Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3256 Lieutenant Katano got what he wanted

Chapter 3256 Lieutenant Katano got what he wanted
At the same time, Yang Fei in the Qiangu cottage also got the news.

After all, this was a task he personally arranged, and he refused to send someone to watch it.

This field lieutenant did not disappoint him, he acted quickly, and, it seemed that he had found a helper.

Very fast.

Yang Fei believes that if things go on like this, it won't be long before there will be a group of interest groups formed by devil officers under his command.

At that time, if he wanted to do something, he would be able to do it in the Red Ridge theater.

Anyway, in the name of the little devils, and then misleading these little devils to do this thing, if this is the case, even if the little devils of the Hongling Theater Command know about it, they have nothing to do. Who asked these things to be done by their own people.

This is Yang Fei's plan.

If you use devils to do things, then you can eliminate all the possibility of being discovered by devils and destroying the plan.

From this point, it can be seen that Yang Fei does things differently from ordinary people.

Different from ordinary people.

It also represents wisdom.

Otherwise, others may have thought of such a method, and have actually done it.

Unfortunately, no!

As for Feng Changxin, he also heard the news and came to Yang Fei's room.

"Old Yang, I heard that the lieutenant brought people to this area, saying that Zhao Jiabao was killed, right?"

Feng Changxin asked directly, without any hesitation at all.

Judging by his appearance, he was even a little excited at the moment.

I don't know what this guy is thinking at this time?
Anyway, Yang Fei didn't see it, what is this guy's plan at this time?
Or, is it some kind of fart held in his stomach, he doesn't know?
"Yes what's the matter?"

Yang Fei nodded, and continued: "If they can't finish this little thing, it's too useless, you don't need to use your brain!"

"Hey, that's fine."

Feng Changxin smiled and said, "Lao Yang, I have an idea in my heart."

Sure enough, since Feng Changxin asked this question at this time, he was quite excited, which meant that there was something to do, and if there was nothing to do, this guy wouldn't be so happy.

"What's the matter, what are your plans?"

Yang Fei looked at Feng Changxin and asked, he also wanted to know what this guy was planning at this time.

"It's like this. The terrain of Zhaojiabao is quite special. Can we come here and make it our base? I feel that this will be of great help to us. Think about it, this is what happened in Xiaojiabao. Under the eyes of the devils, it was arranged by the little devils, so that no one will suspect it, at least it is the highest in terms of safety."

Feng Changxin expressed his thoughts.

It has to be said that Yang Fei's eyes lit up when he said this idea.

It is indeed a good method and idea.

"Tell me about your specific thoughts. Since you said so at this time, you already have a charter in your heart."

Yang Fei looked at Feng Changxin, he wanted to know what was this guy's real plan?
Could it be that it is really such a small base?
"Hey, I really can't hide anything from you."

Feng Changxin said with a smile: "I have no other plans for this small base. The first thing is to let our soldiers have a foothold, and also have a hidden surface identity. Think about it, your plan Aren't we using these little devils to do things, then let's just give them a bottom line on this basis."

"Lieutenant Katano, do you want to support him to become the supreme commander of the devils in this Chaosheng area, and to be promoted to the rank of Major Commander? There are a lot of yards and villages. If we take down these places with the help of Lieutenant Katano, or through the formal means of the little devil, then who dares to doubt us, when the time comes, We can summon more soldiers from other places, not to mention the soldiers, how are the people, there are so many displaced people, we can also be regarded as a place for these suffering people, Find a safe place to live in, Lao Yang, that's what I think, what do you think?"

It has to be said that Yang Fei really ignored this aspect.

He was only thinking about big plans, and he didn't pay attention to these rooted things at all.

After all, no one is perfect, and Yang Fei has no time to plan this.

It's not that Feng Changxin is by his side, it just fills in the vacancy.

"Okay, I have no problem."

Yang Fei agreed directly, and said with a smile: "Then you can send some soldiers to do this thing specially, and I will tell this Lieutenant Pian Ye specifically, I believe he will be happy to do this thing."

For this, Yang Fei has no other opinions. It happens to be something that can be done easily and can gain a lot, which is very good.

As for Lieutenant Katano, can he escape from the palm of his hand?


As long as he fell into the trap at the beginning, it would be difficult to jump out of the trap again.

"Haha, very good, then I will go to prepare, hehe."

With Yang Fei's consent and support, Feng Changxin turned and left excitedly.

After coming to the Hongling war zone, this guy seems to have found a second spring in his career.

In the past, from the Jinchuan theater, this guy focused on the battle and the battlefield.

After coming to the Hongling war zone, his eyes and thoughts were not only on the battlefield, but also everything about the resettlement of the people was in his heart, and he did it.

Very good.

Yang Fei is getting more and more satisfied with Feng Changxin.

Not thinking too much, after Yang Fei calmed down, he was immersed in the conception and deployment of the plan again.

time flies.

At noon the next day, Lieutenant Katano came to the cottage.

After all, after some things are not confirmed by Yang Fei, his next step will be difficult.

Juyi Hall.

A table of wine and food has been prepared.

Yang Fei and Lieutenant Katano sat beside him, while Yang Fei was smoking.

As for Lieutenant Katano, he is organizing his own language at this time, let's see how to tell Yang Fei about this matter.

"Katano-kun, this time it's done well, it's clean and tidy, and it's very good to directly say that this credit has been won."

In disguise and acting, Yang Fei was never stingy with the praise and praise that should be given.

"Hey Yi, Liu Yuan-kun, this is all the credit you gave, we just went to get it, if under such circumstances, we still can't finish this matter, then we are really too stupid, there is no I am qualified to do things for you."

Lieutenant Katano was very flattering.

After all, he knows what to say on what occasion.

"Hehe, what's yours is yours. Just keep my compliments and compliments. Remember, this is my recognition of you. Do you understand?"

Yang Fei waved his hand, he was extremely generous and magnanimous.

"Hi, Liu Yuan-kun!"

This also made Lieutenant Katano's sense of Yang Fei straight up at this time, and he was even more grateful in his heart.

Working with such a high-level empire, I feel the most secure in my heart.

"By the way, Liuyuan-kun, there is one thing, we want to hear your opinion, do you think?"

Lieutenant Katano tried it out.


Yang Fei pretended to be surprised, but also nodded, and said, "What's the matter? Tell me, if I can give a positive opinion, I won't be stingy."

Yang Fei didn't know what it was, but since he wanted to ask his own opinion in this situation, it must have something to do with him.

So, Yang Fei will not refuse the benefits that come to his door.

"That's it, Liu Yuan-kun, I believe you are very clear about the promotion rules and regulations of the empire. Under such circumstances, if I am promoted to the rank of Major from the Chaosheng area, the possibility is not great. After all, with Ji Fengyu and the Major suppressing me, it will be very difficult for me to be promoted to the rank of Major in this Chaosheng area, and I will not even have the slightest chance."

Lieutenant Katano told Yang Fei about this matter.

"Also, this guy is extremely greedy. He has laid out a lot in this tidal region. In addition to collecting food and other resources for the empire, he is also collecting things for himself, such as gold, jewelry, antiques, etc. It has entered his cyst, this Chao Gang Zhao family is the force he supports."

"Oh. That's it, I know."

Yang Fei understood in an instant, this kid was thinking about this, but it coincided with Yang Fei's opinion.

Before, he was still thinking about how to say it, but now that Lieutenant Pianye has taken the initiative to mention it, it would be even better.

"Tell me what you think."

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he waited again.

At this moment, Lieutenant Pian Ye's approach can be regarded as a different kind of report. After all, many of the little devil's intelligence agents are also investigating such things.

No one reported it, so I turned a blind eye and pretended I didn't see it.

But, if someone offends someone and is reported, the little devil's theater command official will not let it go. Besides, after it is dealt with, who will these things belong to?
It doesn't matter whoever handles it.

Obviously, Lieutenant Katano also had this intention when he said this.

"Hi Yi, Liu Yuan-kun, then I will continue."

Hearing Yang Fei's approval, Lieutenant Katano became even more excited, and said again:

"My idea is that after I am promoted to the rank of captain, I will find a way to get rid of Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo, let me take his place, and completely control this Chaosheng area. Sheng District, I have done more things for you, this is something that Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo cannot do, Your Excellency. I hope you can do it well and agree with my method and approach."

After Lieutenant Katano finished speaking, he immediately stood up and bowed respectfully to Yang Fei.

Although things were right and the interests were the same, Lieutenant Katano also had no idea what the final outcome would be.

He is very disturbed.

I'm afraid that Yang Fei will refuse.

It's a big gamble.

Once Yang Fei rejected his words, all his previous efforts were in vain.

Not only is it all in vain, even this biggest opportunity will be lost.

So he was uneasy and uneasy.

"Hehe, the idea is not bad. I have to say, Katano-kun, you are very courageous."

Yang Fei was extremely happy at this moment.

This little devil is really dozing off, so he brought a pillow right away.

so good.

He was still thinking about how to do it before, but now, the opportunity came directly to him.

Hearing Yang Fei's words, Lieutenant Katano's heart sank.

Maybe, things didn't go as smoothly as he thought.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of panic enveloped his mind.

He lost the bet? !

"Ha ha!"

However, Yang Fei laughed outright at this time: "Mr. Katano, what I like most are bold people. Only such people can complete some impossible tasks. Very good, you have such a The idea is very good, I am very satisfied with your idea, in the next time, you can do it boldly, let it go, with me behind you, everything will be fine, let alone kill a small The little garrison commander, even if you kill a senior commander, as long as his background is not shocking, then I can afford it for you, haha!"

Yang Fei was really very happy at this time.

Such a bold little devil is the cutest.

Just like Kitano Osamu and Matsubara Osamu in the Jinchuan theater.

Only those little devils who are ambitious, ruthless, and unscrupulous in order to achieve their goals can do better for him and kill more little devils.

This is the most important.

Little devils who follow the rules are not easy to fool, they dare not take the step of killing their own people.

But, just like Lieutenant Katano and the others, in order to get what they want, they are merciless in killing their own people like little devils.

Just look at this guy, in order to climb up, even his boss, the highest commander of the devils in the Chaosheng area, Ji Fengyu and Shao Zuo, can kill him.

It's too cruel.

However, this benefits Yang Fei the most.

As long as Lieutenant Katano became a major officer and the supreme commander in this Chaosheng area, it would be much more convenient for him to do things.


Seeing the laughing Yang Fei, the lieutenant was stunned.

I can't believe it.

This feeling was like riding a roller coaster, and he didn't recover for a moment.

However, after waking up, he became excited in an instant, and bowed to Yang Fei and said, "Thank you... much... thank you... thank you, thank you... thank you Liuyuan-kun."

At this moment, he was so excited that he couldn't finish his speech.

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity."

"Thank you!"


Seeing his appearance at this time, I wish I could kneel down and thank Yang Fei.

After all, as long as Yang Fei agrees, it will be a great opportunity.

From a lieutenant officer, to a captain officer, to a major officer, this is a great fortune.

If he was allowed to do it by himself, he might not be able to be promoted to a major officer after Yu Sui.

This opportunity is really too great.

He was so excited that he trembled!
(End of this chapter)

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