Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 324 The Master Invited by Mieko Sakai

Chapter 324 The Master Invited by Mieko Sakai
While eating the cake, Qi Rui asked: "Yunzi, you left suddenly again, this time you are not going to perform some mission again, are you?"

"I'm exhausted these days. I went to Peiping first, and then to Taiyuan to find him."


Takeuchi Yunko opened his mouth, and then said regretfully: "I'm sorry Jiuchi-kun, the teacher won't let me tell anyone who they are, they will show up after completing the task, anyway, it will definitely be helpful for our super-high class .”

"So mysterious!"

"It's not a mystery, it's not a poisonous bee. Killing God and the others forced Sakai so hard that they asked the teacher."

Qi Rui understood, because Mieko Sakai had no outstanding achievements after becoming the head of the special high school, and she was always threatened by Matsumoto Shio, so she directly asked Kenji Doi for help. Come to the rescue.

Needless to say, it was intended to be a secret investigation, Qi Rui thought to himself: I would like to see how powerful the rescuers you brought back are. With the information available in the special high school, it is simply impossible to find poisonous bees, killing gods, and judges. It's just an idiot's dream.

"Oh! Let's eat the cake, anyway, it's a good thing for someone to help us. I'm also very worried about how to find the poisonous bee and Shashen." Qi Rui said,
This Takeuchi Yunko seems to like the bathtub at Shunsuke Hisaike's house very much, and went to take a bath after eating the cake.

In a small building, Mieko Sakai secretly met two men and one woman.

"Mieko! It seems that your class leader is not very happy!" A man with thick eyebrows and big eyes who is in the same grade as Sakai said with a smile in pure Chinese,

"Nakai-kun, Maekawa-kun, Keiko, you don't know how strong my opponent is, these are their materials, you should take a look first." Knowing that they came, Sakai Mieko prepared all the materials that could be prepared.

After the three people read the information, Keiko Sakani was surprised: "Zheng Yaoxian was shot twice and still left Shanghai!? Judging from the subsequent assassination of Ding Mocun, the Killing God and the judge team are still in Shanghai. Not only that, they also have a An operation team of 30 people, these people have high military literacy, recently came a poisonous bee, just yesterday they planned to kill the two directors of the secret service headquarters, it really is very powerful!"

"Mieko, I like this kind of opponent!" The thin and capable Shotaro Maekawa said with a smile,
"They are very strong. I'm sure that the commander designed the operation yesterday because the poisonous bee has just taken over the Shanghai station. He should not have this strength. It is said that the meeting between the Shashen and the poisonous bee is just a trap. Survive The people didn't even see their shadows."

"This is indeed a well-arranged assassination operation, which is to take advantage of your mentality of wanting to catch the god of death and the poisonous bee. To be honest, if we face such a situation, we will definitely be fooled, because even if we know it is fooled, we will be fooled." Give it a try." Keiko Sakanishi said,
Keiko Sakanishi, the adopted daughter of the famous Japanese army general Sakanishi Rihachiro, studied in Peking University, was once known as a foreign flower, and was reused by Japanese intelligence agencies. A very famous female spy in Japanese intelligence agencies.

"So! Keiko, it's up to you this time." Mieko Sakai said with a deep bow,
"Didn't you say that Shunsuke Kuike is very powerful?" Keigo Nakai asked,

"His ability is indeed very strong, but most of his energy is not in special high-level classes, because he is a student of Prime Minister Konoe, and he is responsible for many mission plans of the cabinet. He has just returned from a mission in Chongqing. Two days."

Keiko Sakanishi asked: "Do you know what mission he went to Chongqing to perform?"

"I know that." Sakai said about the film and the two important people.

Keiko Sakani nodded and praised: "It seems that the strength is good."

"Keiko, how do you plan to start?"

"Don't worry about this Mieko, just be the head of your special high school class, and we will tell you when we plan it." Keiko Sakanishi said,
"Thanks for your hard work, then you can rest well, and I won't bother you." Mieko Sakai bowed again and said goodbye.

After Mieko Sakai left, Keigo Nakai asked, "Sir Hannishi, do you have a plan?"

"No, I have been away from Shanghai for a few years. I want to get familiar with this city again and see if those old friends are still there. Since it is General Dohi Madoka's request, we must do our best. You two Have a good rest, and I will tell you how to do it after I have figured it out." After speaking, Keiko Sakanishi continued to study the information sent by Mieko Sakai.

The next day, Qi Rui and Yunzi Zhuuchi went to the special high class together, seeing that she was still going to the special first class, Qi Rui asked: "Yunzi, are you still following me?"

"Yes, the teacher asked me to learn more from you."

"Oh! Well, we learn from each other."

"Chairman!" Song Jian and Tang Rui shouted in unison when they saw Shunsuke Kuchi.

"Any news about the teams?"

"Our people went to the French Concession, but nothing was found."

"The two of you come with me, and go to Xiao Xiaolin to put pressure on him." Qi Rui said,
"I'll follow you!" said Takeuchi Yunko,
"Dress up nicely, we are going in plain clothes." Qi Rui said,
"Then wait for me for a while."

Two hours later, Qi Rui brought people to Xiao Xiaolin's office.

"Section Chief Kuike, who is this?"

"I came here for the case of the night before yesterday, haven't you found any clues yet?" Qi Rui asked,

"Section Chief Jiuchi, we have used almost all the police force to search all corners of the concession, and there is no clue of the killers. We suspect that they are not in the French Concession at all." Xiaolin Xiaolin didn't care about these things at all. Shunsuke Kuchi came to ask, but he just did it perfunctorily.

"I know I can't point to you, Mr. Material! I need a special search warrant, and we will investigate this matter ourselves!" Qi Rui said,
"This..." Xiao Xiaolin, even the chief arrester, did not have the right to issue a special search warrant.

Seeing Xiao Lin hesitating, Qi Rui said to him in a low voice: "Mr. Material, according to the information we have, the commander of this operation is the poisonous bee, the station master of Shanghai Station. If you provide convenience, we can help you avenge you. Maybe Maybe you can get back some of your losses."

"Okay, I'll get it for you, wait a minute." These special search warrants need to be signed and stamped by the French. Xiaolin Xiaolin, who didn't want to see the French, had to bite the bullet and he could only say yes to the French. The Japanese want it.

Qi Rui got the special search warrant and left the patrol room, Zhuuchi Yunzi asked: "Mr. Jiuchi, what do you want this search warrant for?"

"Go to the scene of the crime and find the hiding place of the sniper and the gunshots. Maybe we can find something."

(End of this chapter)

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