Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3605 Calm down devil lieutenant

Chapter 3605 Calm down devil lieutenant

Although it was scolding, what he said was completely reasonable.

Lieutenant Assistant Liu Fengyuye had already been blamed, and his mind was a little dizzy.

You know, their responsibilities for this battle mission, etc., in the end, it still depends on the final result of their battle this time.

As long as they win, successfully take down the Yuncheng grain depot, and recover all the lost grain, then their responsibility can be said to be negligible.

Of course, this is under the condition of winning the battle and recovering the food.

As for the opposite result, once the battle fails, their responsibility will be directly magnified.

Moreover, it will still be magnified to the most serious result.

The meaning of Shin Kuma Goichi is very simple.

As long as you can win the battle, everything will be fine.

Once the battle is lost, then the two of them, it can be said, are no different from going to hell.

The most serious consequence, assuming this responsibility, is probably to cut seppuku and be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor.

And the results and consequences of this failure are something they cannot afford.

After all, they don't dare to say anything now, they are all the captains of the Lieutenant Commander, even if the rank is not promoted, when they return to the mainland, they are not the bottom, but the top of the middle, the group of people who are about to enter the top.

At that time, the life I live will be very good.

And under such circumstances, they don't want to die.

So, they really can't bear the consequences of this failure.




As for Lieutenant Zuo Liufengyuye at this moment, he realized this instantly after hearing the words of Lieutenant Zuo Zhenxiong Gangyi.

And, fear in my heart.

After that, he began to take a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and expelled the fear rising in his heart.

He thought in his heart: "Yes, as long as the current battle can be won, then everything is easy to talk about!"

"Once it fails, the consequences are ones they simply can't afford!"

Along with taking a deep breath, Zhong Zuo Liu Fengyuye's mind gradually calmed down, and the fear in his heart was also slowly dispelled by him.

He was, after all, a lieutenant officer.

It is completely capable of slowly expelling the fear in my heart.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to get to where he is today and become a lieutenant officer.


After taking another deep breath, Lieutenant Zuo Liu Fengyuye completely calmed down.

There was no anger in his eyes.

Instead, there is calm, calm.

"True Bear, I understand!"

After calming down, Zhongzuo Liu Fengyuye said: "You are right. What we should face at this moment is the battle in front of us. Only by winning the battle can we avoid all of this. Otherwise, everything we say now is empty talk. And if we fail, then everything will be empty, everything will be over!"

Reason, he understands.

It's just that, the previous him was washed away by anger and fear, that's all.

Calm down now, and think everything through in an instant.

"Well, Mr. Liu Feng, it's good if you can calm down now and think about this."

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Zhenxiong Gangyi's face: "After all, only you who are calm and the two of us working together can win this battle!"

Lieutenant Assistant Zhenxiong Gangyi knew very well in his heart that in the situation in front of him, it was impossible to complete the combat mission in front of him only by himself.

Especially after suffering such a heavy blow in front, he was even more uncertain on his own.

If it wasn't like this, if he was confident on his own, in the situation just now, he could completely ignore Lieutenant Zuo Liu Fengyu Ye and command the battle by himself to complete the battle mission this time.

At that time, he will take the credit himself, and Lieutenant Liu Fengyuye, the hateful guy, will be responsible for it.

It's a pity that he is not sure about the situation in front of him.

Otherwise, he really wanted to do this, and would really do it!
Unfortunately, he wasn't sure.

"Well, I see, Mr. Xiong!"

At this moment, Lieutenant Assistant Liu Fengyuye did not have the forceful attitude before.

He is very calm, and restrained all his previous attitudes towards the real Kuma Goichi.

"Mr. Xiong, tell me, how should we operate and deploy for the next battle?"

Lieutenant Assistant Liu Fengyuye asked Lieutenant Assistant Zhenxiong Gangyi for advice.

"Mr. Liufeng, we still need to discuss this matter together. After all, I can't do it on my own. I am very self-aware. I also know what kind of abilities I have. Go on. The next battle will depend on the two of us!"

Zhen Xiong Gangyi Lieutenant Zuo didn't act strong because of Lieutenant Liu Fengyuye's attitude.

He knew very clearly in his heart that the next time should be discussed between the two of them.

Otherwise, he really couldn't think of, and couldn't figure out where to start the next battle.

After all, the situation in Yuncheng's grain depot was already grim and cruel.

And he, at this moment, felt a little clueless.

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Lieutenant Liu Fengyuye also breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he was really worried that the real Xiong Gangyi, Lieutenant Assistant, would directly monopolize the power.

Once this guy monopolizes the power, it will be considered a victory in the end, and he will not be able to compare with him in the credit he gets.

Now, it's okay, okay.

"Mr. Xiong, I feel that we can't waste time now, and we can't stop the imperial soldiers sneaking into the Yuncheng grain depot just because we are formulating a new battle plan!"

"At this moment, let's not hesitate to issue combat orders directly. How about thinking about combat deployment and combat plans while fighting?"

It has to be said that Lieutenant Assistant Liu Fengyuye is more capable than Xiong Gangyi.

He directly pointed out the focus of the battle at this time.

It is impossible to stop the previous deployment, it can only continue.

Because, now there is no time for them to formulate a new battle plan again.

Therefore, they must follow the previous battle plan, while implementing it, while thinking about the new battle plan.

Although, there were mistakes in the battle plan they formulated before.

However, the wrong place has already paid the price. The assault squadron perishes, fearing that the artillery position will be destroyed. This is the consequence.

But the rest of the deployment is very correct, there is no need to abolish it, just continue to use it.

"Well, I think that's fine too!"

As soon as Zhenxiong heard this, he immediately nodded and agreed.

For this, he has no opinion.

After all, he himself had no clue.

And at this moment, after hearing Zhongzuo Liu Fengyuye's words, his heart brightened instantly.

The haze that shrouded my heart also began to dissipate!
(End of this chapter)

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