Chapter 3469

For combat missions, Liu Zhiyun was never afraid.

Regardless of the combat mission, as long as there is a combat mission, he will do it.

As for the result of the battle, he just worked hard.

Of course, after working hard, he believed that the result would be good.

This time, he must complete the task that Yang Fei entrusted to him.

Therefore, let Yang Fei also have a comfort in his heart.

Liu Zhiyun led the people away like this.

As for Yang Fei, he was in the office, looking at Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili who were still in deep thought.

"So it is!"

"Now I understand!"

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili woke up.

From what they said, it can be completely judged that these two guys have completely awakened after going through this tactical deduction.

No longer insist on their previous point of view.


According to their previous point of view, although it is not wrong.

But, for the current situation, that simply doesn't work.

So, under such circumstances, Liu Zhiyun's reaction was relatively large. With the addition of Yang Fei's words, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili fell into a tactical deduction.

Otherwise, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili might stick to their idea.

Retreat, sometimes, is indeed the most correct choice, if you don't encounter devils, then you won't encounter too much loss.

And in some cases, you just can't retreat.

It depends on the actual situation.

At this time, Liu Zhiyun added Yang Fei's words, which can be said to be a lesson for Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

Never mind what those two guys were thinking at the time, this was a lesson.

Moreover, it is still the kind of class that is very effective.

No, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili fell into tactical deduction in this class, so they immediately understood it.

If it wasn't for Liu Zhiyun and Yang Fei's words, then Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen would definitely stick to their own opinions, methods, and plans.

At this moment, I woke up.

Do not continue to insist.

"I figured it out!"

Yang Fei looked at the two with a smile, took out a cigarette, threw it directly to Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili, lit it himself, and started smoking.

Suddenly, the office was filled with smoke.

It's good to be angry.

"Well, I see, Old Zhao!"

Zhao Yili said directly: "In the past, I was indeed lacking in thinking. What I always thought was that the devils have so many troops. Under the situation that we are not easy to calculate, the only way is to evacuate. But, I didn't think about our actual situation, didn't take our actual situation into account, so I insisted on the wrong decision, this is my fault!"

For this, Zhao Yili realized his mistake directly, and, in front of Yang Fei, told the mistake.

Indeed it is.

Zhao Yili is also a good guy. A mistake is a mistake. He admits it directly and doesn't shirk it.

This is also the reason why Yang Fei likes Zhao Yili.

A guy who is more real, and a fighter, the most important thing is this kind of realness.

Only with this authenticity can progress be made.

Otherwise, it is impossible to make progress.

"Yeah, Lao Yang, I've figured this out too!"

Staff Officer Chen lit a cigarette at the moment, took a sip, and said with a wry smile:

"I used to think that as a staff officer in my regiment headquarters, I saw a lot of battle cases and various situations, so I thought I had a lot of experience!"

"However, after going through the incident just now, I came to my senses. Although I was a staff officer in the regiment headquarters before, I saw the actual combat, battlefield examples, etc., and did not participate in it! "

"So, although I have seen a lot, my eyes seem to be blinded!"

"Until now, I have completely dispelled the mist covering my eyes!"

"Otherwise, I still don't know when I can fully wake up in the next time!"

Staff Officer Chen said with emotion: "I'm not as good as Lao Liu on this point. Lao Liu thought about this very clearly, but I didn't think of it at all!"

Speaking of this, Staff Officer Chen looked ashamed.

He thought that Liu Zhiyun couldn't match him in terms of fighting ability and vision.

But, unexpectedly, through this incident, he saw Liu Zhiyun's correction, Liu Zhiyun is better than them!
It’s okay not to admit it, it’s the way it is.

"Yeah, I'm the same way. I never thought of it. It's Lao Liu who is ahead of us!"

Zhao Yili did not expect this either.

However, he admits that he is not as good as Liu Zhiyun.

You must know that Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili thought that Liu Zhiyun was inferior to them in the past.

Moreover, he persuaded Liu Yili to change his character flaws.

But looking at it now, they are superfluous. The truth is, it is not what they think at all.

Perhaps, Liu Zhiyun's character defect is not a real defect.

But maybe his advantage?
Perhaps, the two of them lacked this.

Otherwise, it shouldn't be Liu Zhiyun who is walking in front, but the two of them.

Unfortunately, not both of them.

"It's also very good that you can wake up now!"

Yang Fei said with a smile: "People, the most important thing is to be able to see yourself clearly, recognize yourself clearly, and be able to accept your own shortcomings. After you find out, accept them in time and correct them. As long as you can do this If so, the progress will be very fast!"

"The difficulty is that some people can't accept it, dare not accept it, and deceive themselves and others. So, as long as the two of you are not such people, then in the next time, you will realize this and look for experience. If it is corrected, it will not be the current situation, understand?"

"Progress is right in front of you. It depends on how you plan and correct yourself, so that you can improve yourself!"

What Yang Fei said at this time was still a slow experience for Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

"Well, don't worry, Lao Yang, I, Lao Zhao, may not be able to do anything else, but if you recognize your mistakes and shortcomings and correct them, then there is absolutely no problem!"

Zhao Yili first stated that he has no problem with this point.

"Well, I am the same, I want to improve too!"

Next up is Staff Officer Chen.

So is his attitude.

Recognize your mistakes and correct them.

Only in this way can progress be made.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult to make progress.

Yang Fei is right, they must understand this.

"By the way, where's Lao Liu?"

At this moment, Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen were puzzled when they found Liu Zhiyun who was no longer here.

(End of this chapter)

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