Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 330 Traitor Zhang Shifeng

Chapter 330 Traitor Zhang Shifeng (for subscription, monthly pass, recommendation)
Outside the village, at this time, the thin man in black who was outside the village watching Lei Zhan and the other five enter the village.

This guy, bowing his waist and leading a dozen or so imposing yellow leather dogs, is rushing towards the village aggressively.

"Uncle Zhang, I didn't lie to you this time. The stranger who came to the village this time is very strong. That figure, needless to say, must be what the imperial army needs."

The skinny man in black, while leading the way, said flatteringly to the second dog, Uncle Zhang, in front of him.

"Hmph, I don't care if they are strong or not, I don't care about their status, I want money.

As long as he has money, he can live in Anlong. If he doesn't have money, hehe, let's enjoy the blessings with the imperial army! "

The second dog, Zhang Shifeng, said arrogantly.

"Haha, yes!"

"We will accept the money!"


The second dog, Zhang Shifeng, just finished speaking, and the traitors behind him immediately started talking while complimenting him.

After all, they have to live by themselves, as long as the targeted people hand over their money, they don't care what their identity is.

Anyway, they only recognize money, not people.

Besides, even if people were really tied up and taken to the imperial army, they would not get a few rewards.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Hearing Zhang Shifeng's words, the thin man in black immediately bowed and agreed.

Then, he turned around and began to lead the way wholeheartedly.

At the same time, he was thinking in his heart that since the few uncles in front of him asked for money, they would definitely give him a few in the end.

At that time, after these uncles have left, he will report the identities of these strangers to the imperial army, and then he will be rewarded by the imperial army.

This deal is worth it!

In the village, the old man had already returned to the room at this time, and he didn't know what to prepare.

"We're being watched by someone, even if we leave now, it's too late, after all, we're not familiar with the place here, so we're definitely not going to be able to play with their bosses.

Besides, we still have a plan. For a while, no matter what happens, we must endure it. Remember it. "

Seeing the old man enter the room, Lei Zhan quickly explained to Yang Hu and the others.

"If you know this, we will come at night!"

At this time, another soldier heard Lei Zhan's words and said with some complaints.

After all, if Fei Hua was bullied by little devils and traitors, this tone, in their hearts, would be unbearable.

"There are some things you can't see at night."

Hearing what the soldiers said, Lei Zhan said.


Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Yang Hu and Yang Fei nodded in agreement.

In some cases, it is indeed impossible to check at night, and the plan to investigate at night has long been rejected by Lei Zhan.

Because they are killing the enemy in enemy-occupied areas, they have to consider many situations, not just one-sided.


Hearing Lei Zhan's words, the two soldiers sighed helplessly.

Now they are already rushing ducks to the shelves, and they can't get them off.

Enemy-occupied areas, enemy-occupied areas, everything is because of enemy-occupied areas.

Besides, they don't have a single bullet on their bodies now. If there is a conflict with the little devils here, then they will suffer in the end.

outside the village.

At this time, Zhang Shifeng had arrived at the entrance of the village under the leadership of the thin man in black.

"elder brother!"

Zhang Shifeng and others had just arrived at the entrance of the village. Immediately afterwards, a guy who looked similar to the thin man in black ran out of the village.

This person's face was full of smiles at this moment, especially when he saw the thin man in black, the smile on his face was even stronger, like a blooming chrysanthemum.

"How's it going?"

Seeing his younger brother approaching him, the thin man in black hurriedly asked.

He was still a little worried at this moment, if those people ran away, it would be difficult to handle.

"Don't worry bro, those people were dragged into the courtyard by the nosy old man Hu."

The kid who just arrived quickly said with a smile.

"Lead the way, dawdling with something, hurry up!"

At this time, Zhang Shifeng immediately urged after hearing the conversation between the two brothers.

"That's right, hurry up, hurry up!"

"You guys can't afford to waste your time!"


"Yes Yes Yes!"

Hearing the urging, the two brothers hurriedly bowed and agreed, then turned around and quickly led the group of traitors towards Old Man Hu's house.


At this time, on the street in the village, several common people saw this group of people, their faces were filled with horror, and they turned around and ran away.

Although they are thin and thin, they are not slow to run, as if they were chased by a dog from behind.

"Ha ha!"



Seeing this scene, Zhang Shifeng and the others burst out laughing arrogantly.

In their hearts, they were extremely satisfied.

Don't look at them as dogs in the imperial army, but in the eyes of these common people, they are uncles, masters, and ancestors!

Not long after, under the leadership of the two brothers, Zhang Shifeng, a group of dog-legged traitors, arrived at the door of old man Hu's house in a short while.

After arriving, they began to be extremely arrogant, smashing the door.

"Bang bang bang!"


"Hurry up and open the door!"

"Hurry up and open the door!"



Lei Zhan and the others who were in the yard raised their heads immediately when they heard the hasty knock on the door, with serious expressions on their faces.

"Hey! Here we come!"

At this moment, old man Hu had a grim expression and walked out of the room.

"Don't forget what I told you."

When passing by Lei Zhan and others, old man Hu instructed again.


Seeing Lei Zhan and others nodding, old man Hu opened the door with confidence.

In fact, Lei Zhan and the other five had also discussed the matter of leaving before, but the matter had come to this point, and they were also worried that they would implicate Old Man Hu.

Therefore, they still decided to stay. After all, if they want to obtain detailed information, some price must be paid.



After the last knock on the door, old man Hu opened the wooden door.

"Damn it, old man Hu wants to die, he won't open the door for such a long time!"

As soon as old man Hu opened the door, the two brothers who took the lead immediately cursed at old man Hu.

"Go away!"

Moreover, his younger brother kicked old man Hu to the ground directly.


Old man Hu, who was kicked to the ground, lay on the ground, groaning with pain on his face.

"Uncle Zhang, please!"

At this time, the thin man in black saw Lei Zhan and the others in the courtyard, turned around immediately, and obsequiously invited Zhang Shifeng and his gang of dogs in.


Zhang Shifeng snorted coldly, pushed away the thin man in black, and stepped into the courtyard.


Moreover, the dog-legged traitor behind him has already started to pull the bolt!

(End of this chapter)

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