Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3228 Lieutenant Katano

Chapter 3228 Lieutenant Katano
Looking at the Qiangu cottage in front of him, Lieutenant Katano had a satisfied smile on his face.

At this time, Lieutenant Katano was thinking that if he was a small lieutenant officer, he would not be able to enjoy this treatment at all if he was in the mainland and in the barracks.

However, at this time on the land of Huaxia, in this ancient cottage, he can enjoy these things.

Moreover, it is still a great enjoyment, enjoy as much as you want, no one dares to stop him.

It was so good.

He likes these days.

It's great to be stationed in a place where there are few battles, and to be able to enjoy it like this.

As for combat and military exploits, what he wants more is the immediate enjoyment, let's talk about the future.

Going to fight is not the life he likes, because many of the lieutenant officers who glanced at him died on the battlefield after going to the battlefield.

Dead, but it's really over.

So, what Lieutenant Katano thinks is very clear, enjoy the moment, otherwise, he will lose his life when he goes to the battlefield.

When the time comes to die, you will not be able to enjoy anything.

Even if there is an imperial honor after death, it is for his family, not for him.

"Taijun, please!"

At this time, the bandits in the cottage found out about this situation, and came out directly, bowed their heads, and greeted them with smiles.


Regarding this attitude, Lieutenant Katano felt even more at ease: "Your good citizen, haha!"

In this way, Lieutenant Katano was invited to the cottage.

Moreover, Niu Zhifei accompanied directly.

The place of reception is in this gathering hall.

It's just that, at this time, the person sitting on the top spot in the Juyi Hall didn't pay any attention to Lieutenant Katano who entered the Juyi Hall.

This made Lieutenant Katano very uncomfortable.

Here, as an imperial lieutenant officer, his status is definitely the most noble existence.

What is this guy on the top doing?
At this moment, Lieutenant Katano glared at Niu Zhifei and shouted, "Niu Sang, what's going on?"

I have to say that this guy is also very arrogant, he got angry without knowing anything about it.

"Taijun calm down, Taijun calm down."

Niu Zhifei's heart trembled, but thinking about what Yang Fei said, he calmed down and said, "This is our Boss Yang, from today onwards, this cottage belongs to our Boss Yang, not mine anymore, Mr. Madam! "


Hearing this, Lieutenant Katano's eyes widened.


Then came the rage.

Even though he didn't know the truth, he knew in his heart that someone had picked peaches for him at this time.

This Qiangu cottage is his place, but it's his cash cow, and this frankly someone robbed him of his things.

This will not work.

Accompanied by Lieutenant Katano's bang.

The five little devils behind him immediately raised their guns.




And the bullet was loaded and aimed at Yang Fei, who was on the top spot.

Looking at this posture, as long as Lieutenant Katano gives the order, they will shoot directly.

After all, they are the noble, high-ranking imperial army.

These people in front of them are just lowly bandits.

It was the dog at their feet.

"Bagar, who are you talking about, Baga?"

However, at this moment, Yang Fei spoke fluent Japanese and asked directly.

He was just at the top, overlooking Lieutenant Katano and the others, with disdain in his eyes.


And hearing Yang Fei's fluent Japanese, the extremely arrogant Lieutenant Katano and the others immediately blushed like a duck caught by the neck.

At this time, they actually did not expect maliciously that they would meet people from the empire here.

Dare to the attitude of the other party, he is not afraid of himself as a lieutenant officer at all.

In this way, there is only one situation, and that is that the opponent's rank and military rank exceed him.

Otherwise, the other party couldn't be so calm and composed.

Not to mention these little devils were stunned, even Niu Zhifei and others were stunned.

They didn't expect that Yang Fei, the boss of Yang, was also a prince.

What the hell, are you playing with him?

If he had known this earlier, he would have been afraid of a bird.

It's all my own, okay?

"Sir, may I ask which part you belong to?"

Lieutenant Katano quickly calmed down, and asked Yang Fei back.


As for the four devil soldiers behind him, they also put down the [-] cover in their hands at this time.

After all, they are all their own people, and they look higher than their lieutenants. If they raise their guns, it is an offense.

They dare not offend an officer who is older than their lieutenant officer.

"Information Office!"

Yang Fei just said these three words lightly.

Lieutenant Katano shuddered when he heard these three words.

The people in the intelligence department are the worst people to mess with.

These guys are everywhere.

If you offend someone from the intelligence department, once someone catches you and reports it to you, there will be no good fruit to eat.

Therefore, under such circumstances, no one in the intelligence department is willing to offend.

It's just because the power these people control is too great.

Intelligence intelligence is not only for external intelligence, but also for internal intelligence.

All inside and out.

Whether it is outsiders or our own people, all are within the scope of the investigation.

Whoever dares to offend, he dare not offend.

"Your Excellency is a member of the intelligence department, can you show me the certificate?"

At this time, Lieutenant Katano still had some doubts about this.

After all, the people from the intelligence department, if they have nothing to do, what are they doing here.

In the Hongling theater, there were no battles or wars. The Imperial Army has been suppressing and controlling it very well.

According to this situation, the people from the intelligence department should go to the war zone where wars continue.

This is why Lieutenant Katano was suspicious at this time.

"Ha ha!"

Yang Fei smiled disdainfully, took out a certificate, and threw it at Lieutenant Katano.

When Lieutenant Katano saw this, his mind sank completely.

He took the documents in a panic.

All I can see on the document is:

Imperial Army Intelligence.

Third Intelligence Service.

Intelligence Officer: Yanagihara Hejia.

Military rank: Lieutenant!
The steel seal deeply printed and distributed by the Empire Intelligence Department, and the red sun of the Empire all represent that this document is genuine.

The person in front of him is really from the Intelligence Department.

Still the most powerful and mysterious person from the Third Intelligence Service.

More importantly, rank, lieutenant!
What the hell, he's a little lieutenant.

And the guy in front of him turned out to be the lieutenant!

This is a difference of more than one level, compared with him, it is simply a world away.

Even Lieutenant Katano had a thought in his mind at this time, could it be that he is going to die, otherwise, why did the people from the Third Intelligence Department of the Empire come to him.

At this moment, he panicked.

He doesn't want to die, he still wants to continue enjoying it.

"Your Majesty the Commander!"

Lieutenant Katano immediately saluted very respectfully, and then held Yang Fei's ID with both hands, and handed it over respectfully.

Really, it's true.

Lieutenant Katano at this moment did not dare to overstep in the slightest.

"Hehe, now you believe it!"

Yang Fei casually took the certificate and put it in his pocket.

This certificate is real, it is the real certificate issued by Lei Zhan who was placed in the devil's intelligence office.

You know, the guy that Lei Zhan put into the intelligence department turned out to be a real high-level person.

Therefore, there is absolutely no problem in applying for such a certificate.

Don't talk about this field lieutenant, even if his boss calls and confirms in person, it is true.

"Hi, Your Excellency, it's my fault, I shouldn't doubt you, you can punish me at will!"

Lieutenant Katano is very good at admitting mistakes.

Because, he didn't want to be directly killed by the officers of the intelligence department under this excuse.

"OK OK!"

Yang Fei waved his hand and said, "Let's eat first, we'll talk about something after dinner!"

Yang Fei walked down directly from the top and came to the side of the wine and dishes.

Lieutenant Katano followed him respectfully.

"Niu Sang, pour the wine!"

After Yang Fei sat down, he said directly to Niu Zhifei who was standing beside him.


"Oh oh oh!"

When Niu Zhifei heard Yang Fei's words, he finally reacted in horror.

He really didn't expect this.

However, after reacting, he undoubtedly breathed a sigh of relief.

Life, saved.

Moreover, his Qiangu cottage will usher in a huge development in the next time.

They are all imperial troops.

The imperial army is good, at least they will not kill their most loyal people.

This time, Niu Zhifei happily served Yang Fei and Lieutenant Katano.

However, if Niu Zhifei knew the truth, he might be scared to death.

"Liuyuan-kun, I would like to ask, is there any mission for you to come to the Chaosheng area this time?"

"Of course, I just want to say, if there's anything I need to do, you're welcome, just tell me."

Lieutenant Katano said very politely, even fearfully.

"Good Katano-kun, I will not be polite if I need your help."

Yang Fei took a bite of the meat and continued: "By the way, Katano-kun, don't tell the public that I'm here this time. After all, the mission of the Intelligence Department needs to be kept secret."

Yang Fei would never reveal his identity if he could not reveal his identity.

Otherwise, he would just go to the supreme commander of this little devil right now.

But this is not realistic at all, it is contrary to his plan and mission.

So, now that this wild lieutenant is being fooled, just let this guy keep it a secret.

There is no need to grow branches.

Otherwise, he would have wasted a lot of time and means.

"I understand, I understand Liu Yuan-kun, don't worry, I will keep your whereabouts secret for you."

In Lieutenant Katano's heart, he was very excited at this moment.

He really didn't expect that one day, this little lieutenant officer would be able to get involved with the people of the Empire's Third Intelligence Service.

This is really too dreamy, at this moment, he is like dreaming.

You know, after making a relationship with the people in the intelligence department, the benefits are really great.

If the people in the intelligence department mention them a little bit and work on them, it will be easy to raise their ranks.

After all, no officer in the combat army is willing to offend people from the Imperial Intelligence Service.

"By the way, Mr. Yuan Ye, this time my mission has nothing to do with the soldiers of the empire. Don't worry and be afraid, understand? Just treat me as your friend."

Yang Fei took a sip of his wine and signaled Lieutenant Katano not to be nervous.

He could see that the wild lieutenant felt both scared and excited about him.

"Liuyuan-kun, it's not aimed at imperial officers, is it?"

Now, Lieutenant Katano's curiosity was brought up in an instant.

"It's because of these people who surrendered to the empire."

Yang Fei said something pretending to be deep, and then started to eat, not wanting to say more at all.

However, Lieutenant Pianye's curiosity was completely aroused by Yang Fei at this time, so he wanted to continue listening, and wanted to know what the truth was.

After all, in the Hongling War Zone, people from the empire have a close relationship with the Imperial Association Army who surrendered to the empire. If something happens to these people, then people from the empire will be You will suffer losses accordingly.

Under such circumstances, it can even be said that Lieutenant Katano was a little panicked.

If it is really these dog legs, people close to the imperial army of the Imperial Japanese Empire want to make trouble, then they may really have trouble.

As for Yang Fei, when he saw that Lieutenant Katano was in a hurry, he immediately smiled in his heart.

This guy, just panic.

The more panicked, the more it means that this bastard has taken the bait.

"Liu Yuan-kun, can you explain in detail? After all, there are too many people close to the empire in the Hongling theater. It can be said that our imperial army can continue to collect resources here to support other people. The theater of the war relies on these people, if there are problems and accidents, then our empire will suffer a great loss."

At this time, Lieutenant Katano saw that the food on the table was no longer delicious, especially his favorite wine, he didn't even drink it.

"It's hard to say about this matter."

Yang Fei shook his head.

"Tell me, Liuyuan-kun, if you tell me, I might be able to analyze something, after all, I have been in this tidal region!"

At this time, Lieutenant Katano was really anxious.

"It's not a big deal."

Yang Fei wiped the oil stains on his mouth, and said: "Anyway, I don't know who it is, and I handed over a piece of information to the intelligence department, and the content on top of the information is about the Empire of the Red Ridge War Zone." People, especially those who have surrendered to the empire, have very close ties among them, especially the closer ties with outsiders secretly. I am afraid that there is some action to be taken, so the third intelligence department sent me here, Specially investigate this situation secretly to see if it is true!"

"The purpose of not telling you is to prevent surprises, let the other party know the news, and stop the action. Otherwise, you also said that this is one of the empire's resource collection places. If there is a problem, This responsibility and consequences are really great."

Yang Fei's face was extremely serious, and he clicked on the importance of this matter again.

After all, Lieutenant Katano said it before, if he emphasizes it now, the effect will definitely be better.

(End of this chapter)

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