Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3223 Change of Mindset

Chapter 3223 Change of Mindset
Niu Zhifei and the rest of the bandits did not expect this situation.

Normally, this is simply unbelievable.

They are strong men in Qianguzhai, and behind them are the imperial army. Who can do anything to them?
But how did it end up like this at this time?

How can they accept this?
How dare you accept it?
Gradually, Niu Zhifei, the master of Qiangu Village, calmed down.

"Which way are you good guys, as long as it doesn't hurt a certain family's life, you can ask how much money you have. As long as it is in my Qianguzhai, I will give it all. I dare not refuse!"

It has to be said that this Niu Zhifei is still a guy who can bend and stretch. It is not a simple character who can make this choice at this time.

At least he knew that at this moment, surviving was the most important thing.

Everything else is secondary.

As long as he can survive, he has more, everything.

However, now that the mouth is so rigid, it will really be empty, and there will be nothing left.

It was hard to hide the hatred in the eyes of the rest of the village owners and the bandits, but at this moment, they all lowered their heads.

It's the same sentence, how can they easily accept this result after they have been in control of other people's life and death for such a long time.

So, under such circumstances, they are only temporarily subdued, preparing for revenge in the future.

It can be said that they all understand what the Dazhai master Niu Zhifei did.

Because, this happened before their Qianguzhai developed and became stronger. They didn't resist and pretended to be grandsons.

Survive first, wait for a chance later, and then take revenge.

No, after they found the imperial army as the backstage, all the previous enemies came back with revenge, they killed all of them, and robbed all their property.

So, at this time, they know what the most correct course of action is.

After all, is it a bandit? In the face of life and death, he has no backbone at all.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing what Niu Zhifei said, Yang Fei laughed immediately: "It's over!"

"Don't dare, dare not, it's us bastards who didn't understand the situation and offended all the heroes, please forgive me for the offense on words, don't care about finances or anything, as long as you save our lives, let the rest be left to the heroes Get angry."

Hearing what Yang Fei said, Niu Zhifei knew that he and others shouldn't have scolded them just now.

They also hated themselves at this time, only to blame for drinking a few more cat urine last night.Otherwise, this situation would not have happened at all.

It's all right now, the moment I wake up, I regret it.

"Just wake up!"

Yang Fei didn't take Niu Zhifei's words at all.

Now, Niu Zhifei and the bandits behind him all panicked.

"Old Feng, let the brothers take these guys down and put them to death!"

At this time, Yang Fei didn't talk nonsense, and ordered Feng Changxin directly.

"Okay brother, leave it to the brothers!"

Feng Changxin had a cold smile on his face, and he took orders directly.

It has been discussed before, because it is a bandit den and it is also in the Hongling war zone, so all the previous titles can no longer be used.

Otherwise, a smart guy will be able to hear it once he hears it.

They are all called big brothers and brothers. If this is the case, others will not doubt it when they hear it, and they will only regard them as people on the green forest road.

At least it's a little safer.

"Brothers, get to work!"

Feng Changxin directly greeted him loudly.

"Ha ha!"

"Okay, brother!"


At this moment, the soldiers waiting beside them roared excitedly.

And directly started to tie up these bandits, and pulled them to the side yard.

These bandits struggled violently, but it was of no use.

The pots of water and toilet paper are ready.

When dealing with this group of beasts, Yang Fei will not let them go easily.

Especially when it comes to means, there is no need to be polite to them.

If you treat these beasts politely, you will be sorry for the innocent people who died tragically at their hands.

So, in order to completely subdue them, and make these bandits fearful and dare not rebel, Yang Fei specially prepared the project of rain pouring plum blossoms for them.

He believed that as long as this group of beasts experienced the project of pouring plum blossoms under the rain, they would definitely not dare to make trouble, dare not turn them over, and would do what they were asked to do.

You know, all those who have experienced the project of watering plum blossoms under the rain will definitely feel like they are going to hell when they think of it, and life is worse than life first.

Yang Fei will not be lenient when dealing with this group of non-human beasts.

Just use the cruelest means.

There is no need to have the slightest mercy when dealing with animals and this group of things that are not human.

You know, the mercy at this time is irresponsible to the innocent people.


"What are you going to do?"

"Heroes, hold your hand high, don't give me your life back, all the finances of my Qiangu Village can be offered, all can be offered!"

"Everyone, have mercy!"

"Forgive me!"



At this time, under the leadership of Niu Zhifei, the bandits were all panicked and begged for mercy loudly again.

Although they didn't know what they were going to face next, but seeing the scene in front of them, it was a water basin and straw paper, it was definitely not a good thing, and it would end well.

They don't want to die, they want to live.

Can't resist.

Then all I could do was beg for mercy.

"Ha ha!"

However, it is a pity that at this time, Yang Fei ignored them at all, and just looked at them with a sneer.

The same is true for Feng Changxin and the soldiers.

It was discussed before, and no one can talk to these beasts until the project of pouring plum blossoms in the rain is over.

Only after this project is over can I talk to these beasts and ask them if they are submissive, if they are completely surrendered, and if they are completely afraid of rebellion.

In the end, if you don't surrender like this, then there is only one last way, death!
Yang Fei had already explained these things.

There is nothing to say, just do it.


"do not want!"

"Don't kill us!"

"Gentlemen, spare your life!"

"Grandfathers, please forgive me!"


The bandits begged for mercy, and the sound was louder and louder, which felt a bit heartbreaking.

That's right, who wants to die?

No one wants to die.

Not to mention their group of high-ranking bandits who are used to enjoying themselves.

However, let them cry loudly, but they can't resist.

The soldiers tied these bandits very firmly.

Except for the head that can move a little, the rest of the place can't move.

Even, in order to prevent these bandits from moving around, the soldiers tied ropes to the ears. If they dared to struggle indiscriminately, the ears might be removed.

This is the animal-like bandits that the soldiers can go down to.

Or deal with little devils.

The soldiers dare not deal with other people.

Yang Fei didn't allow it either.

Just like that, amidst Niu Zhifei's desperate eyes and expression, a piece of straw paper was covered on his face.

At this time, Niu Zhifei really wanted to blow out the straw paper in one breath, so as not to let the straw paper cover his face.

However, he dared not.

He didn't even dare to have the thought of resistance.

In the final analysis, he didn't want to really lose his life because of his struggle and resistance.

The soldier next to him directly scooped up a bowl of water with a bowl, and then began to slowly wet the straw paper with his hands.

Gradually, this piece of straw paper fit Niu Zhifei's face like a mask.

At this time, Niu Zhifei felt a little difficult to breathe.

However, at this moment, another piece of toilet paper was covered on his face, and it got wet again.

Gradually, a feeling of suffocation began to pass.




Yang Fei sat on it like this, watching quietly.

He believes that as long as it continues like this, these damned bandits will never dare to resist in the slightest after going through this scene, and he will definitely do what he says in the future.

Even if it's their backstage, Lieutenant Katano, the little devil, they absolutely dare not talk nonsense, dare not mention a single word of today.

This is the power of this project.

If you haven't experienced this person, you don't know what kind of despair, what kind of helplessness and fear it is.

As time passed, these bandits who were struggling and desperate gradually stopped struggling.

Even, a little weak and powerless.

There was not much sound, as if he was about to die.

At this time, Feng Changxin looked at Yang Fei: "Brother, it's almost there. If this continues, you will really die!"

According to time, it is true.

They have specifically tested this time before, where is the limit of a person.

If you don't stop, then you really can't save it.


Yang Fei nodded, lit a cigarette and smoked.

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Feng Changxin nodded directly, and waved his hands to the soldiers who were looking at them.

Just like that, the soldiers removed the straw papers that were pasted on the faces of the bandits.


"Whoosh whoosh!"


At this moment, these purple-faced bandits all gulped and began to breathe fresh air with all their strength.

Moreover, their complexions also began to slowly recover.

At this time, they were like drowning, the guy who was about to lose consciousness was dragged up in the water to breathe.



Gradually, these bandits gained a little spirit.

However, the fear and despair in their eyes is still extremely strong.

After experiencing this scene personally, it is the kind that can't be lingered at all.

Even if I can breathe now, the despair and the feeling of dying will always be deeply in my heart and mind.


It just lingers.

"Everyone, how do you feel?"

Yang Fei walked down from the entrance of the Juyi Hall and came to the unbound bandits.




At this time, they stood up slowly, and the bandits, who were extremely weak, were still breathing heavily.

The most important thing is that all of them are looking at Yang Fei now with fear.

It was like seeing Lord Hades coming out of hell.

At the beginning, when they looked at Yang Fei, there was no such thing at all, and some of them were all hatred and killing intent.

Can't wait to find a chance to kill Yang Fei.

The hatred in their hearts has been solved.

But at this time, this look, this mentality, is completely gone.

At this time, Yang Fei, in front of them, is completely a devil, a real devil, a real Hades.

It's like being able to control their life and death anytime, anywhere.

They had just experienced that scene, as if they had fallen into endless darkness. In the scene in the darkness, there was only one throne held high.

And sitting on the throne, who can control their life and death at any time, is the figure of Yang Fei.

It can be said that at this moment, at this moment, Yang Fei's figure has become the nightmare and demon in the hearts of these bandits.

Resistance is impossible.

This is the means.

There are different ways to deal with different people.

To deal with little devils, there are ways to deal with little devils.

There are ways to deal with traitors who are not as good as animals.

At this time, Yang Fei is really proficient in this area of ​​experience.

Just look at the appearance of these bandits at this time.

"Hero, what will you say in the future?"

Niu Zhifei said directly at this time: "You will order something in the future, even if you want to be the master of this Qiangu village now, it is yours, and I am your younger brother."

Regarding Yang Fei, Niu Zhifei didn't dare to have any other thoughts.

This person is really terrible.

Normally, he felt that the imperial army was the scariest, but now, the figure of Yang Fei is the nightmare in his heart, this is the most terrifying person.

The same is true for the rest of the bandits at this time.


Really served.

Resistance is impossible.

If you offend such a person, you never know when you will die.

Even if their background is the imperial army, so what.

These imperial troops cannot protect them 24 hours a day.

Before, they were just arrogant in the name of the imperial army.

There are very few opportunities to really meet each other, that is, to meet this wild lieutenant when making offerings.

For the rest of the time, they couldn't see it once.

In contrast, these bandits know what the most correct choice is.

Being alive is more important than anything else.

Besides, it's nothing more than multiple big brothers.

From now on, their days will be the same.

In other words, if there are multiple fathers on the head, it may not necessarily lead to a better life in the future.

After all, this extra father is really ruthless.

Perhaps, they can accomplish what Niu Zhifei, the master of the village, wanted to accomplish before but dared not.

This job is to eat up the Chao Gang Zhao Family, Song Family Security Regiment, Liu Family Alliance Army, and Qian Family Maintenance Committee in this Chaosheng area.

Take down all these forces, then the Qianguzhai is the most powerful in this Chaosheng area, except for the imperial army.

This is something they have always dared to think about but dare not do.

Now, with this boss and this father, with such ruthless means, maybe he will really succeed.

Thinking of this, the ambitions in the hearts of these bandits were instantly aroused.

Perhaps, this bad thing can really turn into a good thing!

(End of this chapter)

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