Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 311 Give You an Assassination List

Chapter 311 Give You an Assassination List
The assassination of Shunsuke Jiuchi was not a bad thing for Qi Rui, at least it made Ding Mocun a lot less suspicious of him.

From the night of that day to the daytime of the next day, with the cooperation of the gendarmerie and the garrison, Feng Manna and Wang Manchun led the agents from the Secret Service Headquarters to look for the female killer with the portrait, and strictly investigated the man who was about 1.8 meters tall.

Ding Mocun, Li Shiqun, Bi Zhongliang and others went to MGM and asked Tang Manqing about the situation, and also watched the scene.

"Section Chief Jiuchi is very strong and quick enough to react!" said Li Shiqun, looking at the coffee table broken in half by the door,
"Yes, according to common sense, there should be bullet holes on the coffee table, why did the female killer's shot hit the roof?" Bi Zhongliang said after carefully inspecting the scene,
"There is only one possibility, and that is that Section Chief Kuchi reacted too fast, and the speed was fast enough. When the female killer knocked on the door, it felt wrong. As for the bullet hole on the roof, Shunsuke Kuchi explained that it was shot when he was fighting with the opponent. Yes." Ding Mocun said,

"Didn't you say it's amazing?"

"He doesn't have a weapon in his hand. If there was a female killer, he would have died a long time ago." Ding Mocun said,

"Doesn't an agent carry a gun?" Bi Zhongliang still asked suspiciously.
"He said he left the gun in the car and forgot to bring it." Li Shiqun said,

"Zhongliang, do you doubt Kuchi Shunsuke?" Ding Mocun asked,
"Don't dare, I just think this scene is a bit weird."

"But it's true that the killer assassinated Shunsuke Kuchi, and there were six people in total. According to Tang Manqing's description, the three men went straight to the door with their guns in hand. When they saw Shunsuke Kuchi jumping out of the window, they chased after them."

"Zhongliang, you are overthinking. According to Shunfu Kuichi, Tang Manqing, Zhuang Xiaoman's description and on-site analysis, there is no problem. Section Chief Kuchi didn't carry a weapon at that time, so he had no choice but to evacuate."

"It's true that the killer's target is Mr. Shunfu Kuike, but I always feel that there is something wrong with this scene, but I can't tell." Bi Zhongliang said,

"Well, you don't need to take care of this case. Wang Manchun volunteered, so let her be in charge of the investigation."

Before dinner, Lan Rouge brought a basket of fruit to Junfu Jiuchi's house. Fu Yingxue really cooked Japanese food for her, and Qi Rui gave her the clothes he bought for her before dinner.

Girls seem to like beautiful clothes, and the happy Lan Rouge said to Fu Yingxue: "Sister Xueer, such a class leader Jiuchi, give me a stack!"

Originally, Fu Yingxue wanted to say that the more comrades like this the better, but thinking about being tormented by him every night, she was so weak that she swallowed her words again.

"Rouge, what's going on at Secret Service Headquarters recently?" Qi Rui asked,

"I really have something to tell you. The Telecommunications Department received an encrypted message from Japan the day before yesterday. The content is to agree to the plan. I haven't found out what the plan is."

"Be careful, now Dingmo Village is investigating the person who leaked the information."

"I know who it is."

"Feng Manna?" Tang Shanhai would definitely not let Lan Rouge see it, so Qi Rui was sure it was Feng Manna.

"So you know!"

"You can guess it, but how do you know?"

"I still know Feng Manna quite well, but what I didn't think about was that Zhou Yuhao actually helped her secretly."

"I told you a long time ago that sometimes you have to look at people with your heart, not just the surface, but no matter what you do, don't get involved in their affairs, even if something happens to them, remember?"

"I won't get involved, but I will tell you."

"Well, that's the right thing to do."

After dinner, Qi Rui sent Lan Rouge home, and told her a few more words in the car. At eight o'clock, Qi Rui came to the wonton shop pretending to be a murderous god, and saw Wang Tianfeng wearing a gray gown, wearing Sitting at the table with a pair of patched cloth shoes, he was eating wontons slowly.

"Boss, bring me a bowl of wontons." Qi Rui finished speaking and sat next to Wang Tianfeng.

Wang Tianfeng lowered his head and took a sip of the wonton soup, and said, "Is there something wrong with looking for me in such a hurry?"

"I don't care how you act. I just want to inform you that Shunsuke Kuchi of the Special Higher Class cannot be killed now, because he is related to a huge plan, and we can only start with him."

"what's the plan?"

"Polaris Lurking Plan, you don't need Shanghai Station to take care of this matter, but I hope you can tell Rose in advance who you plan to kill in the future, because we also have people lurking in the enemy camp, so don't kill us by mistake."

"If you can provide me with some information, or provide me with an assassination target, I will know who can be killed and who cannot be killed."

"Okay, I'll give you two people now, one named Luo Junqiang and the other named Cai Guangyuan, you go and kill them."

"Where are they now?"

"In Nanjing."

"I know these two people and I am planning to kill them, but I need more accurate information."

"Yes, I will give you accurate information, and I will also compile an assassination list for you. You can kill the people on the list, but you must tell Rose before killing the people on the list."

"As long as you provide the list and information, I am very willing to cooperate." Feng Manna is indeed under the management of the Shanghai station, but she can provide too little valuable information. Since everyone knows that Shunsuke Kuike has a Polaris project in his hand, it can be seen that the killer God's ability is far beyond imagination, Wang Tianfeng is naturally willing to cooperate.

"It's best! You just wait for Rose's news." Qi Rui lost his appetite after eating two mouthfuls, put the money on the table, got up and left.

In order not to let Wang Tianfeng be so casual again, Qi Rui made a list for him, Mieko Sakai, Yunko Takeuchi, Takeshige Aoki, Masanori Tanaka, Shio Matsumoto, Wang Fuqu, Gu Chunhui, Luo Junqiang, Cai Guangyuan, and Liang Hongzhi who maintained the government , Wen Zongyao and other traitors and traitors are all on the list.

The first accurate information Qi Rui gave Wang Tianfeng was that on the night of August [-]th, Junfu Jiuchi would invite the traitor Wang Fuqu and Wang Manchun from the Secret Service Headquarters to dinner at the Desheng Building, but told him that he was only allowed to assassinate Wang Fuqu After eating, several people separated.

Wang Tianfeng thought with the information, Jiuchi Shunsuke was very skilled, and according to Wang Meiqin's description, Jiuchi Shunsuke was able to capture her alive at that time, because he already knew that someone was assassinated and hid behind the door.

So there are a lot of questions in it, why doesn't the head of the super high school not bring a bodyguard, and can predict in advance that there will be a killer hiding behind the door, and what's even more strange is that he can clearly capture Wang Meiqin alive, but why didn't he Do.

For this reason, Wang Tianfeng also investigated Jiuchi Shunfu. How could a person who can defeat the eighth-dan kendo master of the Black Dragon Club just beat Wang Meiqin back? Doesn't Jiuchi Shunfu know that this is more dangerous.

Now the God of Killing is not allowed to kill him. Could it be that Shunsuke Kuike is one of his own? No, no, he is the head of the special high school. How could he be his own?

(End of this chapter)

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