Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3454 Devil's Emergency Meeting

Chapter 3454 Devil's Emergency Meeting

at the same time.


In the [-]rd Squadron of the Rutoku City Headquarters, the commander of the squadron, Colonel Hiraga Kusao, asked the people below if there was any news from the squadron that was going to pursue.

After all, it has been more than half a day from departure to present.

According to the time, the pursuit squadron has rushed to the outside of Jiuping Town, and hid itself to investigate the news.

However, it was late at night, but no news came.

Therefore, this made Colonel Hiraga Kusao in the headquarters feel a little anxious.

He is now in a hurry, and what he wants to know most is what kind of situation is in Jiuping Town.

Information, he wants to know the information about Jiuping Town.

Only after knowing the information about Jiuping Town, can he make a plan for the next move based on this information.

And, it's targeted.

Otherwise, in such a situation where the information is not known, the plans made will be compromised and will not achieve results.

"Your Excellency, Captain, I just went to ask, but there is no news from the pursuit squadron!"

Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo, who was next to him, immediately bowed and replied when he heard this.

He has urged this question several times before.

However, there is really no news from the pursuit squadron.

The most important thing is that the headquarters doesn't even have a squadron that can go to pursue it, so get in touch.

This is terrible.

At this moment, Anfang Youma Zhongzuo didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

Even, at this moment, he was weighing in his heart, how to tell this news to Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

After all, if this news was told to Colonel Hiraga Kusao, he would definitely be angry.

Therefore, at this moment, Anfang is being weighed by Ma Zhongzuo.

In the end now to say, or not to say.

After all, it's time for a break.

He was worried that what he said at this moment, Colonel Hiraga Kusao would not even think about having a good rest tonight.

He must have summoned the officers below to a meeting.

But, if he doesn't say anything, it's his responsibility.

Who let him know the news now?If he doesn't say it, his responsibility will be even greater.

Hesitate again and again.

Anfang was decided by Ma Zhongzuo, said.

Otherwise, once Colonel Hiraga Kusao is held accountable in the later stage, he really cannot bear the responsibility.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly, what is hesitant?"

At this moment, Colonel Hiraga Kusao can also see that his deputy has been hesitating. I don't know why he is hesitating?
It seemed that there were some things that he hadn't said to him. This time, his heart was instantly unhappy.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain."

Hearing this, An Fang bowed directly from Ma Zhongzuo and began to answer:
"That's it, Your Excellency, Captain, I went to inquire once, and got a result, that is, the pursuit squadron you sent has no news and can't be contacted!"

Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo told the news.



"what's going on?"

"Why can't the pursuit squadron be contacted?"

"what is the problem?"

At this moment, Colonel Hiraga Kusao couldn't accept this news at all.

After all, no matter what, the pursuit squadron he sent out was the eyes of their third wing.

But at this moment, the eyes sent out couldn't see, so wouldn't their third regiment become blind?

He also thought before that he could use the independent squadron to obtain some information in advance. In this case, it would be of great help to the next operation of the alliance.

Now, there is no news from the pursuit squadron, what is this?
"Could it be that the enemy in Jiuping Town is very strong and powerful. They expected this and killed the pursuit squadron on the way?"

At this moment, Colonel Hiraga Kusao had to think this way.

After all, if you want a reasonable explanation, this explanation can only be like this.

There is no other explanation at all.

This had to make Chief Hiraga Kusao have another idea in his mind.

That is, his previous speculation and inference were completely wrong.

Otherwise, how could this kind of thing happen now?

So, that must be the case.

"Go and gather them immediately for a meeting!"

Colonel Hiraga Kusao immediately made a decision.

He didn't want to sit still.

Even, in his previous thinking, he wanted to be steady and steady, first engage in intelligence, and then make plans based on the information.

Now, this situation doesn't work at all.

So, can't do that anymore.

It is necessary to change strategies and methods.

He now wants to summon these officers immediately to plan again and discuss what should be done in the next time.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain!"

An Fang was immediately ordered by Ma Zhongzuo, turned around and walked out of the office.

The situation was more or less the same as he expected.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

10 minutes later.

meeting room.

Senior Sao Hiraga sat at the top with a gloomy face.

The faces of the officers below are actually not good-looking.

Especially Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo, after all, the force of the chasing squadron belonged to him.

Although it was Colonel Hiraga Kusao who gave the order, he was the one who gave the order.

But today, only he had the biggest loss.

During the investigation, many imperial soldiers were killed.

At this moment, another pursuit squadron was lost.

If so many people were lost during the battle, he wouldn't say anything.

However, the current situation is different.

This happened before they met the enemy or fought.

If they met people from Jiuping town, wouldn't their losses be even greater.

Therefore, at this moment, Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo was extremely angry in his heart.

Of course, the faces of Tsuruoka Yuki and Mizushima Kimura next to him were also not good-looking.

With such a huge loss, don't look at the people who lost their subordinates, but they are all soldiers of the empire.

At least, in the third wing, they are one.

The loss of Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo's brigade is also the loss of the alliance, their loss.

As for the squadron leaders and major officers below, the expressions on their faces are the same at the moment.

Of course, what they worry about in their hearts is not actually the battle and the battle situation.

but death.

After all, before the battle even started, two squadron leaders had already died.

Does this mean that after the battle begins, the danger of these squadron leaders is the greatest?

Therefore, at this moment, these squadron leaders and minor officers are a little worried about their own safety, and no one wants to die.

"Tell me, what are you thinking about this time? Do you have a plan?"

Colonel Hiraga Kusao rubbed his head and said.

To be honest, he didn't want to rush into the situation in front of him.

After all, he had absolutely no idea of ​​the situation in the Liude war zone.

There is no information at all. Under such circumstances, what will happen if you advance rashly?
Even he couldn't have predicted this point.

Therefore, it is better to hold a meeting first, discuss plans and come up with a charter before we talk about it!

(End of this chapter)

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