Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 265 If you have doubts, you must find out

Chapter 265 If you have doubts, you must find out

Ding Mocun said that Sakai Mieko would not go into it at all. First of all, this matter was not handled by her. The head of the class at the time was Yutaro Watanabe. The village said that the person who leaked the secret should be the consulate or the dispatched troops.

Not long after the dispatched army arrived in Shanghai, all the high-ranking military officers who knew about it also went to the dining place with the prince, and basically all of them were broken. Who would leak the secret, could it be Consul General Muto and Deputy Consul General Iwai? This is not nonsense.

At that time, it was not that the intelligence department did not send people to investigate. The final answer was that Zheng Yaoxian had judged from the convoy that the Prince had eaten at the dining place for mortar bombing, and there was no other explanation.

"Director Ding, it is impossible for the Killing God to be a member of our military, you are too worried!"

"Section Chief Sakai, isn't it impossible for him to be a person in a special advanced course?"

"Director Ding, even Yutaro Watanabe, the section chief, didn't know about the prince's itinerary at that time, who would leak the secret!"

"Don't you know about the special high school?" Ding Mocun asked, not knowing the details.
"I can be sure that the prince's itinerary is top secret. The special high school will never know in advance, and all the officers who know about it are all dead. If you want to doubt, only Consul General Muto and Deputy Consul General Iwai are left, because they know Only the two of them are left."

"I don't dare, I just think this matter is very strange. It was all my speculation just now, and I ask Mr. Sakai not to take it seriously." Ding Mocun did not dare to doubt the two consuls.
"So! Director Ding, you now have an additional task, which is to find out this killer." Mieko Sakai said,


"You should prepare to transfer Haizhengchu's mission tomorrow, don't make any mistakes."

"It's ready, and it's guaranteed to be safe."

Seeing that Ding Mocun had finished making the phone call, Li Shiqun who was waiting at the side asked, "Director, do you mean that the secret agents of Tianlixing Society will come to rescue people?"

"Shiqun, with the permission of Colonel Tanaka, I have read some top-secret files of the Super High School. Inoue Hinaki, Oshima Ushisan, Akiyama Masako and others were all shot and killed by the judge group. Zheng Yaoxian was just a strategic commander. He Now that we have left Shanghai, what about the judge team, No. [-] special agent team, Killing God, and that mysterious female expert?"

"The director is saying that they are still in Shanghai?"

"A few days ago, the judge group and Tan Lin killed six people, why did they disappear suddenly?" Ding Mocun said,

"But Zheng Yao first killed Li Demao, the judge group and Shashen, these masters did not show up."

"That's because they don't need them, so there's no need to show up."

"What does the director mean that they will show up tomorrow?"

"I have a feeling they'll show up!"

"They want to save people!?"

"No, they want to kill people! I know the surname Dai very well. He will never let the combination of God of Killing and the Judge save people, because he knows very well that people cannot be saved at all, but he will not take the risk of letting Hai Zhengchu He will be sent for trial, so tomorrow is their last chance on the road." Ding Mocun said very firmly,
"Don't go there, Director, I'll take someone there."

"No, if it's really a god of killing, the judges will make their move, and I will make them suspicious if I don't go."

"But this is too dangerous!"

"Do as I said tomorrow. There is no danger. Maybe we can still catch the combination of Killing God and Judge."

"But transporting Hai Zhengchu is a top secret, will they know? Could it be that the director wants to spread the news, but it's already at this point, and I'm afraid it's too late."

"Hahaha..." Ding Mocun let out a loud laugh, and then said, "Scholar, don't spread the news. If there is an ambush tomorrow, there must be something wrong with someone in the meeting room today."

"At that time, only Section Chief Sakai, Section Chief Kuike, Takeuchi Yunko, Division Chief, me, Tang Huimin, and Captain Bi were the only ones in the meeting. Who would be the one with the problem?"

"It would be best if there was no ambush tomorrow. If there is, Shunsuke Kuike is the most suspected one!"

"Why him?"

"Although he seems to have made outstanding achievements, there are also many doubts, especially when the prince was assassinated. The judges and judges shot every time without missing a shot. Why did the bullet only penetrate a few centimeters of his body when he came to him? The injury is very serious, in fact, it is a bit more serious than the flesh injury, what if this is a well-designed trick? It is to let Zheng Yaoxian and the others have time to arrange the restaurant bombardment?"

"Director, I heard that he is a top student at Nakano School and a student of Prime Minister Fumma Konoe. His Majesty Kagesaka Shousaki is full of praise for him. If the suspicion is wrong, we will have no good fruit to eat."

"I don't want to doubt him either, but this is what we eat. No matter who he is, if there is any doubt, we must investigate it, otherwise we will pay the price with our lives!" Ding Mocun said,

"Then what shall we do tomorrow?"

"You just follow my arrangement..."

Li Shiqun listened to Ding Mocun's arrangement and nodded repeatedly...

Qi Rui is a little happy now, because he can sleep with the big beauty Fu Yingxue in his arms at night, and he can only kiss and hug, Fu Yingxue can't stop his hands from becoming dishonest, except for the last line of defense, she will let him both Do whatever you want with your big hands on your body.

The next morning when he came to the extra-high class, Qi Rui was waiting by the phone. He also knew that Ding Mo Village was not easy to kill, and the task of S difficulty could not be completed so easily. Now he was waiting for the reports from Song Jian and Tang Rui. They didn't come to the office today, something must have happened last night.

Qi Rui now understands how important Zheng Yaoxian’s utilization is. Song Jian and Tang Rui are agents with a very sensitive sense of smell. They will not miss any details. Not been found.

At ten past eight, the phone finally rang.

"Hello, I'm Shunsuke Kuike!"

"Chairman! I'm Song Jian."

"Did you not come back yesterday?"

"Chairman, last night, there seemed to be a big operation at the Secret Service Headquarters. Bi Zhongliang and Li Shiqun each left with a team. Tang Rui and I followed separately and found that they were all living in the hotel."

"Stayed in a hotel! Which hotel?"

"Xinya Hotel and Qiaoyi Hotel didn't come out after entering. I told Tang Rui to keep an eye on them, and I turned back to the Secret Service Headquarters. Just now, Ding Mocun drove a team of people to the Army Hospital. I'm in the hospital right now. Woolen cloth."

Qi Rui once again praised the abilities of the two of them, and said: "Song Jian, today Ding Mocun is going to send the criminal Hai Zhengchu to the special high-level class, in order to ensure everything is safe, you must make sure whether Ding Mocun and Hai Zhengchu are in the car. "

"It turns out that they are going to a special high school. That's right. Bi Zhongliang and Li Shiqun took people to the hotel to ambush in advance on the road that the convoy must pass. It seems that they are worried that someone will hijack the car halfway!"

(End of this chapter)

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