Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3240 Feng Changxin's chapter, the awakening and reflection of the bandits

Chapter 3240 Feng Changxin's words, the awakening and reflection of the bandits

Feng Changxin is such a person.

Don't give up until the goal is achieved.

Even, to do one thing, he will do it to the best of his abilities.

The present matter is a prime example.

He didn't expect that Yang Fei and him really frightened these bandits.

Looking at it like this, it's frightened to the bone.

Just say a real answer, the most correct answer in your heart, it is so difficult.

It can be seen that Yang Fei and him have really become professionals in terms of scaring people.

Ordinary people, if they scare the bandits who do all kinds of evil, they can't achieve this effect at all.

Not to mention this effect, if it can achieve the general effect, that is the best.

It's a pity that others can't reach it.

Niu Zhifei's words seemed spineless, but that's what the rest of the bandits thought.

The more you let me speak, the less you dare to speak.

They feel that this moody thing is not a good thing at all.

Those who are held accountable but not held accountable, they don't believe in this guarantee. Isn't this just a matter of one sentence? Who knows what the final result will be.

So, under such circumstances, it's better for them not to say anything.

Otherwise, if they were really killed by Feng Changxin, who was angry after hearing the truth, they would be at a big loss.

"Ha ha!"

At this time, Feng Changxin, who saw this, was once again laughed out of anger.

He directly took out the southern style and shot into the sky.


The crisp gunshots rang out, scaring Niu Zhifei and other bandits into shock, and they trembled several times.

They were terrified, at this juncture, with a sudden shot, they were almost scared away.

If such a sudden shot had happened before they had received training and in the same situation before them, they would have been scared to death on the spot.

Fortunately, after these five days of high-intensity training, their hearts and endurance have been strengthened a lot, otherwise, the result would be unimaginable.

At this time, Niu Zhifei and more than 100 bandits all lowered their heads, and they didn't even dare to look at Feng Changxin.

what to see?

If you look at it, maybe what is waiting for you is the black hole, the black muzzle, and the extremely hot bullet.

"Niu Zhifei, I will give you a chance now. The gun is in my hand. You say, I will not shoot you, but if you don't say it, I will pull the trigger later, and the bullet will be on your head Run over, it’s okay, if you die like this, you will die quickly, and you won’t feel the pain anymore.”

Feng Changxin's tone was very flat, but it was like the wind of the Nine Nether Hells blowing up from hell.

It made Niu Zhifei's scalp tingle, and his soul trembled as if frozen.


Niu Zhifei's body began to tremble.

Pale face.

The same is true for the rest of the bandits at this time, they are no better than Niu Zhifei.


With a smile on his face, Feng Changxin started the countdown.

He believed that under the pressure of death, Niu Zhifei would definitely answer.

This is also a gamble to exercise the mind.

"Uh huh duo duo!"

This word fell into Niu Zhifei's mind, like a countdown to death, making his teeth tremble.


As for Feng Changxin, he took his time and counted again.


Now, Niu Zhifei was shaken.

One is possible to answer dead.

One was beaten to death without answering.

He felt that it was better to take a gamble. After answering, maybe he didn't have to die.


Feng Changxin said a word.

"I say!"

Niu Zhifei closed his eyes, as if he was appointed, and yelled directly: "I can't do it, I can't do anything you just said, I can't do any of it, at this moment, I can't do it!" I can't obey that order. Another point is, why are we going to the battlefield? We are not qualified to go to the battlefield! The imperial army will not let us go to the battlefield. At this time, in the Hongling theater, there is no Fight!"

It can be said that Niu Zhifei at this time really worked hard and talked a lot!

Even the follow-up is almost out.

After he finished speaking, he immediately closed his mouth and eyes, trembling all over, waiting for the sound of the gunshot.

Even with the bandits around him, it was the same.

They thought so too, and they were also really frightened.


However, to their surprise, there was no gunshot at all.

And they don't have anything.

"Hahaha, Niu Zhifei, you are fine. Congratulations on answering your question. Your mental experience has improved a bit. You are fine!"

There was no gunfire, what was waiting was Feng Changxin's affirmation, recognition and praise of Niu Zhifei.


When Niu Zhifei heard Feng Changxin like this, he immediately sat down on the ground as if he was paralyzed.



His face was pale, like a drowning man being rescued, breathing in the fresh air greedily.




The same goes for Niu Er, Zhou Chun, and the rest of the bandits.

At this time, the feeling of incomparable fear in their hearts is like a roller coaster-like thrill.

To be honest, most people can't bear it at all under such circumstances.

"Okay, Niu Zhifei has finished speaking, it's up to you, in the next time, you all say one by one, I just want to hear the most real answer deep in your heart, this is enough, but, don't think about it If you can lie to me, the false answers you give cannot be hidden from my eyes. At that time, once such a situation really happens, don’t blame me for shooting and kill you. I hope you can understand what I mean , instead of nonsense, well, I'm done, you continue to give the answer, come one by one, don't mess up, talk!"

After Feng Changxin finished speaking, he tapped the southern style pistol, and began to listen and wait again.



Because there is an example of Niu Zhifei here, so at this time, Niu Er, Zhou Chun, and Zhang Liang and other bandits did not have the biggest fear in their hearts before, and they relaxed a lot, so they began to move The answer in my heart was spoken at this time.

Not surprisingly, it was exactly the same as what Feng Changxin had guessed.

That's it.

The answer for all of them can be said to be the same.

They simply can't do that.

Of course, this is also the answer they came up with based on their own situation and working for the little devil.

Because, according to the urine and behavior of these little devils, it is impossible for them to let these bandits go to the battlefield. Letting them go to the battlefield will only ruin their things about the Imperial Japanese Army and so on.

Therefore, it is understandable that these bandits can give such an answer under the general analysis of such anger.

Even Feng Changxin was thinking in his heart, if he encountered such a situation, if he sacrificed himself to think about it, his answer would be this one, and it would be impossible to make other choices.

However, this is also what Feng Changxin wants. The more this is the case, the better it will be to achieve the effect he wants in the next time.

Half an hour later, the more than 100 bandits spoke out all the answers in their hearts.



At this moment, they can be said to be relieved.

Feng Changxin really did what he said, he didn't kill any of them at all.

They were very surprised.

However, in Feng Changxin's place, this is completely normal.

"Okay, now you have all spoken the truest answer in your heart."

Feng Changxin said with a serious face: "I have to admit that you have given the most correct answer, but for me, this answer is not correct."



Originally, Niu Zhifei and others, who had just relaxed in their hearts, became nervous again after hearing Feng Changxin's words at this time, and wanted to scold their mothers.

What the hell are you playing?
Is this to play with the heartbeat and kill them directly?

This is really scary.

When is the head.

"Okay, okay, don't be nervous!"

Feng Changxin waved his hands, signaling them not to be nervous, and continued: "I will not punish you for this matter, because this is the answer I asked you to say in your heart, let you face the truth deep in your heart, Let you understand yourself better, and then, based on this, it is enough for you to work hard to change yourself."

Feng Changxin didn't care whether Niu Zhifei and others could understand, and continued: "Perhaps, you still insist on your answer, thinking that the imperial army you think will not give you such a chance, but, what I want to tell you now Yes, fate is in your own hands, and I have given you the key to change your destiny, and what you do in the next time depends on your own choices."

"Opportunity is the key to change your destiny. I have given it to you before. In the next time, you must determine this point, whether you want to change your own destiny or not!"

"If you have made a decision and want to change your own destiny, then you will remember all the words I want to say next, without missing a single word, in your mind, understand?"

After Feng Changxin finished speaking, his eyes were extremely serious and sharp, and he glanced at everyone.





Under Niu Zhifei's leadership, the bandits answered loudly, no matter whether they really understood or pretended to understand.

Anyway, Feng Changxin asked them to do it, so remember it first.

Stop what Feng Changxin said first, and remember, the next thing will be easy to say.

"The first point is to repeat what I just told you. Opportunity is the key to changing your destiny. As for me, I have already given you this key. Can you do it? Can you hold on tight? Hold this key and change your destiny, it’s up to you.”

"The second point is also very simple, that is, in the next training, I will let you experience many things that you have not experienced before, such as comrades-in-arms, collective sense of honor, fighting in unity, and being by your side Your comrades block bullets and so on. Yes, I am right, from the time to come, you will be your comrades in arms, on the battlefield, you can rely on each other, and you can resist bullets and shells for your comrades in arms!"

"The third point, please remember your identities, bandits, servants of the imperial army, what you have to do in the next time is to follow me and try to get rid of this identity. Don't feel inferior, don't feel that you are inferior to me. The imperial army is weaker, a head lower than the imperial army. I can tell you loudly now that you are no worse than our imperial army in terms of status, and even, you are better than our imperial army in certain things. Everything is good, at least you have paid a lot for the stability of the Hongling theater!"

The third point is entirely Feng Changxin's acting. Based on his current identity as a little devil, Niu Zhifei and the bandits, in their previous identities, have low self-esteem, and are scared to pee when they see a little devil. Come out, otherwise, when you see the little devil, you will be scared to pee, and what kind of battle are you still fighting, just wait and watch the little devil's bayonet stab into your chest, it's that simple.

And this point is precisely what Feng Changxin at this time mainly changed for them.

You can't be afraid of little devils, and you can't be above your status, because little devils now have powerful weapons and fighting power, and they feel inferior to them. Such psychological abilities are absolutely impossible to have.

So, under such circumstances, it can be said that Feng Changxin really took pains to achieve this.

Otherwise, which commander would waste so much thought in order to give the criminal bandits a chance.

There will be none.

Feng Changxin did just that at this time.

At this time, Niu Zhifei and the others' eyes flickered, a heart of fear, a heart that had been silent for a long time, and the warm blood in their bodies that had been completely cooled, at this moment, there was a little restlessness.

Because Feng Changxin's words touched their hearts, which was the answer they most wanted to know.

Compared with these little devils, what is the difference between them?

At this moment, these pictures flashed in their minds, and they were thinking.

It seems that they are really no worse than these little devils.

They all have one head, two arms and two legs.

The race is exactly the same.

As for them, they are men from the great country of China. No matter how you look at them, they are all higher in status than these little devils.

They are not bad.

The blood was agitated at this moment, and even wanted to burn.

And what they lack is that they don't have the systematic education, powerful weapons, etc. that the little devils have. They are lacking in these things.

Under the same conditions and the same level of equipment, they firmly believed that they would be able to surpass these little devils.

At this moment, following Feng Changxin's train of thought, Niu Zhifei and others began to really think about awakening.

It was as if, at this moment, they were not bandits, but real people.

Of course, this is just the thinking in their minds now.

Feng Changxin's purpose is to make them realize this.

Only in this way can he succeed!

In order to achieve what you want.

(End of this chapter)

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