Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 339 The Death of Uncle Hu

Chapter 339 The Death of Uncle Hu

Captain Little Devil, after entering, he saw the old man coming out of the room, and he immediately smiled.

"Haha, old man Hu, what about your distant relatives yesterday, tell them to come out, the prince came to see them."

After entering the yard, the traitor Zhang Feng started yelling, and his face was full of excitement.

"Old man, tell them to come out and work quickly, the imperial army, there will be a big reward."

Captain Little Devil, while talking, took out two oceans from his pocket and threw them towards Old Man Hu.

Seeing the two oceans, the yellow-skinned dogs of the puppet army suddenly showed greed on their faces.


When Uncle Hu saw the little devil and the traitor in front of him, he snorted coldly with disdain.

Thinking of Lei Zhan and others leaving in the morning, a smile appeared on Uncle Hu's face.

They are leaving well, now that my old man is alone, he can feel at ease.

Uncle Hu thought so.


At this time, the two pieces of ocean thrown by the little devil's captain happened to fall on the stone in front of Uncle Hu.

The tinkling sound seemed so harsh at this moment.

"Damn, old man, I think you are impatient to live."

Seeing old man Hu snorting coldly at the imperial army, the traitor Zhang Feng immediately became furious.

You know, Huang Jun is his own father. If it weren't for Huang Jun, he wouldn't have the life he is now dominating. Therefore, in Zhang Feng's heart, Huang Jun cannot be insulted.

"Oh shit!"

At this time, a little yellow dog beside Zhang Feng, his loyal dog leg, saw Zhang Feng getting angry, and immediately came to Uncle Hu's side with a gun in his hand.


Seeing this scene, the little devil captain immediately showed a smile on his face.


However, at this moment, Uncle Hu looked at the old face of the yellow-skinned dog walking towards him, and a look of disdain suddenly appeared on his old face.

I think back then, when he was fighting, the puppy in front of him was still in his father's balls, it was liquid.

"Damn it, you're old!"

The yellow-skinned dog of the puppet army, seeing the old man in front of him, dared to look at him with disdain, immediately raised the [-] cap in his hand, and with the butt of his gun, ruthlessly smashed at old man Hu.

Moreover, at this moment, a happy and ferocious smile appeared on the face of the yellow-skinned dog.


At the moment when the gun butt was about to hit him on the head, Uncle Hu snorted again, and his old face immediately returned to a serious look.

He stretched out his left arm and hit directly on the butt of the gun that was attacking him.

Then, under everyone's astonished eyes, Uncle Hu snatched the gun from the dog's hand at once.

Moreover, Uncle Hu struck out with his feet, kicking directly into the crotch of the yellow-skinned dog who was attacking him.

Immediately afterwards, the yellow-skinned dog, with a face full of pain, clutched his crotch and fell to the ground.


At this time, Uncle Hu had already pulled the bolt of the gun, and aimed the cold muzzle at the little devil captain in the yard.

At this moment, Uncle Hu's face was full of smiles. He felt that after he killed this devil official, he would be able to find his wife.

He had had enough of this kind of daily torment.



Uncle Hu pulled the trigger without hesitation.

However, what sounded at this time were two gunshots.

Although Uncle Hu was a good man when he was young, he is already old now.

His speed is fast, but the speed of the traitor Zhang Feng is not slow.

When the traitor Zhang Feng saw Uncle Hu snatch the gun, he shot with a look of horror.

After all, if the imperial army was injured here today, his crime would be serious.

Therefore, Zhang Feng drew his gun without hesitation and shot, and his shot hit Uncle Hu in the chest.

Uncle Hu, who was hit by this shot, missed his shot because of muscle contraction.

It hit the chest of a little devil next to the little devil captain.

"Ha ha!"

After Uncle Hu gave a wry smile, he fell to the ground.

The gurgling blood dyed Uncle Hu's chest red.

"My wife, I'm here!"

Uncle Hu didn't die immediately, he was smiling.

Because, this morning, he had already discovered that his wife had died.

As for Xiaoyan, he only has one breath left, and he won't live long, so even if the little devils don't come, he will die.

"Bagaya Road!"

At this time, seeing the death of the imperial warrior beside him, the little devil captain immediately became furious. He had a ferocious face and directly cursed.

"sulfuric acid!"

Immediately afterwards, the little devil captain pulled out his command saber, and walked up to Uncle Hu in two steps.

This little devil captain, with such a ferocious face, directly raised the command knife in his hand, and slashed it at the ground, above Uncle Hu's neck.


At this time, Uncle Hu, who saw this scene with blood dripping from his mouth, had a disdainful smile on his face.


The little devil captain stabbed down, and immediately, Uncle Hu's body was separated.

In an instant, the bright red blood column dyed the land in front of Uncle Hu an astonishing red.


After chopping off Uncle Hu's head, Captain Little Devil felt better.

However, thinking of the dead imperial warriors, he felt worthless in his heart. How could the life of an immortal Zhina be worth their imperial warriors.


Then, clutching his crotch at the side and already hurting his legs, the captain of the little devil came to his side in a rage, and swung down the command knife in his hand viciously.


After a snort, the traitor and dog leg died instantly.

"Ah, Taijun, Taijun!"

At this moment, Zhang Feng and the yellow-skinned dog legs behind him were terrified. They didn't expect that things would turn into this scene.





When Captain Xiaoguizi came to Zhang Feng, he received three big slaps.

"Hurry up, search work!"

The captain of the little devil said angrily with a ferocious face.

After all, an imperial warrior has already been lost. If they can't catch the Chinese, their loss will be huge.

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing the order, Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief like an amnesty, and quickly led his terrified subordinates to start searching in Uncle Hu's yard.

"Captain, here...!"

Five minutes later, one of the traitors, the yellow-skinned dog, discovered the cellar at the bottom of the wall!
(End of this chapter)

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