Soldier Assault Scout Vanguard

Chapter 36 Man-Vehicle Coordination and Vehicle Shooting Training

Chapter 36 Man-Vehicle Coordination and Vehicle Shooting Training
Time flies, and it will be next week in a blink of an eye.

This morning, the sky was not yet fully bright, and it was still dim. With a beep, the whistle exploded at the headquarters of the No. [-] Steel Company, like a muffled thunder, waking up all the sleeping soldiers.

Plop plop plop.

In the darkness, one soldier after another jumped off the bed.

After a while, many of the soldiers had already dressed and started folding quilts.

The speed of Steel Seventh Company can be seen from this.

Since today is considered an emergency gathering, everyone did not wash their faces or brush their teeth. After getting dressed, they filed out and rushed to the weapon room in a fast but orderly manner. They received the guns one by one. After they were equipped, they trotted He went downstairs and rushed to the playground.

Not long after, the soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company had already lined up in a neat square formation.

"Relax! Stand upright! Report the number!"

The sounds of passwords and counting came one after another.

After a while, the officer on duty trotted to Gao Cheng, stood at attention with a snap, and saluted: "Comrade Company Commander, the Seventh Company has assembled, there should be 120 people, but there are 114 people, 2 people who are on leave, and 4 people who are on duty, please give instructions." !"

"Take a break!"


After the on-duty staff organized the team, Gao Cheng came to the front of the team, stood at attention, and shouted: "Comrades!"

The soldiers stand at attention.

"Take a break!"

After everyone took a rest, Gao Cheng said loudly: "Comrades, today we will conduct mechanized man-vehicle coordination and infantry combat vehicle shooting training.

This time, the mission is training in name, but I hope that comrades will regard this as an actual combat mission. Those targets are our enemies, so we must play the spirit of the Seventh Steel Company and the spirit of the Seventh Steel Company. Tell me, can everyone do it? "


"Are they all sissies? Soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company, tell me, can you do it!"


"Get in the car!" Gao Cheng waved his hand, turned around, and rushed out first.

At this time, one after another infantry fighting vehicle has been warmed up, and it has been roaring for a long time.

After receiving the order to board the vehicle, the soldiers separated one by one according to the order, and then trotted into their respective infantry vehicles. Soon, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, soldiers rushed into the infantry vehicles one after another. In the chariot.

Of course, there were also accidents and situations. Many recruits had many problems. Either Duang slammed into the car door, or slammed into other veterans or recruits with a bang. Some even had two people robbing a seat. Condition.

But this is inevitable. The recruits have just been sent to the company, and a lot of training has just started, so it is an accident if there are no accidents.

Although Gao Cheng was dissatisfied with all this, there was nothing he could do.

"We still need to strengthen the training!" Sitting on the command vehicle, he sighed, and in the process of looking back, he suddenly found an unexpected situation, and he couldn't help saying: "Squad three is fine, that's it." Get in the car!"

At this time, soldiers from other squads were still trying their best to squeeze into the compartment, but the rear door of the 207 chariot from the third squad had already been closed.

After hearing Gao Cheng's words, Hong Xingguo also poked his head over to take a look, and then nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, Shi Jin's class monitor is really getting better and better!"

"The soldiers I brought out are of course very good!" Gao Cheng praised without humility.

Hong Xingguo shook his head, dumbfounded.

His partner is good at everything, but he is a braggart, too exaggerated.

The command vehicle rushed out of the company with a roar, and other infantry vehicles followed, one after another.

The seventh company is not the only one doing this training today, other companies are also doing it together.

But when the seventh company's convoy rushed out of the station with a roar, the soldiers of the other companies began to count on the playground.

The gap between the two sides is so large that it cannot be bridged, like soldiers from two worlds.

Farther away, higher up, Wang Qingrui, the head of the 702 regiment, looked at it with mixed feelings in his heart.

He didn't know whether he should be happy or unhappy.

The Seventh Steel Company was excellent and unparalleled, but in the entire 702 regiment, there was only one Steel Seventh Company, and most of the other companies were relatively ordinary.

The better the Steel Seventh Company is, the more mediocre the other companies are.

As the head of the group, when I saw this scene, I felt a little complicated in my heart.

While he was in a daze, a middle-aged man walked over beside him.


Wang Qingrui turned his head to look.

But it was his old partner, the political commissar of the 702 regiment.

The political commissar stood with Wang Qingrui.

After watching it for a while, the political commissar couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The Seventh Company is really getting stronger and stronger! It was really a good move to let Gao Cheng be the company commander of the Seventh Company. Bring the Seventh Steel Company to the current level!"

"Yeah, Gaocheng proved himself and our vision with the facts, but now I'm a little worried. The Seventh Steel Company is too strong. I really don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing?" Wang Qingrui sighed.

"Of course this is a good thing!" said the political commissar.

Wang Qingrui shook his head, paused, and then said: "The two classes I was in when I was young were particularly impressive.

In a class, although there are no very bright students, there is not much difference between them, so the students catch up with each other and surpass each other in the usual study, and the learning atmosphere is very good.

In another class, the top students are very good and often get full marks, but the poor students are also very poor. The teacher often says to those poor students, students, you have to work hard and learn from the top students, but those poor students have worked hard a few times. I found that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't catch up with those top students, and the gap between the two sides was getting bigger and bigger, so those poor students quickly gave up, gave up on themselves, and didn't bother to work hard.

In the end, this class was a mess in the exams. Except for a few top students who were not bad, the others were not good.

On the contrary, the other class got excellent grades in the end, and 80.00% of the students in the class were admitted to key high schools! "

When the political commissar heard this, his expression gradually became serious, and the smile on his face soon disappeared.

He was also lost in thought!
(End of this chapter)

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