Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3413 An accident happened to the independent brigade of the Empire

Chapter 3413 An accident happened to the independent brigade of the Empire

In Liude City, the little devils of the Ninth Regiment, after about half an hour of beatings, finally reacted, and under the command of Nabeshima Nanakon and Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant, they had the ability to fight back .

Nabeshima Nanakon, who finished the deployment, looked at Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu with a cold expression.

"Nagasaki, what happened?"

You know, Nabeshima Qihong Colonel at this moment is completely confused in his heart.

After all, this blow came too suddenly.

While he was still asleep, he suddenly encountered shelling.

What the hell is this.

You know, they are counting people from the [-]th brigade now.

Now, how did the bombarded become them?
What the hell is going on here?
Among them, how many things do they not know?
Otherwise, how could this thing happen now?

Their majestic Ninth Regiment of the Empire was actually shelled.

If this is said and spread, it will be laughed out of the mouth by people from other empires.

Don't forget, the entire [-]th Brigade was almost wiped out by them.

Under such circumstances, they were bombarded by the broken [-]th Brigade, how could this be possible?

Of course, the current Nabeshima Nanami is actually just a guess.

He doesn't know what the specific situation is?
No, he wanted to ask Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu what happened.

After all, Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Assistant was in charge of the camouflage and lure plan this time.

Why didn't these broken soldiers from the [-]th brigade attract them now, but instead, they attracted the shelling?

"Your Mightiness!"

Looking at Nabeshima Nanakon with cold eyes, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu shuddered.

He was even more confused, what happened, to be honest, he was also unclear.

According to the degree and development of the plan, everything is normal.

But how did this happen?
"What happened, I don't know, Your Excellency!"

At this moment, he can only tell the truth.

If he still made up nonsense at this time, he would really be courting death.


This time, Nabeshima Nanahong pointed to the Nagasaki History Department Lieutenant Assistant, without asking any further questions.

In fact, he knew his confidant Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant.

If he knew the situation, he would definitely not hide it from himself at this time.

Therefore, since Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu didn't know, he asked more questions.

waste time.

"Tap Tap!"

At this moment, a burst of rapid footsteps sounded.


All I saw was a little devil Sergeant who was in an extremely embarrassing body ran into this temporary headquarters in such a reckless manner.

"Baga, what's the matter?"

And Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu, who was frightened by Nabeshima Qihong, turned around and slapped the little devil.

"Hi Yi Hi Yi, Your Excellency!"

The little devil soldier who rushed in was also frightened and hurriedly bowed his head.

Of course, he still didn't forget the purpose of his visit, so he reported directly:

"Reporting to your Excellency, Captain, the people calling from the opposite side and rushing in are all people wearing imperial uniforms. They are soldiers of the empire. They launched shelling on us and launched this military operation!"

It can be said that this little devil, Sergeant Cao, is astonishing as soon as he opens his mouth.

Tell the truth directly.

Of course, the same is true of the current battle in Liude City.

This is indeed the case.

The devils of the Ninth Wing, after discovering this situation, also shouted and revealed their identities.

However, it doesn't work at all.

The little devils in the independent brigade who were in charge of the attack had been completely brainwashed by Major Miharu Takako Asako, Major Ipina Kuye, and Major Qianyu.

In their minds, the only thing left is military merit.

Killing the person on the opposite side is military merit.

The people on the other side are the broken soldiers of the [-]th Brigade and the people who came to support the [-]th Brigade.

Among their people, there are many guys who can speak the language of the empire, so they must not be deceived.

Under such circumstances, the more the little devils of the Ninth Wing defended, the more they argued, and the more they shouted, the more excited the little devils of the Independent Brigade became, and the more they confirmed their identities, that is, the three The reinforcements of the group of defeated soldiers of the [-]th Brigade.

Otherwise, how could their chief give such a combat order.

So ah, excuses and explanations, at this time, have no effect at all.

These little devils in the independent brigade, who are full of eyes and minds full of military achievements, no longer accept this kind of thing at all.

The only thing they can do is to launch the strongest attack and output crazy.



At this moment, Nabeshima Qihong and Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu were stunned again when they heard the result.

After all, have they never heard of such a thing?

The people who bombarded them and attacked them crazily turned out to be soldiers of the empire.

The people of the empire attacked the residence of the people of the empire, what the hell is this?
You know, in the past, this kind of thing has never happened.

Now, how could such a thing happen?

"Baga, what the hell happened?"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu also felt that he was going crazy at this time.

After all, he still wants to take advantage of this opportunity to be promoted to the rank of chief officer.

Look now, nothing, nothing.

Even they were attacked by the imperial army.

Although it sounds like a fantasy, but, this is the truth.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for those members of the [-]th brigade who were disabled by them to have such a powerful heavy firepower.

Infantry artillery, mortars, not a small number.

"Empire Independent Brigade!"

At this time, Nabeshima Qihong Colonel thought of this first.

The independent brigade with them in the Liude theater.

They are the only ones who can attack them at this time, and possess so much heavy firepower, as well as strong individual combat effectiveness and team combat effectiveness, which their Ninth Wing is far behind.

"Your Excellency, Captain, you said that people from the Independent Brigade are attacking us?"

When Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu heard this, his expression was unbelievable.

After all, their plan to lure the enemy in disguise this time was given to them by the members of the Imperial Independent Brigade.

But at this time, when their plan to lure the enemy in disguise had just started, something like this happened. What the hell is going on?

How can this be?

He couldn't believe that the people who attacked them would be members of the Imperial Independent Brigade.

"An accident happened to the independent brigade!"

At this moment, Chief Nabeshima Nanami was very calm, without anger or disbelief, he was analyzing rationally.

After all, their relationship with the Independent Team has always been very good.

Under such circumstances, the Independent Brigade will not target them.

And under such circumstances, such a thing happened now.

It can only be said that something happened to the independent brigade.

Otherwise, it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen now!
(End of this chapter)

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