Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3254 Ji Fengyu and Major Hypocrisy

Chapter 3254 Ji Fengyu and Major Hypocrisy
He really didn't think of this before.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said such nonsense at this time.

He ignored the obvious problem.

He was quite smart at first, but looking at it now, he is indeed inferior to Lieutenant Katano in certain things.

"Let's go, let's go together, after all, it is the credit of the two of us!"

Lieutenant Katano didn't say much, after all, this person sometimes overlooks something, there is no need to be serious, just point it out.

"I'm not going!"

Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon waved his hand with a smile, and said, "Go and report, the first credit is yours, I can't take the credit for you."

He still knows what's going on here.

I can't keep doing stupid things.

"Mr. Tian Gu, you know, I don't think so, nor am I such a person!"

Lieutenant Katano frowned, he didn't want to take the lead.

After all, the two of them are best friends. At the beginning, the two of them didn't discuss it like this.

"No, no, no, Katano-kun, it's not what you think, don't think too much, there is one more important thing, this is your chance, and for me, you are the one who helped me and gave me a hand, the same thing , In our soon-to-be-established interest circle, there must be a leader, and the leader's rank cannot be just a lieutenant officer."

"It has to be above the military rank, just one step ahead of us, one level, you know?"

"Listen to me, you take the first merit this time, and I can just take the credit for assisting you. In this case, you will be promoted to the captain officer, and I will reach the top above the lieutenant officer. Next time, You are promoted to Major, and I am promoted to Captain, this is the best way, Katano-kun, you must not be confused at this time, understand?"

"Because we are friends, I will think of you at this time and not take your chance, Katano-kun, we are friends, friends who have been together since we were in school."

Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon actually thought of this when he was on the road.

The credit this time, it can be said that both of them can be promoted to captain officer.

After all, they had accumulated a lot of military exploits before.

Adding it all up, as long as Major Ji Feng doesn't deliberately block it, there should be no problem.

But, as he said, the owner of the opportunity is Lieutenant Katano, and after the establishment of the circle of interests, the leader, the master, is also Lieutenant Katano.

In this case, if you don't have a higher rank, how can you suppress the people below.

So, he takes a step back.

Of course, it is entirely appropriate for him to take a step back.


Hearing these words, Lieutenant Katano let out a sulking breath at this time, and said: "Okay, this time it will be like this, and it won't be like this next time, Mr. Tian Gu, you know me, we must seize the opportunity together, not me Take the biggest opportunity by yourself, I mean, you know?"

He also has his own ideas, and there is nothing wrong with the two of them together, after all, the relationship between the two of them is here.

"Well, it's fine, Katano-kun, I will definitely not refuse next time. Haha, you go, I'm going back to rest!"

After Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards his room.

Some things, how to do it next, he should think about it when he goes back.

Since it is an opportunity, we must seize it fiercely to maximize the benefits.

This is in line with the law of interest.

Otherwise, the opportunity will really be wasted.

This will not work.

"This guy!"

Looking at Lieutenant Tagani Incheon's back, Lieutenant Katano shook his head.

What are friends?

The one who thinks about you is the real friend.

There are not many who can do this.

Lieutenant Katano decided in his heart that he must take good care of this friendship.

Help him maximize this opportunity and benefit.





After taking a deep breath and taking notes, Lieutenant Katano also calmed himself down, and he walked directly to the office where Major Ji Feng was.

Major Ji Feng, whose name is Ji Feng Yuhe Major.

At this time, he was drinking tea in the office.

He didn't even wear a military uniform, and he looked completely at ease.

From his appearance, you can tell how comfortable this guy is in this Chaosheng area, as the supreme commander in the Chaosheng area.

Even if there is another officer on his head, it is impossible for him to be here, so at ease, so leisurely.

As for Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo, they are very satisfied with their life at this time.

He doesn't have much ambition.

The subsequent relationship and backing can also be said to be dispensable, or not at all.

All he thought was that after he came to the Chinese battlefield, it would be great to be promoted to a major officer.

In this case, enjoy it well, live until the end of the war, and return to the homeland at that time, and live a very good life. At least, ordinary people dare not bully.

that's enough.

He also didn't want to continue fighting, especially on the battlefield, he was the last one to go.

The death rate of major officers on the battlefield is 50.00%.

He didn't dare to gamble on the odds.

How nice it is to be able to enjoy it like this now.

If this is dead, Yu Sui is loyal to His Majesty the Emperor, then nothing will be left.

On this point, he thought very openly.

He wants all the enjoyment in front of him and the enjoyment in the future.

"Boom boom boom!"


Just then, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in!"

After putting down the teacup, Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo spoke.


The door was pushed open, and Lieutenant Katano walked in.

"Your Excellency, Major."

Walking in, seeing Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo enjoying themselves so much without even wearing military uniforms, he was very envious and jealous.

However, on the surface, he was extremely respectful.

After all, with his status, he still dare not presumptuously.

If you want to be presumptuous in the next time, you need to succeed in the next plan.

So, the next moment, the lieutenant suppressed all the emotions in his heart and temporarily sealed them up.

"Katano-kun, you're here."

Seeing the arrival of Lieutenant Katano, Ji Fengyu and Major nodded with a smile and said: "Come on, sit, taste the tea I just made!"

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency the Major!"

Lieutenant Katano sat down respectfully.

"By the way, Katano-kun, what's the matter with you?"

In fact, Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo were also very puzzled.

After all, if there is nothing to do, the small captains under him are all enjoying themselves, and no one comes to him at all.

As long as it is here, there must be something.

"That's right, Your Excellency the Major."

Lieutenant Katano organized the language as quickly as possible, and reported: "This morning, I got the news, and I took people directly to Zhaojiabao, searched Zhaojiabao, and found that Zhaojiabao and the other side of the Eighth Road are still there. There was a private connection with the National Army, so I took the Zhaojiabao down."

There was no concealment, no bragging, and the real situation was reported directly.

Besides, if he wants to brag about this matter, it is not necessary at all, and he has not experienced war.

It's fine to tell the truth.


"How did the news come?"

Hearing this, Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo frowned slightly and asked.

After all, at this time, this is not a small matter.

"The people under my command who went out saw the people from the Zhao Family Fort kill the members of the Zhao Family from the Chao Gang, and threw them in the manor where they came from. They also took all their guns and ammunition back and hid them."

Lieutenant Katano noticed that Ji Fengyu and the major were a little suspicious at this time.

However, he is not afraid, because their plan has no loopholes at all, unless Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo are willing to implicate Chao Gang's Zhao family.

Otherwise, this topic will soon need to be terminated, and it is nothing more than a small Zhaojiabao, without infringing on his interests.

On this point, Lieutenant Katano saw it very clearly.

"Well, it turned out to be like this. I didn't expect such a situation to happen in the Chaosheng area ruled by the empire. It's too bold. These bastards, damn things, Katano-kun, and none of the people from Zhaojiabao Stay, you can figure it out."

Obviously, at this time, Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo immediately stopped the topic as soon as they heard that they had something to do with the Zhao family of the Chao Gang, and they didn't want to pursue the question any further.

After all, the Chaobang Zhao family is his cash cow. During this period of time, he collected gold and silver jewelry for him, and gave him all the valuable things.

Under such circumstances, he didn't want anything to happen to Chao Gang's Zhao family.

As long as the Zhao family of the Chao Gang is there, he will have a lot of money in his pocket. When the war is over and he returns to the mainland, he will sell these things, which is a lot of wealth.

At that time, on the mainland, he can enjoy life better.

So, the more it is now, the less he will implicate the Zhao family of Chao Gang.

Even if he was implicated, he would find a way to pull the Zhao family out of the tide gang.

This is Lieutenant Katano's wish to stop Lieutenant Tagani Incheon before.

At this time, continue to drag down, as long as Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo are here, it will have no effect at all.

Otherwise, he would not let go of this good opportunity.

It's a pity that this opportunity can't be taken.

At the very least, it is not possible right now.

"Katano-kun, you have accumulated a lot of military achievements before."

Sure enough, at this time, Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo, in order to discuss this topic thoroughly, or to suppress matters related to the Chao Gang Zhao family, directly began to ask about Lieutenant Katano's military achievements.

"Hey Yi, Your Excellency Major, I did accumulate a lot before, but I'm still a little short of being promoted to the rank of captain."

When Lieutenant Katano heard this, he was overjoyed, this guy, the opportunity has come.

However, he was not in a hurry, but stabilized, slowly, step by step.

After all, he deeply understands that hot tofu cannot be eaten in a hurry.

At the very least, the more he was in front of him, the less he could be in a hurry.

It is most appropriate for Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo to bring up this matter.

"Haha, that's just right, with the credit this time, you can be promoted to the rank of captain, Katano-kun, I will report it to you later, and you can just wait for the appointment of the rank promotion."

Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo smiled, and they immediately decided on this matter.

He knew in his heart that if he did this, Lieutenant Katano would be very sensible.

Of course, ignorant people can't do it under his hands.

If it really ruins his affairs, he will not be soft.

His current goal is to collect more wealth without offending anyone.

For the rest, as long as it doesn't destroy his plan, there is no problem at all, and he won't take care of it.

This time in front of me is the best example.

good for everyone!
"Hi Yi, thank you sir, thank you so much!"

When Lieutenant Katano heard this, he was very happy. On the surface, he even pretended to thank Ji Fengyu and Lieutenant loudly.

The grateful kind.

"Hehe, it should be. If you work under my subordinates, as long as your military achievements have arrived, I will report to you immediately about the promotion of military ranks. After all, you are my people. The stronger you are, the more powerful I can be." Powerful, tell me, isn't it, Katano-kun!"

Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo looked at Lieutenant Katano with a smile.

As for Lieutenant Katano, he sneered in his heart, smiled and thanked again on the surface: "Yes, yes, you have always been so conscientious, Your Majesty, you are our role model, and we have always regarded you as a role model." .”

Don't care how much hatred he has in his heart, but on the surface, he really knows how to compliment.

Besides, it doesn't cost money to say good things, and you don't need to pay anything, just say it.

And, it's still the kind of way to say what sounds good, it's as simple as that.

"Yo Xi!"

"Yo Xi!"

"Come, come, Katano-kun, continue to drink tea!"

Sure enough, Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo, at this moment, feel comfortable being patted by his flattery.

"Thank you for your hospitality!"

As for Lieutenant Katano, after speaking respectfully, we started tasting tea.

Time passed, and the two talked about something else. All in all, the two of them were very happy talking at this time.

Both parties are happy.

"Your Excellency Major, it's getting late, and it's time for you to rest. I won't bother you anymore. After I go back, I will write a detailed report on this situation and have someone send it to you."

Lieutenant Katano stood up, nodded respectfully and said.

"Well, okay, Katano-kun, then I won't keep you, you go!"

As for Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo, they nodded in satisfaction, saying yes.

In this way, Lieutenant Katano left Ji Fengyu and Major's office.

"Hehe, lucky guy, but next time you won't be so lucky!"

After Lieutenant Katano left, Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo murmured with a gloomy face: "The Chao Gang Zhao family can't do things these days, and even after they clashed with the forces below, they were killed instead. This can't work, I have to give them a message, let them pay attention, don't let my people catch the handle, these bastards are really incompetent!"

He was very satisfied with Chaobang Zhao's family at the beginning.

However, after hearing Lieutenant Katano's report, he was instantly dissatisfied.

With unexpected forces, it is not safe.

He thought, maybe it's time to get rid of this Chao Gang Zhao family, kill it, and replace it with a force to support it again.

Thinking of this, Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo began to meditate.

Lieutenant Katano came to the room of Lieutenant Tian Gu Inchuan at this time.

The matter is finished, he wants to talk to Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon.

(End of this chapter)

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