with blood began to emerge from the blood hole on their heads pierced by bullets.

These red and white brains flowed directly on the ground.




The deaths of the little devils did not stop.

The little devils who ran after them started to spatter blood on their heads one by one.

Moreover, the little devils in the back seemed to have fallen collectively, and began to pounce on the ground one after another.

This was under the effect of inertia, and the dead little devils fell to the ground in front of them by inertia.

And these little devils who fell to the ground, their brains began to gurgle out of their brains, which had been stained red with blood.

Although it was the first time to actually shoot with a sniper rifle, the soldiers' shooting foundation was there.

Moreover, Lei Zhan had given them sniper tactics before, so the soldiers who had adapted to the sniper rifle performed very well.

Also, the one-by-one sniping technique that Lei Zhan handed over to the soldiers earlier guaranteed the perfect performance of this sniping mission.

If the little devil in the front is shot first, the little devil in the back will definitely react.

As for the little devils who reacted, many of them carried pistols on their bodies. If they started to fight back, the large number of gunshots would quickly attract the little devils in the distance.

Therefore, this sniper must be sniped from the back to the front.

Just like that, a large number of little devils in the back fell to the ground and died in silence.

Even, they didn't even know how they died, they just died strangely inexplicably while chasing the flower girl.


"Haha, flower girl's!"


At this time, the devils in front did not know that a large number of companions behind had died.

They are still chasing forward excitedly.

And the flower girl in front of these little devils has always kept a little distance from the little devils, but because of this small distance, the little devils can't catch up no matter how hard they chase.

At this time, the first group of sniper soldiers' shooting has ended, and the second group of sniper fighters is ready.

After all, there are only more than 70 little devils in this camp, so Lei Zhan must work together to make arrangements so that all snipers have a chance to shoot.

One hundred to seventy, the result: complete victory!

The snipers who finished the first shot turned their guns, turned around and left the sniper position, went to the other side, and began to snipe and kill the little devil who came to investigate the situation on the other side.


Looking at the front of the devil camp, the remaining [-] little devils were chasing after him, and Lei Zhan gave the order to shoot again.




After another dull puff sound, the little devils in front who were chasing Hua girl fell to the ground one after another.

Among them, the leader of the devil team who was very excited and ran at the front, the captain officer.

At this moment, these little devils died in excitement and ignorance.

This is the role of snipers on the battlefield!
They are the ghosts on the battlefield!

They are the gods of death on the battlefield!

They are - snipers!


Looking at this small group of devils who fell to the ground dead, a sneer appeared on Lei Zhan's face again.

Special sniper operations are just like this, the battle is over before the opponent expects it.

And the opponent's consequence is that everyone is in silence and ignorance, death!

At this time, in the little devil's camp, there were still two little devils who hadn't come out of the tent.

The two of them were in the kitchen tent. They didn't know what they were busy with. Their faces were all covered with white things, as if they were white faces.


At this moment, the two people who were busy with their faces full of smiles suddenly heard the loud laughter of their companions outside suddenly stop and disappear.

Hearing this, the smiles on the faces of the two little devils disappeared in an instant. The two immediately left the things in their hands on the ground, and ran out of the camp with puzzled faces.

They were going to see what happened. The voices of the companions outside just disappeared.


However, the two little devils who ran out of the tent saw their companion lying in a pool of blood at a glance.

In an instant, their faces were filled with horror, and their hearts were horrified, what exactly happened.

One of the little devils had already opened his mouth wide and was about to shout.

At this time, Lei Ming on the commanding heights of the mountain forest had already spotted these two little devils.

On the other side, stared by his team members, he has been paying attention here.

Seeing the little devil who opened his mouth and was about to shout, a death-like, cold smile suddenly appeared on Lei Ming's face.

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(End of this chapter)

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