Chapter 344
After about 10 minutes of driving, Lei Zhan, under the leadership of Captain Jing Bianzhang, came to the outside of the little devil's bacteria research institute.


The truck stopped outside the Little Devils Institute.

"Your Excellency, please."

As soon as the truck stopped, Captain Inobe Zhang bowed to Lei Zhan.


Lei Zhan nodded slightly, got up, and led Yang Hu to the outside of the truck.

After getting off the truck, Lei Zhan glanced across the entire outside of the Little Devils Institute.

This included the number of troops outside and the terrain, all of which were kept in mind by Lei Zhan.

"Ibe-kun, good work."

Afterwards, Lei Zhan once again observed the entire little devil's bacteria research institute, and Lei Zhan's joint line at this time had already shown a smile.

It is said that the entire Bacteria Research Institute in front of me is built with big stones, but as long as Lei Zhan can successfully break into it, then it will not be so difficult to destroy this research institute.

Outside the Bacteriological Research Institute, there was an accident with a little devil standing guard. There was not even a sign on the door, and there was not even a sign at all.

If they hadn't known in advance that this was the little devil's bacteria research institute, no one would have known what it was for.

"Haha, thank you, Your Excellency, for your compliment, Your Excellency, please!"

Captain Jing Bianzhang came to Lei Zhan's side, and when he heard Lei Zhan's praise, he immediately laughed.


The little devil sentinels guarding the door, when they heard that Captain Jingbianzhang actually called the man dressed as a Chinese man in front of him as a major, their hearts sank and they immediately saluted.


After Lei Zhan said with a smile, he smiled at the soldiers at the door and entered the little devil's bacteria research institute.

Along the way, Lei Zhan discovered that, in fact, it couldn't really be counted as a research institute, and the real research institute might be hidden in another place.

Lei Zhan thought in his heart, fortunately, he didn't attack here blindly, otherwise, the consequences of the incident, I don't know what it is.


Along the way, all the little devils who saw Lei Zhan and Captain Jing Bianzhang stood at attention and saluted.

Five minutes later, Lei Zhan was taken outside an office in the institute by Jing Bianzhang.

"Your Excellency Major, please wait a moment, I'm going inside to report to the commander."

After coming here, Jing Bianzhang immediately said to Lei Zhan with an apologetic face, after all, some things should be done according to the regulations.

"Go ahead!"

Lei Zhan smiled, looked around, and said indifferently.

"Hi Yi, Your Majesty, wait a moment!"

After Akira Inobe smiled and bowed, he walked into the office.

In the same place, only Lei Zhan, Yang Hu, and a respectful little devil were left.

Yang Hu at this time, anyway, was still the same as before, just looking at the office in front of him coldly, without saying a word.

Lei Zhan, on the other hand, was very interested and began to observe the buildings here.

Lei Zhan can understand Captain Jingbianzhang's arrangement.

In the Japanese army, this is the case. Although Lei Zhan's current identity is a major, but in front of the commander here, Lei Zhan's identity seems to be lowered.

It's like a local snake in China, Lei Zhan is a strong dragon, and Shao Zuo, the commander in the Bacteriological Research Institute, is a local snake.

However, in the actual situation, whether the strong dragon can overwhelm the local snake depends on Lei Zhan's performance.


Inside the headquarters, Akira Inobe at this time had already arrived at the side of the commander, Major Takeda Shino.

"Reporting, Your Excellency, Major, when we were operating outside today, my subordinates met a major from Kohei, the Takamori United Team, under the command of His Excellency Takashi Takamori, Koi Soko.

Moreover, this major said that he brought a large number of excellent Ma Luda, he came here ahead of time, just to see you, I don't know what to discuss. "

Akira Inobe respectfully reported to Shao Zuohui, who was looking at the map beside him.

"His identity and work need to be investigated in detail."

Hearing the report from Captain Akira Inobe, Major Takeda Tsuno immediately turned around and said.

Although he wanted to check the identity of the person who came, he was still happy when he heard about the excellent Malu.

"Hi Yi, I will immediately call Gao Ping to confirm the work."

Hearing that Major Takeda Shino doubted Tianlei Zhansha's identity, Akira Inobe immediately walked towards the phone in the other room.

"Connect me to Gaoping!"

After coming to the inner room, Captain Inobe Zhang wanted to call Gao Ping immediately.

At this time, Koi Cano, who is in Gaoping's headquarters, is very comfortable, because Colonel Takamori has already handed over Gaoping's affairs to him at this time.

As for Colonel Takamori Takaya, now he is concentrating on healing his wounds and no longer cares about Gao Ping's affairs.

After he waited for the arrival of Major General Ishii Shutaro, he would step down as Commander Gao Ping and lead his fellow fighters into the battlefield again.

He wants to lead his Eagle Forest United team back to the battlefield, and he wants to recover the honor that belongs to his Eagle Forest United team on the battlefield.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this time, the phone on the desk in the office suddenly rang.

"Moses? I'm Sosa Koi!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Xiaojing Cangkong directly picked up the phone and asked in a deep voice.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency the Lieutenant Assistant."

Soon, Captain Inobe Zhang's voice came from the phone.

"Well, what's the matter?"

Although Xiaojing Cangkong didn't know who the person opposite was, all he needed to know was what was going on with the person opposite, it was as simple as that.

"Your Excellency Zhong Zuo, mine, Anlong District, Jing Bianzhang of the Bacteriological Research Institute."

Hearing Sora Koi's inquiry, Akira Inobe on the phone immediately said again.


Hearing that the call was from Anlong Institute of Bacteria, Xiao Jing's sombre face immediately became serious.

Moreover, he was thinking in his heart that the people from the Wolf Warriors should have gone to the Anlong area to destroy the research institute, but now, why did the people from the Anlong Bacteria Research Institute call, Could it be that something happened.

You must know that the members of the Wolf Warriors were able to discover the Bacteria Research Institute, among which he was also credited. If something unexpected happens to the Wolf Warriors in the Institute, then he is responsible.

"Well, tell me, what work do you do?"

Thinking of this, Koi Cangkong hurriedly asked, and at this moment, there was a trace of tension in his heart.

"Hmm, Your Excellency the Lieutenant...!"

Afterwards, Akira Inobe told Xiaojing Cangkong about the details.

(End of this chapter)

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