Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 348 Moving the Corpse

Chapter 348 Moving the Corpse
Five minutes later, under the leadership of Captain Inobe Akira, the little devil, came outside the school grounds.

In fact, when he was visiting there just now, Lei Zhan heard the roar of the little devils here.

Even if the little devil Jing Bianzhang didn't invite Lei Zhan to come here, Lei Zhan himself would ask to come here.

"Well, Mr. Jingbian, the soldiers over there, what are they doing?"

At this time, Lei Zhan suddenly found some little devils carrying something on the left side of the school field, 30 meters away.

Moreover, the objects they carried were all wrapped in black cloth.

"Oh, Your Excellency Major, those things are those who have finished studying and died. After all, the research of our empire requires a lot of Malu.

Moreover, in the research, a large number of Malu die every day, and it is quite normal for [-] Malu to die every day.

After all, these incompetent and useless Chinese people are paying for the great cause of our empire, which is their highest honor. "

Hearing Lei Zhan's question, the little devil, Captain Akira Inobe, immediately answered with a smile.

And, while he was talking, there was a disdainful smile on his face.


Hearing Captain Jing Bianzhang's words, Lei Zhan suddenly snorted coldly in his heart, his chest was already filled with a strong murderous aura.

At least 500 people die every day, which is still a small number in the eyes of their group of beasts. These are fresh human lives.

These bastards, devils and beasts are simply a group of beasts in human skin, stinky shit.

"oh, I see."

Although his heart was filled with strong murderous intent, Lei Zhan still had to hold back at this time.

Everything is for planning.


But Yang Hu who was next to him snorted coldly at this moment. After Yang Hu saw this scene, he felt his heart was bleeding.

These are his fellow countrymen and brothers. At this time, they all died tragically at the hands of these devils and beasts.

Seeing this, Yang Hu swore in his heart that at the beginning of the plan, he would kill all the little devils here, only in this way can he comfort his compatriots who died tragically.

"Mr. Tianlei, you must know that the whole of China is now the hunting ground of our Great Japanese Empire, and the Chinese people in it are our prey, serving our empire on which the sun never sets.

Moreover, dying here is the highest honor for these Chinese people. According to their Chinese words, this is the virtue they have accumulated for eight lifetimes. What do you think, Your Excellency, Major! "

The little devil Jing Bianzhang said with a smile on his face, while looking at Lei Zhan with fiery eyes.

Because, in the heart of Captain Inobe Zhang, the little devil, the emperor and the empire are the supreme rulers, and China is their hunting ground, and the Chinese are just their prey.

"Hehe, yes, prey!"

Looking at the little devil, Captain Jing Bianzhang, Lei Zhan also said with a smile, and in Lei Zhan's smile, there was already a killing intent mixed in.

The prey, who is the prey, is still unknown.

Moreover, Lei Zhan has long since disregarded the little devil's tricks. What the hell is the honor of the empire, what a fucking emperor, the spirit of Bushido, all of these, in Lei Zhan's view, are just jokes.

It was the Japanese right-wing invaders who came to brainwash the soldiers below.

Let this group of ignorant guys think that the Great East Asian Jihad is noble and supreme.

However, the reality is that this is war, a naked...naked...naked... act of aggression, these beasts, they came to China under the guise of the Great East Asian Jihad, and did heinous crimes.

In the Nanjing Massacre, more than 30 compatriots died tragically.

On the land of Great China, all over the country, when the little devils and beasts invaded, more than 30 compatriots died.

300 million, 3000 million, or even more, this is the bloody and cruel fact.

And in the future, this group of devils and bastards will not even admit their brutal and evil deeds in China.

From this point, it can be seen that these little devils are just cold and smelly shit that really wiped out two sticks.

"Haha, please, Your Excellency the Major."

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, and feeling the murderous aura on Lei Zhan's body, the little devil, Captain Jing Bianzhang, immediately laughed.

He felt that what he said spoke to Lei Zhan's heart, otherwise, it would be impossible for Lei Zhan to burst out with murderous aura.

You must know that the imperial warriors in the entire Yingsen United have experienced more than a hundred battles. Therefore, those who can break out murderous thunder battles are the real members of the Yingsen United.


Afterwards, Lei Zhan took a look at the little devils who were carrying the corpses in the distance, and led Yang Hu into the school grounds under the leadership of the little devil, Captain Jing Bianzhang.




At this time, the little devils in the school are training, some of them are practicing physical fitness, some are practicing shooting skills, and some are practicing assassination skills.

After entering the school grounds, Lei Zhan found that there were about one squadron of little devils in the school grounds.

Seeing this situation, Lei Zhan felt a little lucky in his heart, fortunately, he hadn't blindly attacked the little devil's research institute before, otherwise, their losses would have been great.

For now, Lei Zhan is in this research institute, but he has discovered two squadrons of little devils.

Who knows if there are other little devils in other places of the institute.


At this time, Yang Hu, who was following behind Lei Zhan, snorted coldly in his heart, and his eyes were full of disdain when he looked at these little devils who were training on the school field.

Although these little devils trained like dogs, they were far from the soldiers of their Wolf Warriors.

Yang Hu can assure you that if it is a one-on-one fight with two hands, he only needs to dispatch about 30 fighters from the special forces team, more than [-], to kill the nearly [-] little devils in front of him. Let's kill them.

"Come, come, warriors of the empire, come and meet the officer from the Eagle Forest United."

Looking at Lei Zhan and Yang Hu who were watching the soldiers under him, Jing Bianzhang smiled slightly, turned around, and started shouting at the little devil who was training on the school field.

Smiling and clapping his hands, he motioned for the soldiers to gather to meet Lei Zhan and Yang Hu, and asked Lei Zhan and Yang Hu for guidance.

Moreover, in his heart, he also wanted to see what the elite of the empire, the elite officers of the Yingsen United, were capable of.

Is it really like the rumors in the army, on the Chinese battlefield, invincible!

(End of this chapter)

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