Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 351 Excited Little Devils

Chapter 351 Excited Little Devils

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, the Gu Ye brothers were not polite at all.

The two looked proud, and raised the [-] caps in their hands, their faces were full of self-satisfied smiles.

Because, the next time, it's time for his two brothers to perform, crushing the officers in the elite regiment of the empire, this kind of thing is the highest honor.


These two little devils can be considered veterans.

Although they were proud of themselves, when they started shooting, the two brothers quickly adjusted their breathing.

And, these two little devils have already started aiming at the target.

"Ha ha!"

Captain Akira Inobe next to him looked at the two Tanino brothers who were about to shoot, and chuckled lightly.

Now, in his mind, he had decided that their squadron would win this match.




The little devils watching from the side were all smiling, watching this scene with great anticipation.


Seeing the performance of these little devils in front of him, Lei Zhan snorted coldly in his heart.

In Lei Zhan's eyes, the group of little devils in front of him are nothing more than a group of frogs in a well.

After a while, he will let the little devil know what is a destructive and what is a real sharpshooter.

However, at this time, Yang Hu paid attention to the two Gu Ye brothers who were about to shoot.

Although Yang Hu disdains these two little devils, he still has to take them seriously when he shoots.

After all, people stumble, horses stumble, and if there is an accident, it will be bad.


At this time, the little devils Gu Ye and the two brothers had completely adjusted themselves.

The two of them held the 100 caps and aimed at the empty wine bottle floating [-] meters ahead.

After aiming at the target, the two little devils, Gu Ye, slowly pulled the trigger.



Immediately afterwards, there were two gunshots.





And at the moment the gunshot rang out, the wine bottle wandering 100 meters away burst in an instant.

At this moment, the little devil soldiers who saw this scene on the side began to applaud loudly.

Their faces are full of excitement. You know, if they hit a fixed target 100 meters away, they are already considered real sharpshooters.

But now their fighters are shooting at wandering targets, so in their hearts, the two Gu Ye brothers are already sharpshooters among sharpshooters.

Even the warriors in the imperial elite team in front of them can't compare with the two brothers Gu Ye. After all, the two brothers Gu Ye insist on shooting training every day.



At this time, Captain Jingbianzhang, who was next to Lei Zhan, slapped his hands and smiled when he saw the performance of the two Gu Ye brothers in front of him.

"Your Majesty, what do you think?"

And, the little devil Jing Bianzhang smiled, looked at Lei Zhan, and asked.

Although his attitude is still respectful at this time, but in his smile, the sharpness has been hidden, and he is approaching Lei Zhan.

Anyway, it's a competition now, even if you offend Lei Zhan, it's nothing, because this is a competition.

"Enn, Yoshi, good job!"

Seeing the proud Captain Jingbianzhang, Lei Zhan immediately smiled and praised him.

Whatever the enemy wants, Lei Zhan will give him what he wants, it's no big deal, anyway, after a while, he will slap the little devil in the face severely.

"Haha, Your Majesty the Major, you're overwhelmed."

Hearing Lei Zhan's praise, Captain Jing Bianzhang, the little devil, was also very happy.



At this time, the gunshots sounded again, and the two Gu Ye brothers started shooting again.

After all, there are fifteen goals in total, and in a three-person match, each person has five goals.


Unsurprisingly, the target wine bottle 100 meters away shattered again.



The little devils around saw the two Gu Ye brothers hit the target again, and their hearts became even more excited.


The little devil next to him, Captain Jing Bianzhang, had a more and more satisfied look on his face.

He was really satisfied with the performance of the two Gu Ye brothers.


Seeing this scene, Lei Zhan and Yang Hu still sneered in their hearts.

Let's laugh, be proud, be happy, be excited, the more proud and excited you are now, the more you will be hit after a while.




The two Gu Ye brothers who were shooting at this time became even more excited when they heard the cheers of the imperial warriors around them.

Because, the two brothers have already determined in their hearts that this time the highest honor has already been obtained.

Then, in the following time, the two Gu Ye brothers fired quickly, and the guns hit the target.

In a moment, the empty wine bottles 100 meters away were all smashed by the two little devils, Gu Ye.


"Big Yoshi!"



Seeing the two little devils Gu Ye successfully shoot ten targets, the little devils around them all shouted excitedly.

And, they quickly rushed towards the two brothers Gu Ye, and two of the devils took the [-] big cover from the hands of the two brothers Gu Ye.

And the rest of the little devils immediately picked up the two Gu Ye brothers, and began to lift them up, cheering and throwing them up.




In an instant, the entire little devil's school field was filled with the little devil's strange screams.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, the subordinates are too excited!"

At this time, Captain Jingbianzhang, the little devil, was excited, but seeing the behavior of his subordinates in front of Lei Zhan, he had to express something.

If he cheered loudly now, he would be naked, naked, and slap His Excellency Major in the face.

However, the shooting situation in front of them at this time, the result has been determined, and they are definitely winning.

"Oh, it's okay, cheers, it's the work that should be done."

Seeing the performance of the little devil, Captain Jing Bianzhang, Lei Zhan said indifferently.

And, Lei Zhan said to Captain Jing Bianzhang with a smile on his face.

Now Lei Zhan is very happy in his heart, because the next moment is the time to really slap him in the face.

Now that the little devils have climbed so high, the next step is to fall down from the clouds.

And, the feeling of falling, hehe!
"Okay, you guys, stop working."

Looking at the subordinate who was still cheering non-stop in front of him, the little devil, Captain Inobe Akira, immediately roared.

After all, no matter how proud and excited you are, you can't overdo it, right?

Hearing Akira Inobe's words, the little devils stopped.

And at this time, Yang Hu, with a cold face, began to back away slowly under the surprised eyes of all the little devils...

(End of this chapter)

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