Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 346 Visiting the Peripheral Headquarters

Chapter 346 Visiting the Peripheral Headquarters

In Shao Zuo Takeda's heart, he was really excited.

After all, a few days ago, the experts in the research institute began to urge, they said, now it is the critical stage of the research, and a lot of Ma Lu Da is needed, and they must be physically strong Ma Lu Da.

Therefore, Master Takeda Siye has been worrying about this matter for the past few days. If Lei Zhan doesn't come, he has already started to plan to bring the residents of the surrounding villages into the research institute.

Of course, after hearing Lei Zhan's words, Major Takeda Siye breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Your Excellency the Major."

Jing Bianzhang at the side also thanked Lei Zhan with a smile on his face.

After all, if he didn't get Ma Luda in time, he would be very responsible.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing the words of these two little devils, Lei Zhan sneered in his heart.

Let you little devils be happy now, as long as they figure out the situation in the Bacteriological Research Institute, they will kill you one by one, Lei Zhan thought in his heart.

Yang Hu was still lowering his head at this time, he really didn't want to see the little devils, especially if he saw the little devils and couldn't kill them, he had to talk to them.

Therefore, as soon as Yang Hu entered the room and sat down, he lowered his head, out of sight and restless in heart.

However, the killing intent in his heart has not diminished at all.

"Yoxi, it's all for the empire's work."

Hearing the words of Takeda Shino and Akira Inobe, Lei Zhan said with a smile.

"Haha, yes, what Tianlei-Jun said is good, it's all for the empire, it's all for the Communist Party, and for the hegemony of His Majesty the Emperor!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Master Takeda Siye immediately burst out laughing, Lei Zhan's words said that his heart was gone.

"Yes, it's all for the future of the empire on which the sun never sets. After all, China is too vast. Our empire on which the sun never sets needs all kinds of resources from Great China. Therefore, we should develop the TZ-002 bacterial bomb as soon as possible. By then, The Chinese people, all dead work."

The little devil beside him, Captain Akira Inobe, also started talking with laughter.

It's just that his words are full of naked, naked, naked, killing intent towards the Chinese. It seems that this guy is an extreme right-wing Japanese soldier.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing what Shao Zuo Takeda and Captain Akira Inobe said, Lei Zhan pretended to laugh out loud.

However, hearing the two people's words at this time, especially Lei Zhan's words from the little devil Jing Bianzhang, his heart was already filled with strong murderous intent.

For this kind of little devil, Lei Zhan must be killed. Therefore, his task now is to quickly find out the details of the little devil's bacteria research institute, and then act quickly to completely destroy the little devil's bacteria research institute. smashed.

When Yang Hu heard what the two said, he still lowered his head and said nothing.

"By the way, Mr. Tianlei, Malu, when will they be able to work? After all, they are urgently needed by the research institute."

At this moment, Master Takeda Shino asked again, and he was most concerned about this issue now.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Major."

Akira Inobe then said.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing the question from Shao Zuo Takeda Shino and Captain Jingbian, Lei Zhan took a look at the two of them, and immediately burst out laughing.

"Don't worry, Takeda-san, tomorrow's work, at the latest, the day after tomorrow's work, strong and big, will be shipped over, mine, just ordered to watch work."

Lei Zhan said with a smile that he bought himself a day or two, so he wanted to find out the situation in the Bacteria Research Institute in these two days.

After all, the little devils are not fools, if the time is too long, they will not be willing.

"Oh, great Yoshi."

Hearing Lei Zhan's words again, Shao Zuo Takeda and Captain Akira Inobe burst into laughter, and they looked at each other with satisfaction.

One or two days is still within their acceptable range. After all, delivery also takes time.

"By the way, Tianlei Jun, today, you can rest in the headquarters. For tomorrow's work, I will take yours to the research institute and visit the research results of our empire. And, I will Let me introduce you, the head of the Bacteriology Research Institute, Major General Asano Ichiro!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's exact answer, Shao Zuo Takeda felt in his heart that the time was almost up, and he still needed to report the matter to the chief person in charge of the research institute.

After all, he is only the person in charge of security in the research institute now, and he still has to report to the person in charge of the research institute for such important matters as transporting Ma Luda.

Therefore, he has promised Lei Zhan that he must go in and report before he can take Lei Zhan to the bacteria research institute.

"Yosei, I understand, Takeda-kun."

Hearing what Shao Zuo Takeda said, Lei Zhan nodded with a smile, expressing his understanding.

However, at this moment, he had already breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. After all, he was still worried about how to ask to enter the research institute before.

It's all right now, since Shao Zuo Takeda Siye brought it up, it just saved him a lot of effort.

"Thank you Tianlei-jun for your understanding, Jingbian-jun. In the next time, you will accompany Tianlei-jun to look around the headquarters, see the warriors of our empire, and inspect them."

Seeing that Lei Zhan agreed, Master Takeda Siye immediately laughed. He turned around and gave instructions to Captain Jing Bianzhang, then smiled apologetically at Lei Zhan and left the headquarters.

"Please, Your Excellency the Major."

As soon as Takeda Shiye Shaozuo left, Captain Akira Inobe asked Lei Zhan to go outside. He wanted to take Lei Zhan to the headquarters to inspect the imperial warriors here.

Of course, the real purpose is to lead Lei Zhan to play some time, after all, it is still early before dark, they can't neglect Lei Zhan, they can only arrange it like this.


Seeing Jing Bianzhang's invitation, Lei Zhan laughed, immediately got up with Yang Hu, and walked outside.

Just in time, taking advantage of this opportunity, first find out the power of the little devils in the peripheral headquarters.

After figuring out the forces in the peripheral headquarters, they entered the research institute, worked out a detailed plan, and started to implement it.

Then, in the following time, Captain Jing Bianzhang, the little devil, began to lead Lei Zhan and Yang Hu to visit around the headquarters.

Moreover, with the visit, Lei Zhan memorized all the places and terrains he had traveled, and there was also the deployment of the little devil's troops.


At this time, Yang Fei and the other two soldiers had rushed back to the station of the soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion.

As soon as Yang Fei and the two soldiers arrived at the camp, Lei Ming led the soldiers and surrounded them thinking about them.

(End of this chapter)

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