Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3411 The 9th Regiment Who Was Beaten

Chapter 3411 The Ninth Wing Who Was Beaten
In war, on the battlefield, the thing that scares soldiers the most is shelling.

Never mind infantry guns and howitzers, heavy artillery, etc.

Even if it is a grenadier or a mortar, once the shelling starts, the power is huge, directly threatening life.

Sometimes, bullets may not kill you.

However, grenades and mortars fall on your side, and if you don't dodge, it's extremely difficult to survive.

Therefore, this is why soldiers are most afraid of artillery.

But at this time, the little devils in Liude City, where the Ninth Regiment was stationed, immediately became terrified when they heard the sound of the cannon.

At this moment, the shelling had already begun, and they had no way of knowing where the shells would fall.

Could it be that their Ninth Wing's garrison was the target of the shelling?
At this moment, fear spread.


In the office, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, who was sleeping soundly, was also awakened from a dream, and Gulu got up, and was about to rush out of the office.

This guy is quite experienced.

He remembers clearly that when this happens, don't stay in the building, otherwise, those waiting for them, even if they are not killed by the bombardment explosion, may be dropped by the building and collapsed. Stoned to death.

So, he won't sit still, no matter what is the target of the shelling?
Never mind the reason, they were shelled here.

At this moment, the most important thing is to run quickly.

Never stay in the office.

At this time, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu couldn't even take care of his immediate boss Nabeshima Qihong.

Before life and death, life is the most important thing.

If you die, it's over.

nothing left.

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu is still very fast.

From this point, it can be seen that none of the devil's officers is simple.

At the same time, Nabeshima Nanakon in the room also did the same. After being woken up by the thunder, he immediately ran away.

In the face of shelling, all living beings are equal.

It doesn't matter whether you are an officer or a soldier, what should blow you up is going to kill you.


At this moment, the little devils on the walls of Liude City are full of horror, as if falling into hell, watching the cannonballs flickering with tail lights, falling beside them, on the city walls, or Yes, landed in the city.




In the blink of an eye, there was a deafening explosion.

Dazzling flames instantly shone in Liude City, where the Ninth Regiment was stationed.



At this moment, the screams also sounded.

One of the little devils who had been bombarded by the explosion, reacted, and started to run away directly.

But the little devils who didn't react, who were stupid in place, had no choice but to meet the next shelling to wash the ground.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


The first round of shelling ended, and the second round of shelling began instantly.

And, this time, it wasn't just the infantry artillery that started.

Even the mortar came in handy.

The shells that washed the ground just fell into the garrison of the Ninth Wing.

Violent explosions, one after another.

Liude City, where the Ninth Regiment is stationed, has become a burning ruin like a step-by-step extension.


At this moment, with the start of shelling, the battle started completely.

According to the plan, the bombardment covered the Ninth Regiment's garrison. Under the suppression of firepower, infantry, etc., entered the Ninth Regiment's garrison at the fastest speed.

As long as they rush in, then the victory of this battle can be determined.

The shelling continued.

A large number of little devils from the independent brigade approached Liude City at the fastest speed.

At this time, the gate of Liude City had been blasted open by infantry artillery.

Not only the city gate, but even the city wall was blown out with a gap.

Under such circumstances, it can be said that the defense is completely destroyed, and the cave door is wide open.

Looking at the little devils who were still on the city wall just now, they were fleeing at the fastest speed at this moment, those who were killed by the bombing were killed by the bombing.

As for the counterattack, it is simply impossible.

It's okay during the day, they can see people and fight back.

How could they fight back this late at night, the outside was pitch black, it was impossible to fight back.

As for counterattacking local artillery positions, that is also unrealistic.

The incident happened suddenly, and there was no artillery position in their garrison, no ready artillery, etc., to counterattack.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the defensive force of the Ninth Wing was directly paralyzed, and the counterattack force was similar.

In terms of the command system, it is actually no different from paralysis.

There are many devils in the garrison, but they can't stand the shelling in the middle of the night.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


At this time, the shelling continued.

More and more little devils from the independent brigade rushed into Liude City.

They built fortifications at the city gate as quickly as possible to prevent the "[-] Brigade" at the city gate from counterattacking.

Of course, some of the careful little devils from the independent brigade also checked the corpses on the ground.

They were still a little doubtful at first, but when they saw that these corpses were all wearing the military uniforms of the [-]th Brigade, they were relieved and immediately became excited.

It's really a member of the [-]th Brigade. Now, the credit directly falls into his hands.

These little devils from the independent brigade didn't realize at all that these people in the [-]th Brigade were their own people, that is, people from the Ninth Regiment in disguise.

I don't know, if these little devils from the independent brigade knew that the one they killed at this moment was one of their own, a member of the Ninth Regiment, how would they feel?
What would be the idea?
I'm afraid, there will be a dead heart.


At the same time, Major Miharu Xiao Mazi, who was at the rest point, returned to the truck headquarters as quickly as possible after receiving the report from his subordinates.

The battle has come to this point, and it's almost over.

It's time for them to leave.

Otherwise, once Yang Fei's people step into the battlefield, they will be cleared out if they don't evacuate quickly.

This point, Yang Fei was in the plan, but he had been instructed.

And the reason he gave to the people below is that there will be no surprises in the victory of the battle now.

Therefore, these officers are not needed.

In the middle of the night, these officers should go back and rest.

Situation, that is the situation.

"Tap Tap!"


Not long after, Major Jingpin Jiuye and Qian Yu also rushed back.

There are also a few of their confidants with them.

"Hurry up and get in the car!"

Seeing Major Ipina Kuye and Major Asayu outside the truck, Major Miharu Xiao Mazi immediately urged.

"it is good!"

Major Ipina Kyuha and Major Asayu responded and started to climb onto the truck at the same time.

As for the confidants of the three of them, it was another truck on board.



Just like that, the two trucks slowly and wobbled away from the resting point.

As for the little devils next to them, according to the previous order, they packed up everything and galloped towards the Ninth Regiment's station, within Liude City.

(End of this chapter)

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