Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3238 Initial success in 5 days

Chapter 3238 Initial success in five days

This is the reason why Niu Zhifei came to find Yang Fei in person.

The credit is his.

No, Yang Fei told him directly that he should give him credit for doing a good job.

This is what he wants.

This sentence, in Niu Zhifei's ears, was very refreshing.

This feeling, the whole body is like being moistened by sweet rain.

It can be said that at this time, he seemed to have got everything he wanted.

The same is true, he just wants to perform well in front of Yang Fei, so that he can get everything he wants in the future.

Niu Zhifei can also be seen that if he wants to have a good time and eat well in the future, he must have a good relationship with Yang Fei.

Otherwise, it will not work at all.

Didn't see that even Lieutenant Katano wanted to have a good relationship with Yang Fei?

This is the most important.

"Are you okay?"

Looking at Niu Zhifei who was still smirking and not leaving, Yang Fei took a look and asked.


After Niu Zhifei was taken aback for a moment, he immediately replied: "It's okay, it's okay!"

"Then go to training if you have nothing to do. The training method planned by Boss Feng is very good for you. Of course, the premise is that you can persevere. Niu Zhifei, if you really listen to me, train well , it will be of great benefit to you in the future, well, that’s all for now, let’s go, I’m going to be busy!”

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he ignored Niu Zhifei and started to get busy.

"Okay, okay, Boss Yang, don't worry, I will never disappoint your expectations, I will definitely be able to complete this matter, and I will definitely be able to persevere in the next training!"

Niu Zhifei was flattered when he heard Yang Fei's words, and he was also very excited in his heart.

He knew that what Yang Fei said to him now was to give him a chance, to give him a chance to climb up.

After all, he also knew that being a bandit would have no future.

In the end, he just didn't know where he died.

Now that he has the opportunity, if he doesn't know how to cherish and persist in Yang Fei's personal promise, then he is a real fool.

Niu Zhifei left excitedly.

Opportunity, he got the opportunity promised by Yang Fei himself.

it is good.

Very good.

As for Yang Fei, looking at Niu Zhifei who left excitedly, he shook his head and smiled.

It's not that he can't give a chance to these bandits.

Although it is said that these bandits are guilty, they deserve to die.

However, opportunities can be given, it depends on whether they can seize this opportunity in the next moment.

That's the most important thing.

He has given them a chance now, and it depends on whether they can grasp it.

Yang Fei knew that Feng Changxin had such a plan.

Otherwise, he would not have trained with these bandits.

Training is an opportunity.

A chance to turn around.

After all, only with combat power can one kill devils, kill traitors, and atone for oneself.

Otherwise, there is no fighting power, so there is no redemption.

Therefore, there are always opportunities, and it depends on whether these beasts can grasp them.

If you can grasp it, you will be able to obtain a real rebirth.

Yang Fei will definitely not get in the way, and neither will Feng Changxin and the soldiers.

As long as you can make up your mind to kill devils and traitors in the future, that's enough.

Otherwise, it's the other way around.

After shaking his head, Yang Fei stopped thinking about this matter, but lowered his head, and began to read the contents recorded in several small books.

The contents of these small books are the real top priority for Yang Fei at this time.

Without these few small books, they still have no eyesight for the tidal area.

With this small book, it is completely different.

After reading the above content and understanding the situation in this tidal area, his plan can be quickly launched, and in the shortest possible time, he will completely take down this tidal area in secret.

As long as he can win the Chaosheng area, then he can use the Chaosheng area as a basis to radiate other areas, thus winning the entire Hongling theater.

This is Yang Fei's plan, and it is also the reason why these small books are so important.

In the past, it wasn't that the Eighth Route Army didn't send people here, trying to open up the situation in the Hongling theater.

It's a pity that these traitors here are all determined to follow the little devil. If they find outsiders, especially special people, they will report them immediately, or even arrest them.

Under such circumstances, no progress has been made.

Moreover, many soldiers were killed.

This led to the continuous failure of the plan to win the Hongling Theater.

This is why Yang Fei came here.

This is also a task that belongs to Lei Zhan. The people above can't finish it, so they hand over this difficult bone to Lei Zhan.

As for Lei Zhan, at this time, he handed over this task to Yang Fei.

This is also Lei Zhan's hope. He hopes that Yang Fei will continue to practice and become more mature and stronger.

It can be regarded as a test for Yang Fei for such a long time.

For Yang Fei, Lei Zhan is very optimistic. It can be said that he is the most talented person among the people Lei Zhan has taught.

The growth is not bad, and many big tasks have been completed.

Of course, you still need to continue to practice.

What Lei Zhan thought was to make Yang Fei surpass him.

Otherwise, Lei Zhan would not have directly arranged such a difficult task for him in such a short period of time.

Yang Fei also understands this, anyway, he will not let Lei Zhan down.

So, after coming to this tidal area, I didn't even hesitate, and started the layout plan as quickly as possible.

No, he has already succeeded in blowing up a gap in the Red Ridge theater, successfully launching his plan.

Next, it's a matter of time.

As long as there are no accidents, it won't take long for him to lead people to pry open the Hongling war zone completely, and kill all the little devils in it.

"Take the Chaosheng area first, as long as you win the Chaosheng area, then everything will be no problem. Only when you have the foundation, can you do the next thing. Otherwise, if you don't have a foundation in the Hongling theater, then Nothing can be done!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking in a low voice, he read the little notebook seriously.

Seeing the content in the small book, what gave Yang Fei a headache was that the damn Lieutenant Katano was all written in Japanese.

Although, Yang Fei speaks authentic and fluent Japanese.

Even better than some little devils.

However, looking at Japanese is not the same as speaking Japanese.

Yang Fei can also read and understand.

But, what a waste of time.

"Just take it slow. You can't let this guy write Chinese for me. If this is the case, this bastard will probably see some flaws."

In this way, Yang Fei began to understand the situation in this Chaosheng area slowly while translating.

Time passed, and five days passed like this.

During these five days, Feng Changxin killed two bandits again.

It's really mud that can't stick to the wall, that's all, if you want to make trouble, isn't it courting death?

Originally, Feng Changxin's heart was full of fire. For these criminal bandits, he wanted to kill them all from the beginning.

But, he thought, he can't kill them all, these guys are also a living force, and they can be used if they are trained. After all, killing devils, unity can unite all forces.

He let go of his hatred and gave these bandits a chance. Some people didn't cherish it and wanted to make trouble. Feng Changxin was so angry that he shot the two protagonists who wanted to make trouble.

This time, the group of bandits in the cottage completely calmed down.

No one dared to make trouble.

Because they knew that Feng Changxin really knew how to kill people.

Unlike Lieutenant Katano's people, Lieutenant Katano's people don't bother to kill them.

As for Feng Changxin, Boss Feng, he is not stingy at all, anyone who dares to make trouble, anyone who dares to make trouble, without the slightest exception, will be killed directly.

Originally they were afraid in their hearts, but now they are even more afraid.

Still trained honestly.

Training and training undead, at most it is half useless.

That's better than being dead.

And during these five days, Niu Zhifei, Niu Er, Zhou Chun, Zhang Liang, etc., could be regarded as the high-level executives of the cottage. They, like a different person, actively participated in the training.

Judging by their spirits at this time, they are different from before, as if they have really changed.

The change is so fast, as if he suddenly fell in love with training, Feng Changxin couldn't believe it.

Of course, seeing this situation, Feng Changxin was still happy in his heart.

In fact, this real situation was handled by Niu Zhifei.

He, he was also thinking like Lieutenant Katano, looking for helpers to help himself.

Otherwise, even if he succeeds in training and becomes stronger, it will be himself.

But he saw that when Yang Fei and Feng Changxin came, the people they brought with them were really strong.

As for him, he also had selfish intentions, thinking that he would bring all the bandits in the cottage together for training.

Let's grow stronger together. In this way, he will be more important in front of Yang Fei, he will be valued, and there are people under him. In this way, he will gain more and more benefits in the future.

After he told Niu Er, Zhou Chun and Zhang Liang about this situation, they all agreed.

Benefits, everyone wants it.

Especially after witnessing Feng Changxin's execution of the barbed bandit who was looking for trouble, their attitude became more determined.

Also under their leadership, the rest of the bandits were also enthusiastic.

Although extremely tired, they have gradually fallen in love with training.

Even the thoughts in their hearts began to change.

At least I don't have those bad habits before, and I don't have to pick things up every now and then.

Feng Changxin was very satisfied with this.

Early this morning, after everyone had assembled, Feng Changxin directly started giving lectures.

Niu Zhifei and others, like the soldiers, stood at attention.

Of course, I learned from the soldiers.

At least now, it looks a little interesting, and looks a bit like a regular soldier.

"Congratulations, you have passed the first stage of training!"

Feng Changxin said loudly.

He will also say good words and encouraging words.




After Niu Zhifei and others heard his words, they were even more happy.

In their eyes, Feng Changxin is a real big shot.

It is their honor to be recognized by Feng Changxin.

After all, their identities are just bandits.

"In the next training, I believe that you can also persevere!"

"Of course, the intensity of the next training will be stronger than now, but the training items will also be more detailed and comprehensive."

"Comprehensive training can quickly improve your combat effectiveness, allowing you to quickly annihilate your opponents after encountering a battle!"

"So, I hope that you can perform well after the next training, and persevere. After completing this second stage of training, you can also go out with your heads held high, even if you are facing the imperial army. Then your combat power can also fight against them, it is a matter of how many people die!"

"I said so, do you understand?"

At this time, Feng Changxin was a little devil in disguise after all, so when he mentioned the little devil, he still called him Huangjun.

Otherwise, if others find out, they will be suspicious.

The name of the little devil.

Only the Chinese would call them little devils.

It is impossible to call a little devil directly by pretending to be a devil.

Otherwise, there is really no insurance.

This is a matter of details.

Feng Changxin attached great importance to this detailed issue.

Of course, this is what he learned from Yang Fei.

No matter when, especially when performing tasks, camouflage is just that more attention must be paid to the details. Only in this way can it be more secure and there will be no accidents.

Otherwise, if you don't pay attention to the details, it is likely to attract the attention of the enemy and eventually lead to exposure.

"is this real?"

"Fuck, can we become so powerful?"

"Great, if that's the case, doesn't it mean that we can also be close to the imperial army in terms of status in the future!"

"Yes, at the very least, we are stronger than those from the Security Corps and the Imperial Association Army!"

"Ha ha!"


At this time, the bandits were all excited.

As for Niu Zhifei and the others, their bodies were trembling with excitement.

Isn't this what they want?

If the training is successful, they can also become masters.

Hearing these people's words, a smile appeared on Feng Changxin's face again, and he said loudly: "I can tell you clearly, what you think is completely possible, directly surpassing the security team in terms of status, surpassing the emperor's Xiejun, directly crush them and greatly improve your status. You must trust me, trust Boss Yang, we will not lie to you, besides, you also know, is it necessary for us to lie to you? Absolutely not It's necessary, isn't it!"

When Feng Changxin said this, he was extremely confident and arrogant.

As for the little devil, he has always insisted on this.

Above the momentum, it must be crushed.

Otherwise, if you don't dare to crush above the momentum, then you will be timid when fighting.

This is not good.

So, when he didn't work with Yang Fei and didn't meet Yang Fei, Feng Changxin also said and taught the soldiers of the [-]th Regiment.

No matter at any time, it is necessary to completely overwhelm the little devil in terms of momentum, and absolutely not to lag behind the little devil in terms of momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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