Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3250 Niu Zhifei returned smoothly

Chapter 3250 Niu Zhifei returned smoothly

In Zhaojiabao, only the middle courtyard was lit with lights.

In other places, there are no lights in the yard at all.

Except for the lights on the main street, the rest of the place is pitch black.

However, this just gave Niu Zhifei and others a chance.

It can be said that the dark night gave them the best cover.

Before the action, Yang Fei had asked the soldiers to investigate the situation in Zhaojiabao secretly.

It can be said that Yang Fei knows more about the situation in Zhaojiabao than the people living in Zhaojiabao.

And, I also found the most suitable place to hide things.

After finding out all these, he finally handed over the task to Niu Zhifei.

Otherwise, Yang Fei is not at ease, so he just handed over the task to Niu Zhifei.

Once it fails, although the consequences are not serious, it will also affect the planning process.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Yang Fei dispatched soldiers early to find out the situation in Zhaojiabao.

Even Feng Changxin didn't know about this.

Yang Fei didn't tell him either.

It was done completely in the dark.

Only in this way can we guarantee that Niu Zhifei and others will succeed once and there will be no mistakes.

This is also a test.

It can be regarded as a test to see how the training results are after they have experienced Feng Changxin's training.

The chance is given.

If this simple mission fails and there is an accident, it means that they are really a bunch of mud, and they can't support the existence of the wall at all.

There is no need to give that opportunity.

This is Yang Fei's previous plan.

It also made Niu Zhifei and others at this time come to this courtyard very smoothly.

Zhaojiabao warehouse, the innermost and most secret small warehouse yard.

If outsiders come, they may not be able to find this courtyard under the confusion of various courtyards.

As for Niu Zhifei and others, if they didn't get the news in advance, it would be very difficult for them to find this yard.

"Master Dazhai, it's too dark, can you light a fire?"

Zhang Liang, looking at the darkness around him, asked directly.

Are you doing something? I can't see how to do it.

"piss off!"

Niu Zhifei yelled at him directly: "Your uncle, you still light a fire, why don't you light the fire to light up everything in this Zhaojiabao, what a no-brainer!"

He really didn't expect Zhang Liang to have such an idea at this time, he is really a fucking bastard.



The rest of the people laughed when they saw this.

Seeing Zhang Liang being scolded, they were happy.

"Okay, let's go into the warehouse first. I'm carrying a flashlight. Damn, this flashlight cost me a lot of money before. I changed it from the Imperial Army. I didn't dare to do anything even if it ran out of power." Use, if it wasn't for this mission, I wouldn't be willing to take it out."

After Niu Zhifei finished yelling, he took out a flashlight from under his clothes.


"Good guy!"

"Master Dazhai, you are really hiding something. You even have a flashlight at this time!"

"Fuck, Master Dazhai, I don't even know!"

Zhou Chun and Zhang Liang were dumbfounded. They didn't know this. It could be seen that Niu Zhifei hid the flashlight so carefully.

"Hey, look at your prospects!"

Niu Er is very disdainful, this guy, but he bought it for Niu Zhifei, at this moment, he is very contented.

"Okay, okay, act quickly, get out of here as soon as you're done, after all, there are many nights and dreams, and it's been a long time, who knows if accidents will happen, hurry up!"

As for Niu Zhifei, he urged them again.

"Yes, yes, Lord Dazhai!"


Now, Zhou Chun, Zhang Liang, and Niu Er started to work with these minions.

They were very fast. After opening the warehouse door, a dozen people were left to guard outside, and Niu Zhifei led them in.

After entering the warehouse, there was a sudden smell of diesel coming from the shop.

"This smell is too strong. What is it doing here? Why is there such a strong smell of oil."

"Who knows, Master Dazhai, turn on the flashlight quickly, let's see what's in here?"


Zhou Chun and the others were a little anxious.


As for Niu Zhifei, frowning, he turned on the flashlight directly.

Immediately, the scene in this small warehouse appeared before their eyes.




When they saw the scene in front of them, they were stunned for a moment.

In the small warehouse in front of you, all the horizontal rows are weapons.

Of course, not guns.

It's something like a cold weapon.

And, smelling this smell, one knows that these cold weapons are all new guys, and they are all raised with oil.

This is afraid of rust.

From this point of view, the Zhaojiabao people are also dishonest.

Otherwise, honest man, what are you doing with these things.

"Master Dazhai, look, there are rifles over there!"

At this time, Zhang Liang exclaimed, his eyes were sharp, and he saw seven or eight rifles standing in the corner of the back wall of the warehouse.

"Ha ha!"

After Niu Zhifei smiled, he said directly: "Okay, don't care what it is, just hide everything we prepared for them, hehe, hide it for me in every corner, this time, I will see you What should I do at home, haha!"

Niu Zhifei laughed in a low voice, his face was full of joy.



After Niu Er and the others took the order, they directly used the oil in the warehouse for these things they had prepared, as well as the things scraped by the Chao Gang today. The cloth was wrapped up, stuffed in the gaps of these cold weapon boxes, and hidden.

Anyway, if you look from the outside, you can't see it at all.

Even if people from Zhaojiabao came, they would not be able to find these things.

Unless it is a good search, it can be found.

Otherwise, they can't see it.

Soon, all the things they brought were hidden.

"Master Dazhai, it's done!"

Niu Er came over with a smile on his face and reported.

"Okay! Withdraw!"

Niu Zhifei, who had been watching from the side, nodded in satisfaction and gave the order to retreat directly.

After all, if they were not retreating, depending on the time, if the servants on patrol and on guard in the Zhao Family Fort found them, it would alarm everyone in the Zhao Family Fort.

At that time, in order to leave, they must kill people.

And this means exposure and failure.

So, now that the matter is completed, it is the right way to retreat immediately.

"Okay, let's go!"




Under Niu Zhifei's order, Niu Er and the rest of the bandits all started to retreat along the same path they had come from.

It has to be said that because of surrendering to the little devil, there was no danger for a long time, and the vigilance of the people in Zhaojiabao was reduced to the minimum.

Niu Zhifei and the others left directly in front of them. They still didn't hear anything, and fell asleep.

This way, he slept soundly, like a dead pig.


After leaving Zhaojiabao, looking at Zhaojiabao, Niu Zhifei and others who looked like a big toad in the darkness behind them, they breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, they were still very nervous when they completed such a task for the first time.

Of course, it's more about experience.

They believe that if they complete such a task next time, they will definitely perform better than this time.

"Okay, the task is completed, let's go back at night, so that we can return to the village early tomorrow morning, and Boss Yang's follow-up plan can also start."

Niu Zhifei said with a smile: "More importantly, we also took the credit for it, haha!"

"Ha ha!"

"Yes, Master Dazhai, this time we succeeded!"

"Hey, hurry back!"


Niu Er, Zhou Chun, Zhang Liang and others also laughed excitedly.

There is no one who does not want such a thing as credit.

In this way, under the leadership of Niu Zhifei, everyone in the cottage rushed back at night as quickly as possible.

As for Zhaojiabao, it was still in silence, and no one noticed that while they were sleeping, there were bandits with guns coming in and out of their Zhaojiabao.

If this fact was known by the people of Zhaojiabao, they would be scared to death.


Time passed, and the night passed like this.

In the east, the fish-belly gradually appeared.

At this moment, the dark night covering the earth is also slowly receding.

As for Niu Zhifei and others, they also returned to the cottage at the moment of dawn, covered in dew.

"Go back and rest, I'll report to Boss Yang!"

At the gate of the cottage, Niu Zhifei gave instructions to Niu Er and the others behind him.

To report the situation, there is no need to go to so many people.

"Okay, Master Dazhai!"


"Go, Master Dazhai!"


Niu Er, Zhou Chun, Zhang Liang and others all agreed.

And walked towards the room in the cottage.

However, the moment they entered the cottage, they saw a figure.

This figure was Feng Changxin standing on a boulder, smoking a cigarette.

"Boss Feng!"

"Boss Feng!"


Seeing this scene, Niu Zhifei and Niu Er's other bandits all stood at attention and greeted and saluted.

"Not bad!"

Seeing Niu Zhifei and others subconsciously standing at attention, Feng Changxin nodded in satisfaction.

This training is really effective.

"Boss Feng, the task was successfully completed, no accident happened, and no one saw it during the period."

Niu Zhifei reported immediately.

"Okay, you all go to rest, Niu Zhifei, come with me, Boss Yang is waiting for you, and also waiting for your smooth return!"

Feng Changxin said loudly.

Now is the time to win people's hearts.

Sure enough, when Niu Zhifei and the others heard this, their hearts dared to move.

The heat is rolling in.

Look, they are out on a mission, and Boss Yang and Boss Feng are waiting for their return.

This is the treatment that only one has.

very nice.

This feeling is something they have never had before.

very nice.

They like it.

"Go and rest!"

Feng Changxin spoke again.



Niu Er and the others took orders and immediately turned around to rest.

As for Niu Zhifei, he followed Feng Changxin and walked towards Yang Fei's room.

After all, he is the head of the great village, and he is responsible for the action this time, so, if it is reported, he can only do it.

Besides, even if other people are asked to report to Yang Fei, they may not be able to report clearly.

The most important thing is that these people in the cottage are very afraid of Yang Fei, so they may not dare to let them come.

Among the cottages at this time, he is probably the only one who is not afraid in front of Yang Fei.

Feng Changxin walked in front, and Niu Zhifei followed respectfully, and soon the two of them came to Yang Fei's room.

At this time, Yang Fei also woke up early, sitting at his desk, looking at the drawn map, thinking in his heart.

Beside him was a teapot of steaming water.

The smoke in his hand had burned to the base of his fingers, and it was about to burn his hand.

It's a pity that Yang Fei was already deep in thought at this time, and he didn't feel this situation at all.

After a while, if he still can't feel it, then his fingers will really burn.

That's right, after the burning pain, he must be able to recover from his contemplation.

"Old Yang."

However, at this moment, Feng Changxin's shout directly woke up Yang Fei who was in deep thought.


Yang Fei came back to his senses and suddenly felt some pain in his fingers.


Yang Fei thought that there was still a burning cigarette butt between his fingers, and he just shook his hand, and immediately said that the cigarette butt was thrown on the ground.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, Feng Changxin immediately laughed.

You can see Yang Fei making a fool of himself, but not many.

Even Niu Zhifei had a smile on his face at the moment.

"Haha, you are here!"

Yang Fei didn't say anything, looked at Niu Zhifei, and asked: "How is the task completed? However, from your appearance at this time, the task must have been completed, otherwise, if you call, you must come to me." There is no smile anymore, and now you don't even have any anxiety on your face, I think, this mission has been completed very well."

For this, Yang Fei has already mastered it well. Seeing the expression on his face, he knew what happened.

"Hey, you really can't hide anything from your eyes, Boss Yang!"

Niu Zhifei smiled, and reported directly: "You guessed right, we completed the task this time very smoothly, and there were no accidents during the period. The people in Zhaojiabao were not disturbed. After the arrangements were made according to your requirements, we Came back right away."


Yang Fei nodded in satisfaction. He asked Niu Zhifei and others to go out to do a mission for the first time, and the requirement was that they should not be discovered after completing the mission and come back smoothly, which means they still performed well.

Besides, after training for such a long time, if they can't even complete this task, and there is an accident, then the opportunity Feng Changxin gave them is completely unnecessary.

Since the mud couldn't support the wall, he wouldn't help it either. There was no need for it, and he didn't have the time to waste it with bandits like them.

"By the way, Boss Yang, although we said that we didn't encounter any accidents when we entered Zhao's Fort to complete the mission, but on the way there, we ran into people from Chao Gang's Zhao family."

Niu Zhifei reported this situation directly, and he would not hide it.

(End of this chapter)

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