Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 333 The Not Simple Old Man Hu

Chapter 333 The Not Simple Old Man Hu
As a soldier of the Wolf Warriors of the Eighth Route Army, one must be brave in killing the enemy, but, when necessary, one must endure what ordinary people cannot bear.

You know, if you can't bear it, you will make a big mess!

"Uncle Hu!"

Lei Zhan helped Uncle Hu up, and looked at Uncle Hu with a face full of pain with guilt.

After all, Uncle Hu was implicated by them, so Lei Zhan felt a little sorry.

"Hey, kids, as long as you're safe, that's fine."

Seeing Lei Zhan's apologetic face, Uncle Hu shook his head and said.

Then, with Lei Zhan's support, Uncle Hu walked into the room.

"Let's go!"

Moreover, Yang Hu and Yang Fei also pulled the two soldiers on the ground and walked into the room.

After entering the room, Lei Zhan found that the room was very simple, except for a dilapidated wooden bed, there was also a dilapidated wooden table and a few small benches.

At this time, on the small wooden table, there was a small black bowl. In this bowl, there was some dark dross, I don't know what it was.

"Children, if the uncle guesses correctly, you should all be soldiers."

Under Ah Lei Zhan's support, Uncle Hu sat on the bed.

However, Uncle Hu, who just sat down, immediately looked at Lei Zhan with fiery eyes, and he guessed Lei Zhan's identity.


When Uncle Hu asked such a sudden question, Lei Zhan's movements suddenly paused.

He didn't expect that Uncle Hu in front of him could guess their identities.

Come to think of it, this Uncle Hu was not a simple character when he was young.

"Ha ha!"

Thinking of this, Lei Zhan laughed, but did not answer directly.

You know, some things are better left unsaid.


At this time, Yang Hu and Yang Fei walked in with the wounded soldiers.

At this time, the two soldiers had bloodstains all over their faces. However, this small injury did not affect them much.

After the two soldiers entered the room, they sat on the bench angrily without saying a word.

Seeing this, Yang Hu still had a cold face and didn't say a word.

Yang Fei, on the other hand, made a helpless expression towards Lei Zhan.

"Hehe, there are medicines on the table, just rub it on for skin trauma or something."

At this time, seeing two angry soldiers, Uncle Hu said with a smile.


Hearing Uncle Hu's words, Yang Hu turned around and came to the table, and saw the small black bowl on the table.

At this time, Lei Zhan had a look of surprise on his face. He never expected that Uncle Hu would be so thoughtful.

Afterwards, amidst the angry looks of the two soldiers, Yang Hu and Yang Fei started to help them apply the medicine.

"Young man, don't think too hard about the two of you. This little grievance is nothing. You know, I used to be a well-known man."

Suddenly, under Lei Zhan's surprised eyes, Uncle Hu who was sitting on the bed stood up suddenly.

Moreover, in his muddy eyes, a cruel look suddenly broke out.


Then, under everyone's surprised eyes, Uncle Hu immediately took off his shirt with a serious face.

Afterwards, admiration appeared in the eyes of Yang Hu, Yang Fei, and the two soldiers.

What did they see?
Not only Yang Fei and the others, but Lei Zhan's gaze was no longer full of surprise.

He didn't expect that this skinny Uncle Hu had so many scars on his body.

I saw that Uncle Hu's thin body had several bullet holes on his chest.

In addition, there are scars from shrapnel cuts, and his abdomen is densely packed with hideous scars. This scar looks like a thousand-legged spider.

Lei Zhan could tell at a glance that the hideous scar on his abdomen was caused by a bomb, the kind of self-made grenade that was not very powerful.

Although Lei Zhan didn't know his identity, this honor was enough to prove that Uncle Hu was an upright Chinese.

"Ha ha!"

"When I was young, everyone fought. At that time, it was a chaotic war. If you hit me today, I will fight you tomorrow.

However, what I am most proud of is that I met the Japanese devils on the battlefield that year. The Japanese devils at that time were not so arrogant, and they lived in China.

At that time, I killed several Japanese devils, haha! "

Uncle Hu remembered when he was young, when he was young, the little devils had not yet invaded, they just lived in China,

"Cough cough!"

As if because of excitement, Uncle Hu suddenly blushed, followed by a sharp cough.

"Master, we are the Eighth Route Army!"

Looking at the old soldier in front of him, Lei Zhan revealed his identity with a serious face.

"Okay, okay, the Eighth Route Army is good, the Eighth Route Army is good, I have heard about the Eighth Route Army a long time ago, they are good to the people!"

Hearing the identity of Lei Zhan and others, Uncle Hu smiled again.

He had heard of the Eighth Route Army, and he knew that the Eighth Route Army was an army dedicated to fighting devils. It did not harm the people, but also protected them. It was a good army.


Then, in the following time, Uncle Hu and Lei Zhan chatted a lot.

After that, Uncle Hu fell asleep on the bed.

"Come with me!"

After Uncle Hu fell asleep, Lei Zhan called Yang Fei and the others out.

When he came to the yard, Lei Zhan sat on the stone bench in the yard.

After the four of Yang Fei arrived, they stood in front of Lei Zhan.

The other two fighters lowered their heads at this time, even their eyes did not dare to look at Lei Zhan.

"You two, you're a little reckless today. You know, you almost ruined something big."

Lei Zhan looked at the two with a serious face and said.

Although the insult I received today is so great, there will be a day when I will get it back.

If they delayed the task of blowing up the little devil's bacteria research institute, then the two of them would be guilty.

"Head, I'm sorry, I didn't hold back!"

The two soldiers said that at this moment, there was still anger in their hearts.

"I know you didn't hold back, you're still angry now."

At this time, Lei Zhan suddenly laughed, and he knew in his heart that under such circumstances, it was not bad for these two fighters to be able to do this after receiving such a great insult.


Seeing Lei Zhan who suddenly smiled, the two soldiers froze for an instant.

Not only the two fighters, but even Yang Hu and Yang Fei had doubts on their faces. They didn't know what Lei Zhan was going to do.

"Hehe, it is necessary to have fire. What is needed is your anger. Don't worry, I will take you tonight to kill the anger!"

At this time, Lei Zhan's voice, as cold as frost, suddenly came.

(End of this chapter)

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