Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3456 Puppet-like An Fang Yuma Zhongzuo

Chapter 3456 Puppet-like An Fang Yuma Zhongzuo

From the very beginning to the present, this is the most satisfying thing for Yuma Zhongzuo Anfang.

Watching the lieutenant and brigade captains in front of him work, and he didn't have to do anything, just stare at him like this.

You know, in terms of military rank, their ranks are all Zhongzuo officers, and everyone is at the same level.

Under such circumstances, it is basically impossible for me to have a higher status than you.

However, there is such a special situation that the deputies of the supreme commander have a higher status than those of the same rank.

After all, they are popular people in front of the supreme commander, and sometimes a word may ruin your business.

Therefore, no matter in the little devil's army, a deputy like Yuma Zhongzuo Anfang is actually the most difficult to deal with.

For example, after something happens, don't offend, then you have to endure it yourself.

If he offended him, the consequences would be even worse. He would be passed on as a small shoe directly, and he would feel even more uncomfortable in the end.

Therefore, under such circumstances, deputy officers like Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo have a high status.

No, there are Ji Zhongzuo and others in Hegang below, don't look at the people who are honestly making plans now, writing their own plans.

But in my heart, I was still very unhappy with Anfang Youma Zhongzuo.

If given the chance, they would definitely beat this guy up.

It's a pity that they have no chance at all now.

In desperation, I can only endure these emotions and continue to focus on making plans.

Time passed, Yuma Zhongzuo, who was at the top, finally couldn't bear it anymore. After he yawned, he wobbled and fell asleep.

As for people like Youji Zhongzuo in Hegang, they are actually very sleepy.

After all, after marching for such a long time, I haven't had a good rest yet. I was dragged here on the first night and started the meeting directly.

Tired and weary.

Don't think that marching among trucks won't make you tired.

There is nothing more uncomfortable than sitting in a truck, bumping back and forth.

Helpless, at this moment, they received the order from Colonel Hiraga Kusao, so they could only act according to the order, otherwise, if they dared to say no, that would be the most severe punishment.

They can't afford this kind of punishment.

Time passed, and the night passed like this.

Early in the morning, Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo sorted out these documents and put them on the desk of Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

As for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo and others, they hurried back to rest.

After all, they didn't feel well after staying up all night.

It's good to have a good rest while Mr. Hiraga Kusao is screening plans and making plans.

Otherwise, after Colonel Hiraga Kusao completes the plan, they will definitely be called again to assign combat missions.

So, they should take advantage of this opportunity, this time, and hurry up to rest.

Otherwise, after working so hard for so long, they couldn't bear it!

After Anfang Yuma Zhongsa put these things away, he took the imperial soldiers who were carrying breakfast to the outside of the lounge of Chief Hiraga Kusao.

"You are waiting here!"

After An Fang gave orders from Ma Zhongzuo, he gently opened the door.

At this moment, Colonel Hiraga Kusao hadn't woken up yet.

As for Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo, taking advantage of this time, he prepared all the washing water, towels, etc.

After waiting for Colonel Hiraga Kusao to wake up, he will wash up.


After An Fang was prepared by Mazhong Zuo, Colonel Hiraga Kusao walked out of the suite, yawning.

"Mr. Anfang, what's the matter?"

Asked by Mr. Hiraga Kusao, he came to the basin and began to wash.

"Your Excellency, Captain, Mr. Hegang and the others have already made a plan. I have put all the documents on your desk. After you have finished your breakfast, you can go directly to the desk to read them!"

An Fang replied directly from Ma Zhongzuo, bowing his head and bowing his head.


Chief Hiraga Kusao nodded in satisfaction, after washing, he sat down at his small table.

"Come in!"

Seeing this, Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo yelled directly to the outside of the lounge.

"Hi Yi!"

Immediately, the little devil soldier waiting outside brought in the breakfast that had been prepared a long time ago by Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

This little devil soldier neatly placed Mr. Hiraga Kusao's morning on the small table.

"Okay, you go down!"

Anfang Youma Zhongzuo waved his hand directly.

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing this, the little devil soldier walked out of the lounge after bowing his head again.

It can be seen that the little devil soldier was relaxed when he heard this.

The same is true, a soldier, in front of the supreme commander of the regiment leader, must be cautious, even fearful in his heart.

After all, the distance between a first class soldier and the chief officer is like a gap between heaven and earth.

So, under such circumstances, it was like an amnesty for this little devil soldier.

Serving the Supreme Commander is no fun.

In the following time, Colonel Hiraga Kusao had breakfast.

After that, accompanied by Anfang Youma Zhongzuo, he came to the office.

"Mr. Anfang, yesterday I asked Mr. Hegang and others for their opinions, but I didn't ask you. This seems a bit unfair to you!"

Hiraga Kusao looked at the document in his hand, and said to Asuka Yuma.

"Your Excellency, Captain, that's not the case!"

Hearing this, Anfang Youma Zhongzuo said directly: "I am your deputy, your will is my order and the direction to go!"

"So, under such circumstances, I don't need to have my own ideas. I just need to obey your orders and do things according to your orders. Others don't belong to me. After all, I Everything you have now is all bestowed by you, Your Excellency, Alliance Captain!"

I have to say that even if you are a dog, there are levels.

And this Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo is undoubtedly the most advanced kind.

Can talk, can analyze what the owner needs, the most caring kind.

So, this is also the reason why Yuma Nakasa's position has always been stable in front of Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

"Ha ha!"

It has to be said that at this moment, Colonel Hiraga Kusao also likes to hear these words.

Hearing what Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo said, he immediately burst into laughter.

Because, Chief Hiraga Kusao knew in his heart that what he needed was such a slave.

And Anfang Youma Zhongzuo's performance is very in line with his wishes.

"Mr. Anfang, you, you just know what I like to hear the most!"

Mr. Hiraga Kusao watched and said, "Tell me this time, I allow you to have your own will, speak boldly, and let me see what kind of opinion you have on this matter!"

"It's okay to say it wrong, but it's right, it's creditable, let's say it!"

For Colonel Hiraga Kusao, asking Anfang to be done by Ma Zhongsao at the moment is just to pass the time and have fun.

Anyway, he didn't have any hope for his deputy.

After all, all he needs is an obedient puppet who is ordered by his will!
(End of this chapter)

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