Chapter 375
Looking at the little devils who quickly surrounded them, Yang Fei and the newly arrived special forces members immediately became vigilant.

They just came here, so they don't understand what these little devils want to do.


Seeing the nervous Yang Fei and the soldiers, Yang Hu stepped forward and shook his head to Yang Fei and the soldiers, expressing that they should not act rashly.

"Your Majesty, please guide us!"

"Your Majesty, please guide me!"

"Your Excellency, Major...!"


In an instant, these little devils gathered around looked at Lei Zhan in front of them, and immediately started talking in a hurry.

They hope that Lei Zhan can guide and teach them to train, after all Lei Zhan is so powerful.

These little devils thought in their hearts that if Lei Zhan could guide them, they would improve a lot.

So, they are now asking for it.

"Ha ha!"

For these enthusiastic little devils, what they are thinking, Lei Zhan fully understands in his heart, for the plan in his heart, he needs to teach these little devils now.

"it is good!"

At this time, Yang Fei and the new fighters had fully understood what the little devils in front of them were going to do.

Therefore, they let go of their vigilance, and now, their admiration for Lei Zhan in their hearts is even stronger.

The head of the regiment is the head of the regiment, even in the camp of the little devils, he can fool the little devils into foolishness.

Then, in the following time, Lei Zhan ordered Yang Fei, Yang Hu and others to guide and teach the little devil.

He just wants Yang Fei and others to establish a good relationship with these little devils and wait for tomorrow's dawn plan.

Time passed quickly, and the night came again.

In the evening, at the invitation of Shao Zuo Takeda, they had dinner, and then led by Lei Zhan, Yang Fei and others went back to the room to rest.

And the little devils in the research institute don't know that death is about to come, and their fate is about to end!

dark night.

In the village outside the Little Devil Research Institute, black figures flashed quickly one after another. These black figures disappeared after entering the dilapidated small courtyard that had been selected long ago.

Time is passing fast, slowly the night will pass, and the dawn will come.

The guard at the gate of the institute.

The vigilance of the little devils is basically placed outside the research institute.

At the gate, they arranged about a squadron of troops.

In addition, the little devils patrolling around the research institute, one squad and one squad, probably have the strength of a squadron.

At this time, the night will pass and the dawn will come.

Many of these little devils who were guarding outside the door were already sleepy. They leaned against the wall and kept lighting their heads.

There are also little devils, they are smoking and talking, and they use cigarettes to dispel the sleepiness in their hearts.

And these little devils who were patrolling outside the entire research institute were already very sleepy after a night of patrolling.

Some of them found a shelter from the wind just outside the wall of the research institute, and started smoking, while others squatted by the wall and fell asleep.

At this time, the black shadow that had disappeared in the village reappeared. They moved quickly, one by one, and slowly surrounded the entire Little Devil Research Institute.

At the same time, in the little devil's research institute, Lei Zhan, Yang Fei and others had already got up and gathered together.

The faces of Lei Zhan, Yang Fei and others were very serious at this time, they were waiting for the dawn.

As long as the thunder and snipers outside all act, then it's time for them to act.


outside the institute.

At this moment, Lei Ming was leading a dozen or so snipers, quietly circling around the outside of the research institute.

He found that these little devils who were patrolling outside were basically very sleepy.

So, next, it's time for them to act.

After observing these situations, Lei Ming immediately decided to act.

Anyway, these little devils have basically stopped patrolling now, and small groups are resting against the base of the wall.

Such a situation just gave Lei Ming and the others a chance to kill them.

The rest of the dozens of snipers were all in place, and they all gathered in front of the devil's research institute.

Lei Ming, on the other hand, led a dozen snipers and started a solo sniper operation.

Moreover, there are several teams acting together with Lei Ming.

According to Lei Ming's previous observation, there are more than a dozen teams patrolling the periphery of the Little Devil's Bacterial Research Institute. Each of these dozen teams has more than a dozen little devils.

Therefore, Lei Ming decided to start sniping.

Anyway, dawn has come, and the little devil can already be seen in the sniper scope.

Soon, Lei Ming led the team and set their sights on the first team of little devils.

At this time, the pair of little devils who were being watched by Lei Ming basically squatted at the base of the wall and began to rest.

Since nothing happened at all since the establishment of the institute, the little devils here have begun to relax.

Therefore, they will start to rest when the patrol is about to end every day.

These dozen or so little devils who are resting don't know that the god of death has arrived at this moment.

"From left to right, call and kill in turn, take action."

Looking at the little devil in front of him, Lei Ming led a dozen fighters and quickly selected a sniper position, and under Lei Ming's order, they each found their own sniper target.




As soon as Lei Ming gave the order, within half a minute, Lei Ming and the soldiers pulled the trigger in their hands without hesitation.

Looking around, I saw the little devils squatting on the ground resting at the bottom of the wall of the Bacteriological Research Institute. They all shivered and started making uh-uh sounds.

"Ding dong!"


Moreover, there was also the sound of bullets hitting the little devil's iron helmet.

This voice, in this silent dawn, seemed so piercing.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Oh oh oh!"


At the same time, when Lei Ming and others fired their guns, the sound of roosters crowing began in the village.

And the crowing sound just covered up the sound of the bullet hitting the kid's helmet.

Even so, in the research institute, the little devil on the security shelf still found the flickering fire in the village.

This flame is the bullet fired and flickered at the muzzle of the gun.

However, this step had already been expected by Lei Ming.

Just when the little devil above was about to act, the fire flashed again in the village.

And these little devils who discovered the situation, after the fire, collapsed on the high security shelf.

(End of this chapter)

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