Chapter 332

The emaciated Hata Shunroku was full of gloom as if he was seriously ill, because he was terrified when he thought about it, and the fifteen Chinese spies who knew Japan didn't know where to hide.

Qi Rui continued: "Commander, I asked six members of the 120 sightseeing group, and drew the portraits of these people. It is very strange that these people all covered their faces after getting off the train, until they left. .”

In order to confuse the devils, Wang Tianfeng asked eleven people to change into the costumes of conductors and chefs, because they were all wearing makeup, and no one could recognize Fu Yingxue and Gao Han in the portraits drawn by Qi Rui according to the description, and Wang Meiqin's figure. The height is like Gao Han, and Li Xiaonan's figure is like Ouyang Jianping, so the devil hostages feel that they are always following.

In fact, except for the people at the Juntong Shanghai Station, Tang Ling drove them back to Shanghai overnight when they got off the train. The Japanese army planned to search the mountains, but they received a threatening telegram from the Juntong, and they would kill the hostages as soon as they found anyone entering the mountains.

On the second night after entering the mountain, Li Xiaonan left two members of the local guerrillas to follow Wang Tianfeng, and the others all left Huishan, because there is no need for so many people to look at these hostages, and it would be very easy to stay. Danger.

"Major Hisaike, do you have a way to find them out?" Hata Junroku asked,
"Reporting to the commander, we can only let various departments conduct secret internal investigations, especially local government units. This is my detailed record. Among these people, there are two with obvious characteristics. One of them can make Western-style desserts, which looks like a professional , another proficient in poison preparation! Because all the troops in one of our squadrons were poisoned."

"A squadron was all poisoned to death, and the poisoning occurred half an hour later. This person is indeed a master of poisoning. This is indeed a clue."

"Commander, I drew their portraits based on the descriptions of the chefs and conductors on the special train. Next, we can check the inside of the portraits and hope to gain something."

"Very good, Major Jiuchi, I will order this matter to continue. You leave the portrait and the investigation materials. I will let the local agency investigate first. Once the suspect is found, I will notify you immediately."


"Major Jiuchi, do you have other ways to find these spies?"

"Commander, according to our investigation, this special train has never stopped all the way from Nanjing, and the people on the train were all fine when it left Nanjing, but we don't know when and where our people were replaced, so The only thing my subordinates can do is to send these portraits to the military, police, and intelligence agencies to assist in the investigation."

"Is it necessary to investigate the pastry chefs in all cake shops? And the pharmacists in hospitals?"

"The key point of pastry chefs is to check in Japanese food stores. After all, there is a prerequisite for people who can speak Japanese. The same is true for pharmacists. Check carefully for those who can speak Japanese."

"Well, what you said makes sense, Major Jiuchi, let's go back and rest first, I will send someone to do these things immediately, if you let you investigate by yourself, it will be too time-consuming."

"Thank you, Commander, for your compassion. My subordinates still have a lot of work to do, so we really can't waste too much time."

"By the way, I know that you are in charge of three plans, one of which is the Polaris latent plan. We have captured Wuhan now, and the next thing we need to do is strategic bombing missions. The four teams you sent out should be able to play It worked."

"Hayi, they have been here for nearly four months, and they should be quite familiar with the city they are in. It's time for them to play a role!"

"Great, Major Kuchi, you are here, hurry up and contact them, and then transfer them to the intelligence division of the dispatched army to contact them."

"Hay! I'll contact you right away!"

Qi Rui followed the officers of the Dispatch Army Headquarters to the Telegraph Office. After the telegram was sent out, no team responded. Qi Rui immediately called the Special Section [-] of the Shanghai Super High School and asked the remaining three secret agents of the Black Gold Project. Knowing that the four groups have been unable to contact since the day before yesterday.

Qi Rui anxiously told Junliu the contact address and asked him to contact him for help. Junliu Hata immediately sent people to contact various intelligence agencies after reading it, and asked their agents in the four cities of Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi'an, and Lanzhou to search for them according to the contact address. All the latent personnel of the Polaris Project had news the next day, and all the contact points of the group were cracked by the military command, and it was very accurate, and no one slipped through the net.

Hata Toshiroku asked angrily: "What's going on, Major Kuike!?"

"Commander! The subordinates don't know either. I have a way to know what's going on. We have three lurking personnel in the military command. Let our people use the contact code to contact them and let them quickly find out what's going on. "Qi Rui said quickly,
Because of the needs of the plan, with Dai's permission, Xu Baichuan promoted the military ranks of his twins Zheng Guoan and Shen Hongkai, and arranged some more important tasks for them. The purpose of this is to let them get the confessions they had prepared long ago Original recordings and statements.

Qi Rui told Hata Junliu the names of Zheng Guoan and Shen Hongkai, and he immediately asked the spies to contact these two people. Finally, they confirmed that the spies of the military command in Chongqing had indeed arrested more than a dozen people in the past few days. Some people couldn't help but confessed under torture.

"This is impossible! They are all old intelligence personnel of the Black Gold Project. How could they betray their own people, Commander! I don't believe this! Please order Zheng Guoan and Shen Hongkai to try to get the interrogation records! If any of them Someone confessing will definitely be recorded." Qi Rui's micro-expression management almost collapsed request,

Hata Junliu was very sad to see Shunsuke Kuike suffered a great blow, and knew that it was not his fault. How did he know what happened in the four cities when he was far away in Shanghai, so he did as he asked, and ended up lurking The secret agents did get the interrogation records.

Hata Junliu ordered these materials to be sent back to Nanjing in the fastest way. Finally, it took the devil three days to send the materials to Nanjing. Qi Rui was very surprised by the speed. The transport plane took it to Changsha, then sent it to Yueyang, and then sent it to Wuhan from Yueyang. Under the order of Hata Shunroku, a plane was sent from Wuhan to Nanjing.

After reading the interrogation record, the confession, and the interrogation recording, Qi Rui said in grief: "Commander! I really didn't expect Rintaro Matsukawa to be unable to endure the torture, and confessed all the other 47 hidden personnel! Commander! He was on the spot. One of the best!"

"Are you sure it's his voice and handwriting?"

"Okay, I'll ask the three intelligence officers of the Black Gold Project to come over with their handwriting, and let them identify the voices."

(End of this chapter)

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