Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3225 Set the Constitution

Chapter 3225 Set the Constitution
Indeed, some things and rules must be settled.

Otherwise, how to manage these bandits.

There is no rule without rules.

Especially when dealing with this group of bandits who are like animals, it is even more so.

If you don't set rules for them at this time, although they are afraid in their hearts, they will make mistakes.

And with the rules, let them abide by the rules, otherwise, they still need to bother to teach.

He didn't have time to teach these bandits what to do.

Besides, these damned bandits, who do all kinds of evil, are not qualified to be taught by him.

"Boss Yang, tell me, tell me!"

"Yes, Boss Yang, please tell me, what you say is what you say. From today on, we will do what you say."


At this moment, Niu Zhifei and the rest of the Bandits were doing the same, asking Yang Fei to lecture them respectfully.

"Ha ha!"

Looking at this scene, Feng Changxin and the rest of the soldiers were even more joyful. These beasts must be suppressed with extremely strong means, otherwise, they will never be obedient and will never be tamed.

Look, the most ruthless methods are used on them as soon as they come up. At this time, they are so obedient, just like tamed pets.

"The first point, if you want to do great things, listen to me and change your current practices. First of all, what you have to correct is not to bully the people."

When Yang Fei said this, the eyes of Niu Zhifei and others shrank suddenly.

Because, this is not what ordinary people can do.

Besides, what they enjoy now is all snatched from the hands of the common people.

Now that we are not going to rob the people, where will their food and wealth come from?

Therefore, they do not agree with this point.

However, after thinking of the horror of Yang Fei and others, Niu Zhifei and others lowered their heads and dared not say anything.

If other people had told them that, they would have turned their faces and killed these people long ago. How could they listen to their babbling here.

I dare not say it.

"Don't be unconvinced!"

Yang Fei took the eyes of Niu Zhifei and others into his eyes, and continued: "Don't think that what I told you is false, let me ask you, in the hands of those mud legs, what can you squeeze out, nothing more than Some food, do you have money? No, if you want to do big things, just listen to me, and specialize in those big households. Those big households are the real rich people. Do you know, you know, get rid of a big landlord , You can gain more than the people in several villages, think about it if this is the truth, I will not force you, think about it carefully!"

After saying this, Yang Fei stopped talking.

Feng Changxin next to him handed Yang Fei a cigarette.

He thought in his heart, Lao Yang started fooling around at this moment.

He knew that what Yang Fei said was right.

Now that they are here, these bandits can no longer harm the people.

Otherwise, what are they doing to subdue these bandits.



When Niu Zhifei and the others heard this, they shook their heads wryly.

Niu Zhifei said helplessly: "Boss Yang, it's not like we didn't think about this before, but there are people behind these big landlords. They will not let us go, if those people unite, my Qiangu Village will not be able to stop it."

"Yes, Boss Yang, under such circumstances, we can only rob the people, otherwise, we will not even be able to eat. The bottom line is that the mountain is our world, and the mountain is their territory. ah."


In the following time, these bandits told the situation over and over again.

Indeed, according to what they said, those forces at the bottom of the mountain are actually beyond their reach. After all, they are just bandits, and they can only act as a temporary murderer.

Another point is that although there are devils behind them, these little devils only want to watch jokes, and fighting is what they are most willing to watch.

In this way, these bandits are so pitiful.

Yang Fei kept sneering at this.

Feng Changxin and the soldiers were even more murderous.

If it weren't for the mission, the words of these bandits would be enough to condemn them.

They're just a group of bullying beasts.

Oppress, kill, and plunder the people.

And dare not really provoke those traitors.

However, Feng Changxin and the soldiers knew in their hearts that this was not the time to turn their faces, so they could only say that they had to endure it first.

Anyway, after they gain a firm foothold and open up the situation, these beasts will be liquidated one by one.

At that time, he will let these beasts know the price of betraying the country, harming the people, and being willing to be a traitor.

"The bottom line is that you don't want to do big things."

Yang Fei disdainfully said: "Okay, these are all your excuses, don't talk about it, let me tell you, you just want to enjoy, what is becoming the boss of the Chaosheng area, killing the Chao Gang Zhao family, etc. Wait, these are all your bragging circles, they can't be taken seriously at all, I will analyze and analyze them for you."

At this moment, Yang Fei's eyes were as sharp as lightning, shooting directly into the hearts of Niu Zhifei and the others.

Let Niu Zhifei and others shudder again.

Anyway, for Yang Fei, they were getting more and more afraid.

Even, they have a feeling, that is, with Yang Fei, they have a feeling of being killed at any time.

"The big families and landlords you mentioned are not easy to deal with. It is nothing more than that they have paid protection fees to the Zhao family of the Chaobang, the Liu family's allied army, the Song family's security group, and even the Qian family's maintenance association, so that they are protected. , Chaobang Zhao Family and others, the backstage behind you is the same as you, it is the imperial army, so you feel that it will affect your whole body, as long as it fails, then you will not even be able to keep the status you have now. Dare to act, dare not do it, and be content with the status quo, right!"

Yang Fei's analysis can be described as extremely sharp.

He directly told the involvement, the reason, and the truth.

It can be regarded as tearing off the fig leaf of Niu Zhifei and others.



No, hearing what Yang Fei said, Niu Zhifei and the others were like quails, their heads almost stuck in their crotches.

The truth is indeed as Yang Fei analyzed it, that's it.

They are afraid, afraid that after moving, they will lose these things in front of them.

As for the things in front of them, they had managed to snatch them. If they failed, they would lose even these things.

Not to mention death, but to say that they have lost their current life, and they will not be able to survive the days of eating chaff and swallowing vegetables in the future, starving and starving.

This is the reality that these bandits don't want to face.

So, they are a group of beasts, a group of beasts who cannot turn back and redeem at all.

For this group of bandits, at the beginning, Yang Fei's positioning for them was to kill them.

It's that simple.

Just because of the evil things they did before, and they can't go back, so they can only be killed.

It's the same as killing the little devil. Only in this way can the people who died tragically rest in peace.

Looking at these bandits with their heads lowered, Yang Fei continued: "What does this mean? It can only mean that you are too stupid. You don't have that much ability. You can only continue to oppress the people and satisfy your appetites. It’s other desires, and when you get to the bottom of it, you’re just a bunch of rubbish.”

"I'm here today, and I'll tell you my first rule, that is, you can't bully or harm the people in the future, otherwise, as long as I find out, you'll be dead. Remember, this It's my first rule!"

In Yang Fei's eyes, there was a frightening look at this moment.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Boss Yang, we listen to you!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"


At this time, the bandits like Niu Zhifei didn't dare to say anything, so they agreed directly.

What to say, to say anything else at this time is to die.

Regarding this point, they are very clear in their hearts.

Another point, they also wondered, who are Yang Fei and others?

"You don't have to be confused. I don't let you embarrass the people. It's not because of anything else. It's because as long as you don't embarrass the people, the people will help you. You haven't understood this before. If you follow me and want to do great things, you need the help of the common people, do you know that? Do you understand?"

Yang Fei disdainfully said: "I say that, you must not understand, let me give you an example, if we say that we have a good relationship with the people at the foot of the mountain, then these people will help us, if someone If you come to beat us, even if we don't need to take action, the people will report the news first, and help us delay the time, and other news, etc., as long as they know, they will tell us, I say so Do you understand?"

Yang Fei did not mention other examples, but directly mentioned this one.

Because, the example he mentioned is the easiest and most straightforward example now.

"Really, does it work?"

Regarding this point, Niu Zhifei and others at this time were puzzled.

After all, they had never tried this before.

Didn't know this would happen.

So, they were only dubious about the result that Yang Fei said at this time.

Does it really have such a good effect?

This is the doubt in their hearts.

"I know you may be wondering, but you will know after listening to me."

Yang Fei continued: "Anyway, I won't embarrass the common people. My goal has always been these big landlords, because they have a lot of money and food. Rather than being honored by them to the imperial army, it's better for us to snatch them over. One batch, to be our own. Besides, we can give it to the imperial army. These big landlords are not willing to give so much, but after we snatch it, we can give it more. Think about it, in this way Under such circumstances, who will these imperial troops choose to support?"

In the final analysis, it is interests and benefits.

After Yang Fei said this, the eyes of Niu Zhifei and others lit up instantly.

I am looking forward to it even more.

Hearing this, they thought in their hearts that it made sense.

Instead of letting these landlords hand over to the imperial army, build a good relationship.

Then it might as well go to the imperial army to establish a good relationship after they snatch it.

They understand this truth.

The doubt in my heart towards Yang Fei dissipated in an instant.

Of course, they only dared to doubt, but did not dare to do other things.

As for rebelling against Yang Fei, they dare not think about rebelling.

At least, I dare not think about it during this time.

"That's the reason!"

Yang Fei is a professional in acting and fooling around.

Of course, this is all for planning, for the Hongling theater, there is no other way.

Otherwise, Yang Fei also wants to have a big cleansing, how happy it is to kill these traitors and little devils.

However, it is not realistic.

I can only take my time, and take advantage of my identity as a bandit to figure it out slowly.

"That's the truth!"

"That's right, that's the truth!"

"Haha, Boss Yang, you are right, that's the truth, hehe!"


At this moment, hearing the benefits, Niu Zhifei and the rest of the bandits became less restrained and fearful, and immediately became active.

From this point of view, these guys are like this, as long as it is beneficial, they dare to do anything.

He was scared to death in front of Yang Fei before, but now he is completely active.

If it were placed on ordinary people, it would be impossible for such a thing to happen.

And put it on these bandits, everything is normal.

Interests are the magic weapon that can really drive them.

Threatening death is only the ultimate mastery.

Normally, to control these bandits, you can still only use profit to control them.

"This rule, the first point is the most important, the others are not so important, but I also want to tell you at this time!"

Yang Fei continued: "Be obedient. When you act and do things in the future, you must be obedient. Do what you are asked to do. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious!"

Follow orders, that's what matters.

Otherwise, if you are disobedient, you will not be able to complete the task.

Therefore, Yang Fei also wanted to emphasize this point.

"Boss Yang, don't worry, we will be obedient, we will be obedient, we will do whatever you ask us to do."

Niu Zhifei was the first to express his opinion.

"Yes, you can just tell me. In the future, you can tell me what to do, just tell me directly."


These high-ranking bandits also directly began to express their views, and they did not dare to have the slightest hesitation.

And what they think in their hearts is, there are only so many of you, so terrible, we can't beat them, if you don't listen to you, who else can you listen to.

Of course, for this situation, they can only complain in their own hearts.

Say it, they dare not.

In this case, if they speak out at this time, what awaits them is punishment and death.

"Well, that's fine!"

Yang Fei nodded: "Be obedient, the final result will not let you down!"

However, what he thought in his heart was that it would be righteous enough to send them off at the end.

It is impossible to survive.

After all, these beasts had their hands stained with the blood of the common people before. With this, it is impossible for Yang Fei to let them survive.

The same is true for Feng Changxin and the soldiers, they will not let these beasts survive.

This is a matter of principle!

(End of this chapter)

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