Chapter 362

Originally, in the office, Major Takeda Suino, who was praised by Major General Asano Ichiro, was very happy.

However, when he saw Inobe Akira suddenly barging in before him with an anxious face and a messy body.

His good mood was instantly shattered, as if a piece of stinky shit was buried in a delicious cake.

"Bagaya Road!"

Looking at the anxious and flustered Captain Akira Inobe and Major Takeda Shino, he immediately cursed.

Seeing His Excellency Takeda Shino's unhappy face and angry look, Captain Inobe Akira's heart immediately shuddered, but, thinking of Lei Zhan's departure, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and shoot at the gun. Collide.

"Your Majesty, Tian Lei Jun has left."

Captain Akira Inobe ran to the desk of Shao Zuo Takeda, took a deep breath, and directly told Shao Zuo Takeda the news of Lei Zhan's departure.


However, Major Takeda Suino, who heard the news, immediately froze in place.

Moreover, the angry face of Major Takeda Shino was immediately filled with doubts.

He didn't understand what Captain Inobe Akira's words meant.

Logically speaking, shouldn't the current Tianlei Lord be treated well by Captain Jing Bianzhang, why would he leave?

"What's the matter with the work?"

Thinking that there might be other things involved, Major Takeda Shino hurriedly asked.

Now, thinking of some of these things, he couldn't be the stupid pig in front of him, Zhang Jingbian, who offended Tianlei Lord.

Otherwise, why would Tianlei Jun suddenly leave the Bacteriology Research Institute?

Thinking that Zhang Jingbian might have offended Lord Tianlei, and made Lord Tianlei leave angrily, Shaozuo Takeda Shino was furious in his heart.


It's not because of the strong Malu, you know, just now he made a guarantee with Major General Asano Ichiro.

If something goes wrong with the strong Ma Luda, he will be severely punished. If the research on the TZ-002 bacterial bomb is delayed, then his consequence will be to apologize by harakiri.

"Your Excellency Major, Lord Tianlei is in the room of the Imperial Warriors......!"

Then, in the following time, Captain Akira Inobe, the little devil, reported everything that happened in the research institute to Shao Zuo Takeda.

Moreover, even the Imperial War God cultivated by General Shou in the temple was violently beaten by Lei Zhan, all of which were revealed.

There is nothing missing in these things.

Following the report of the little devil, Captain Akira Inobe, Major Takeda Shino's face became more and more ugly and angry.

Similarly, following his report, the little devil, Captain Jingbianzhang, became more and more worried and nervous.

"That's the way it is, Your Excellency the Major!"

At this moment, the little devil, Captain Inobe Akira, didn't dare to look directly at Major Takeda Shino. He lowered his head and said tremblingly.

"Bagaya Road!"

As expected, Takeda Shino, who had been angry for a long time at this time, exploded immediately after the little devil, Captain Akira Inobe, finished speaking.

Roaring angrily, he directly bypassed the desk, and came to the side of the little devil, Captain Akira Inobe, who was already terrified when he heard Major Takeda Shino's roar.



Major Takeda Shino was not polite at all, his face was full of anger, and he directly slapped Captain Akira Inobe on the face.



Major Takeda Shino, this time, he slapped Captain Jingbianzhang's face twice in a row.



Akira Inobe was about to say something, but Major Takeda Shino didn't give him a chance at all, and slapped him again.

This slap directly slapped back what Captain Jing Bianzhang was about to say.



After Master Takeda Shino slapped Zhang Jingbian's face seven or eight times, the anger in his heart finally subsided a little.

"Hi Yi!"

At this moment, Captain Jingbianzhang's face was completely red and swollen.

Moreover, his nose and mouth were all bleeding.

At this moment, Captain Jingbianzhang was extremely embarrassed.

However, he didn't complain at all, because what happened today was done by himself.

The bitter fruit must be borne by oneself!

"Your Majesty, I don't know if today's incident will affect the transportation problem of Ma Luda?"

Seeing the incomparably angry Major Takeda Shino and Captain Inobe Akira, he said tremblingly with an unsure tone in his tone.



It's good that Akira Inobe didn't mention this matter. He just mentioned this matter, and the anger in his heart had subsided a lot, and Shao Zuo Takeda, who had already subsided a lot, suddenly became even more angry.

He kicked directly on Zhang Jingbian's stomach in front of him.

This time, the hard-pressed Captain Jingbianzhang fell directly on the back wall.



Captain Akira Inobe, who had already been injured by Lei Zhan, fell to the ground with a big mouthful of blood because of Shao Zuo Takeda's kick.

Moreover, at this moment, Captain Inobe Akira's face turned pale.

"Ma Luda, Ma Luda, Mr. Jingbian, do you know how important this matter is?

If you delay this matter, you and I will both need seppuku, and apologize to His Majesty the Emperor, you stupid pig, Bagayalu! "

Even though the Captain Jingbianzhang in front of him was seriously injured and vomited blood, Major Takeda Shino didn't let him go at all.

Shao Zuo, Takeda Shino, cursed directly, and came to Akira Inobe's side again, bent over and picked up Akira Inobe on the ground, and started venting again.



"Stupid pig's work!"

After two slaps again, Major Takeda Shino threw the collapsed Captain Akira Inobe on the ground.


At this moment, Captain Jing Bianzhang was lying on the ground, blood was continuously coming out of his mouth, and at the same time, his face was full of pain, and he was groaning in pain.

"Now Tianlei Lord shouldn't be far away, you go and find Tianlei Lord for me, if you can't find it, you don't have to come back, just cut your stomach outside, and apologize to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Major Takeda Shino glared fiercely at Captain Inobe Akira who was on the ground, and strode away from here.


After Major Takeda Shino left, it took a full 5 minutes for Captain Inobe Akira to react.

He smiled bitterly, wiped the blood from his mouth and nose, and stood up on the ground in a state of embarrassment and weakness.


Captain Inobe Akira sighed and walked outside.

(End of this chapter)

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