Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3458 Mission of the 3rd Brigade: Capture Alive

Chapter 3458 Mission of the Third Brigade: Capture Alive

When An Fang was delivered by Ma Zhongzuo, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo and others were still asleep.

After being tired, plus staying up late, or all night, just a noon time is not enough at all.

However, now that they heard the call from the commander of the joint leader, Hiraga Kusao, they got up immediately, no matter how sleepy they were, and ran towards the office of the joint captain as fast as possible.

That's a fast speed.

Drowsiness and fatigue are not life-threatening.

There will be more time for rest later.

At this moment, if he offends Colonel Hiraga Kusao, Colonel Hiraga Kusao because of such a trivial matter, then the loss outweighs the gain.

So, Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo and others rushed to the office where Hiraga Kusao was at the fastest speed.

"Your Excellency, Captain, is waiting for you in the meeting room!"

After seeing Hegang Youji Zhongzuo and others coming, Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo said directly with a smile.

"Okay, Mr. An Fang!"

"Please lead the way!"


There are Ji Zhongzuo and others in Hegang, who are very polite to Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo.

After all, most of the orders they received were delivered by An Fang from Ma Zhongzuo.

Even, sometimes, if they want to see Colonel Hiraga Kusao, they need Yasuka Yuma.

Otherwise, once they offended Yuma Nakasa, Anfang Yuma, if they wanted to see Colonel Hiraga Kusao soon, there must be some obstacles.

This is what the saying goes, the king of Hades is easy to mess with, and the little devil is hard to deal with.

Therefore, as long as they can not offend Anfang Youma Zhongzuo, then they will try their best not to offend them as much as possible.

Otherwise, once offended, it will affect their future.

They don't want this kind of influence.

Unless there is really a situation where there is no other way, otherwise, they are going to support Anfang Yuma now.

In this way, under the leadership of Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo and others came to the conference room again.

"Your Excellency, Captain!"

"United Captain!"


Seeing the contemplative Chief Hiraga Kusao, Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo and the others all bowed in salute.

"Well, sit down!"

Hiraga Kusao nodded his head and signaled Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo and others to sit down.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain!"

"Thank you, Your Excellency, Captain!"


Hegang Youji Zhongzuo and others, upon hearing the order from Hiraga Kusao, immediately sat in their seats.

"I've already prepared the master plan. Next, let Mr. An Fang announce to you your next mission! Responsible aspects and so on!"

Colonel Hiraga Kusao didn't want to waste time, so he directly handed over this task to Yuma Nakasa, Yasukata.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo is the one who does this job in front of him.

If Anfang Youma Zhongzuo didn't exist, then he would definitely announce the order himself.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain!"

When Anfang Youma Zhongzuo heard this, he walked out directly, and with a smile on his face, he picked up a schedule on the table next to him.

As for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo and the others, upon hearing this, they immediately sat down and began to wait for their order?
"The first brigade will attack immediately and will not fight, but must surround the Jiuping Town area and completely block the Jiuping Town area. Let's see what is going on in the Jiuping Town area!"

"Remember, it's best to block, siege, and capture the enemy alive!"

An Fang, assisted by Ma Zhong, announced the first order.

"Hi Yi!"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo immediately stood up when he heard this.

After all, his No. [-] brigade did the most difficult tasks every time.

Now the alliance has handed over this task to his first brigade, which is completely normal.

This, he had expected before.


Chief Hiraga Kusao nodded and motioned for Tsuruoka Yuki to sit down.

"Second Squadron, you are in charge of support missions. After all, you have already suffered a lot of losses before. This time, let the Third Squadron do the search mission. Your Second Squadron is ready to support at any time!"

Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo announced the second order again.

The loss of the second team before was indeed huge.

Before the battle even started, two squadrons had been lost.

This is half the strength of his brigade.

So, it would be a little unreasonable to let the second brigade carry out the task under such circumstances.

If the second brigade continues to lose, it will suffer even greater losses. By then, the second brigade may lose its establishment.

So, for this, the captain of the alliance, Hiraga Kusao, chose to arrange this way.

"Hi Yi, thank you, Captain, for your understanding!"

When Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really worried before that his second brigade would continue to carry out difficult tasks.

The loss is so big now, if it continues, his second largest team is likely to suffer even heavier losses.

Now, hearing the arrangement of Colonel Hiraga Kusao, he felt completely relieved.

Otherwise, if the losses are too heavy during the execution of the mission, there will be no chance to integrate, rectify and replenish the troops.

At that time, once his second team suffers heavy losses, it is very likely that the establishment of the second team will be revoked.

Of course, it's not completely revoked, it's temporarily revoked, and it will be restored again after the source of troops is available and replenished.

Although, during this period, he was still the captain of the second brigade, but what if he had no soldiers to lead.

He doesn't want this.

So, at this time, Muki Tokoe Nakasaku was very grateful for the arrangement of Hiraga Kusao, and was very grateful.

"Well, Mu Mu-jun, don't feel pressure in your heart, a temporary loss is nothing, and you will continue to work hard in the future!"

Dazuo Hiraga Kusao encouraged Muki Tokoe.

"Hi Yi, thank you, Your Excellency, Captain!"

Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo bowed his head again to express his gratitude.


Under the nod of Hiraga Kusao, Muki Tokoe Nakasa sat down.

The rest of the devil officers were very surprised by this.

Of course, this also made them more convinced of their own captain.

Thinking of them everywhere, where can I find such a good officer and boss?

"Order, the third brigade, responsible for the internal search and internal compression tasks within the blockade, and strive to capture all the enemies hidden in Jiuping Town alive!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo once again announced the mission of the third brigade.

"Hi Yi!"

Lieutenant Assistant Mizushima Kimura stood up and took orders.

He has no opinion on this task.

Besides, maybe, taking this opportunity to show well, his third team can become the second team.

If this is the case, his position in the heart of Colonel Hiraga Kusao can also be improved a lot.

This task, for him, is the best task right now.

"Mizushima-kun, this time your task is very heavy, you remember, I only have one request for you, that is to capture the commander of the place, or other officers, etc., I must take a look, these What kind of magical things are the Huaxia people, who can count us here and cause the empire to lose so much!"

"Catch alive, do you understand what I mean?"

He didn't have any other requests. This was the only request that Colonel Hiraga Kusao had for this time!
Although, if you do this, the loss will be greater, but it is more important than capturing the enemy commander alive.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain!"

Lieutenant Assistant Mizushima Kimura took orders immediately.

For this, although he has some opinions in his heart.

However, when the order was issued, he had to obey it.

We can only complete this task as much as possible, and at the same time, complete this task while reducing losses.

Otherwise, if he disobeys orders, what awaits him is another result.

"Well, Mizushima-kun, it's good that you can understand this!"

Colonel Hiraga Kusao nodded and continued: "You have to understand, you all have to understand that in some cases, the gains gained by killing the opposing commander are far from capturing the big one alive, do you understand?"

For this, Hiraga Kusao firmly believes that if he is captured alive, the harvest will be even greater!

(End of this chapter)

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