Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3437 On the Road

Chapter 3437 On the Road
The soldiers in Niu Shanshun's platoon are also accumulating experience while talking.

This was given to them by Yang Fei.

After each battle, as long as you have time, you must make a battle summary with your comrades.

Even, you must share and speak out your own combat deficiencies, combat experience, etc. with your comrades.

And, the rest of the fighters will also tell their own situation.

Under such circumstances, you don't even need someone to give you an answer, you can get the answer you want from your comrades.

This is what Yang Fei learned from Lei Zhan, and it is the kind he personally tested.

Just because the effect is very good, he will promote it to the soldiers.

No, the soldiers in Niu Shanshun's platoon were talking about their experiences and shortcomings.

Slowly, the doubts on the faces of some soldiers were resolved.

This is the answer I found.

So, from this point, it can be seen that the effect is very good.

"Tap Tap!"

Just then, there was the sound of rapid footsteps.

Niu Shanshun and the soldiers who were talking to him immediately stopped, looking serious and vigilant.

Of course, the vigilance at this time is only subconscious.

According to normal circumstances, the place where they are now will not be in any danger.

After all, only they themselves know this place, and it is impossible for the little devils who have just arrived to know the place they are in after experiencing the explosion just now.

"The platoon leader!"

Sure enough, one of the two soldiers who had been outside Liude City to monitor the movements of the devils in Liude City came back.


Niu Shanshun immediately asked with a serious face.

At this time, the situation is the best.

It's best if the little devil can divide his troops and go out of the city to pursue them.

In this way, they can cooperate with Jiuping Town and send the news back as quickly as possible.

At that time, Jiuping Town will be ready to fight, and they will be able to eat this little devil who is in charge of chasing him.

Thinking of this, Niu Shanshun and the soldiers beside him became excited.

A good start, this is it.

"Yes, platoon leader!"

The soldier who came back to report also said excitedly: "There are devils chasing after them, but there are not too many troops, there is only one squadron of little devils!"


"Ha ha!"

"Not bad!"

"At this time, these little devils, it is impossible to send a large force to pursue them. This should be the devil's reconnaissance squadron, and went to Jiuping Town to investigate the situation!"

"Ha ha."

Niu Shanshun smiled and said what was on his mind.

He looked at the excited soldiers in front of him, and continued to smile:

"Brothers, these bastards are only sending a squadron of troops at this time, that's totally courting death!"

"Xiao Zhao, hurry up and pass this information back to the leader!"

After Niu Shanshun finished speaking, he gave the order for information transmission.

"Yes, platoon leader!"

When Xiao Zhao heard the order, he immediately turned on the radio, and began to prepare to pass the information back to Jiuping Town.

"Platoon leader, the regiment leader is really good at predicting things. Even if you have reached this point, you have arranged us here. This move is really too high!"

"Yes, platoon leader, once we control the movements of all the little devils in Liude City, as long as our people can prepare well, then there is no problem at all in annihilating these little devils, haha! "

"Yeah, when I think of this, I feel extremely happy in my heart!"

"Imagine how desperate these little devils must be once they find out that they have been ambushed, surrounded, and hopeless!"

"Hmph, that's how we treat these damned beasts, no one will be left behind!"

The soldiers expressed their opinions one after another.

Likewise, I feel very happy.

"That's it!"

Niu Shanshun also nodded in agreement: "The leader must have expected all of this."

"After all, our team leader is a man of great ability!"

"Otherwise, how can we calculate and kill the little devils from the Independent Brigade and the Ninth Wing!"

"If you have calculated those things and still can't calculate the follow-up, then it is simply impossible for Captain Yang, right!"

For Yang Fei, Niu Shanshun admired him very much.

After all, they were just a bunch of bad soldiers before.

It is because of fighting devils with Yang Fei that he has come to this point, a huge progress.

Otherwise, they would still be in a daze, living on the run.

After all, without guns and ammunition, even if they are soldiers, they have no way to fight devils, they can only run away.

Otherwise, he would be chased by the devil and die in the hands of the little devil.

So, their fate was completely changed by Yang Fei.

Regarding this point, Niu Shanshun and the soldiers in front of him all kept this in mind.

"By the way, in the next time, we will be stationed outside Liude City in shifts, monitoring the little devils in it, you must remember it for me, don't close your eyes, let me let the little devils go ,Do you understand?"

With a serious face, Niu Shanshun ordered.

"Yes, platoon leader!"

"Relax, platoon leader!"


The soldiers took command immediately.

"Okay, that's it, let's go to work!"

After Niu Shanshun finished speaking, he came to the radio station.


at the same time.

Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun have already walked more than half of the distance with the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade who have gained a lot.

It can be clearly seen that these soldiers are all smiling at the moment.

Moreover, it was the kind of smile that boosted morale.

It's not the same as before.

From this point, it can be seen that winning the battle is the best way to improve morale.

behind the line.

Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun talked while walking.

"Lao Zhao, what do you think Lao Yang will do after we go back this time?"

Regarding this point, Staff Officer Chen thought a lot, but he didn't have a definite answer:

"To be honest, don't tell us what we all know. I want to hear the truth. Besides, we are all our own now. You don't need to hide it!"

Staff Officer Chen directly ordered Zhao Yili to tell the truth.

Don't say things like obeying arrangements and obeying orders.

If you say that, then the words are meaningless.


Hearing this, Liu Zhiyun first laughed and said, "Old Zhao, this guy just hides his secrets. If we don't force him, he won't tell the truth, hehe!"

Looking at the laughing Liu Zhiyun, Zhao Yili shook his head with a wry smile: "I'm such an honest person, look at what you said, I've become a cunning bastard!"

This is indeed the case, after all, Zhao Yili's personality has always been the honest and honest kind.

Not much to say.

It's just that, for this mission, because of Liu Ziyun, he said too many things, and his words were very reasonable, and he has directly overturned his previous character design.

So, under such circumstances, it's easy to be in front of the soldiers. After all, the soldiers don't know, but it's hard to say in front of Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun.

After all, the two of them saw and heard it with their own eyes.

"Old Chen, let me just say it. Look, I'm involved. That's the kind of person he is, really."

Liu Zhiyun shook his head pretending to be disdainful.

There is no such awareness because of him.

"Ha ha!"

Staff Chen immediately laughed when he saw Liu Zhiyun's appearance.

"You bastard, I'm doing this for you, shit!"

Zhao Yili laughed and cursed at Liu Zhiyun.

"Okay, okay, talk about business, stop making trouble!"

Seeing this, Staff Officer Chen immediately waved his hand, signaling not to change the subject!

(End of this chapter)

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