Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3472 Conversation between two devil captains

Chapter 3472 A Conversation Between Two Devil Captains
This time the devil's mission, the first brigade was responsible for encircling and besieging Jiuping Town.

As for the third brigade, it is responsible for entering Jiuping town to encircle and suppress people and search for people in it!
The first brigade, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo is in charge.

As for the third brigade, Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura is in charge!

During the march just now, Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura thought of a question.

That is, if they carried out the encirclement and suppression rashly like this, would the other party run away directly?

He hadn't thought of an answer to this question during the previous march.

Therefore, he thought of the captain of the first brigade, Lieutenant Zuo Hegang Yuki.

He wanted to tell Zhongzuo Hegang Youji about this problem.

In this case, it is not impossible that Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo might have a different answer from him.

This is what he was looking forward to, and this is also the purpose of his coming to Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo.

After all, there is still a gap between the captain of the first brigade of the third wing and him, the captain of the third brigade.

Just better than him.

Otherwise, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo would not be the captain of the first brigade of the third regiment.

That's the difference.

Sometimes this is the case. When you can't find the answer to something, you can ask others if you can.

Perhaps, in other people's mouths, you can't get the most direct and correct answer.

However, other people's words, opinions, etc. may be able to give you an inspiration directly, so that you can directly get the answer you want in this inspiration.

This kind of thing is not an exception, there are too many examples.

Sometimes, you can't figure out a thing, and you can't think of the answer.

But, if you go out for a walk, or go for a walk on the street, and hear what people say, maybe you will be able to suddenly have inspiration at this moment.

With this inspiration, you can get the answer you want.

This is the reason Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura is doing this.


The voice of Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura came to the nearby truck headquarters.

At this moment, Lieutenant Commander Yuki Hegang in the truck headquarters was looking at the map and discussing the next blockade and other tasks with several of his major officers.

However, after hearing the words of Lieutenant Zuo Mizushima Kimura, Lieutenant Zuo Yuki of Tsuruoka immediately stopped talking, and told the few junior officers next to him:

"Let's do this first, you go back first, make good arrangements for the things you just discussed, and make preparations in advance!"

Lieutenant Zuo Mizushima Kimura, after all, is the captain of the third brigade, an existence on the same level as him.

Although there is a small gap between him and him.

However, this difference is not very big.

Besides, it is beneficial to have a good relationship with the captain of the same level.

After all, who can say for sure, who doesn't need who.

So, at this time, Tsuruoka Yuki, Zhongzuo, thought very clearly about this matter, and directly decided to suspend his discussion with the people below, and see Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura first.

See what's up with this guy?
If you can help, please help.

After all, this is the favor of a captain, a lieutenant officer.

is very nice.

"Hey, Your Excellency Captain, let's go down!"


These few major officers took orders one after another and got off the truck directly.

And, facing the outside of the truck, Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura, bowed his head and saluted.


Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura also nodded in response to the major officers in front of him.

These few minor officers went straight to finish their own affairs.

As for Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura, he turned around and was about to get into the truck headquarters to see Zhongzuo Tsuruoka Yuki.

"Mizushima-san, what's the matter?"

However, Yuki Zhongzuo, Hegang walked out from the truck headquarters and got off the truck.

"Haha, Mr. Hegang, I'm a little trifle!"

Seeing Yuji Zhongzuo in Hegang, Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura didn't hide anything, and just said that he had something to look for him.

That's right, if there is something, there is something, there is no need to hide it at all.

There is no benefit in hiding it.

For some things, it's better to say it directly, it's better to say it directly.

"Then let's talk over there!"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo nodded, looked at the terrain beside him, and said, pointing directly at a flat place not far away.

"Okay, Mr. Hegang!"

For this, Nakazuo Mizushima Kimura has no opinion.

He agreed directly.

He continued to smile and said, "After all, sitting on a truck and following the march is still very tiring!"

"Let's go over there, it just happens to be a walk, take a rest, haha!"

That's true, don't think that sitting on a truck is comfortable.

On such a bumpy road at this time, the feeling of bumping up and down is not pleasant at all.

Come down now and take a few steps, it is much more comfortable than bumping on the truck.

"That's the truth, haha!"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo also nodded with a smile, agreeing with this point.

In this way, Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo and Mizushima Kimura Zhongzuo came to the flat ground not far away.

Looking at the empty surroundings, Tsuruoka Yuki and Mizushima Kimura's eyes were filled with emotion.

Next to him, the little devil soldiers who were in charge of vigilance had already begun to be vigilant.

Although, the surrounding is very flat and empty.

But, it's not allowed to hide people secretly.

Once there are really people hiding in the dark, then their two captain commanders are really in danger.

It may even be finished.

These imperial soldiers cannot allow such a thing to happen.

So, at the first moment, these little devil soldiers have done a good job of vigilance and defense around them.

"Mizushima-kun, look!"

At this time, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo pointed to the empty land in front of him and said to Mizushima Kimura Zhongzuo: "What a good land resource, if all of this becomes the land resource of the empire, then it can immediately change the current state of the empire. After all, the resources on the mainland are really too few!"

For this, in fact, the lieutenants, chief officers, etc. of these little devils are all clear in their hearts.

Otherwise, there would be no such war of aggression against China.

"Yes, Mr. Hegang!"

Nakamura Mizushima Kimura also nodded, agreeing with this:
"If these lands are all empires, then our empire will definitely become the number one in the world, the real overlord, the overlord of this world!"

"It's just that Huaxia is really too big. Our empire's strength, military strength, etc. are somewhat lacking, and there are various reasons and so on!"

"If it weren't for this, we would be able to invest all the troops, resources, etc. of the empire, perhaps in the shortest time, and shorten a lot of time, those lands with empty resources!"


Regarding this, at this moment, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura can only say a pity.

In his opinion, the resources of the empire, military resources, etc., are really too few.

The battlefield and battle lines of the battle are so large and stretched so long, which has highlighted their disadvantage of insufficient troops.

If it continues like this, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But, he was just an inconspicuous lieutenant officer.

For this situation, I don't even have the right to make suggestions, I can only think about it myself.

"Mizushima-kun, I know everything you said!"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo nodded seriously when he heard this.

He also agrees with this, but unfortunately, like Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura, he is just an inconspicuous lieutenant officer.

If they are officers of the General Commander, they still have the right to make suggestions to the Imperial War Department.

Lieutenant Commander, you have no such right at all!

(End of this chapter)

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