Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 345 Destruction of the Inoue Mansion

Chapter 345 Destruction of the Inoue Mansion
In the evening, Qi Rui brought the ronin to the Inoue mansion at about eleven o'clock, gave the secret signal to enter the mansion and squatted for another night.

At ten o'clock in the evening on the third day, Qi Rui took Song Mian's team in night clothes and entered the Inoue Mansion according to the code. The No. [-] special agent team entered from the designated place over the wall.

The first two times Qi Rui was to test whether Toshihide Inoue would play any tricks, and he carefully observed the inside and outside of the mansion for two nights and found nothing wrong.

Before coming, Qi Rui marked the locations of all the spies in the Inoue mansion in detail, and this time he brought people to the mansion to avoid patrols and checkpoints.

"Kuichi-kun! Thank you for your hard work!" Toshihide Inoue bowed gratefully.

"Mr. Inoue! I hope the combination of Killing God and Judge will come tonight!" Qi Rui said as he pulled out his sword and slit Junxiu Inoue's throat with a flash of cold light.

Inoue Junxiu covered his throat with one hand and pointed at Jiuchi Shunsuke in astonishment. Qi Rui snorted coldly and said nothing, quickly went to open the safe in the room, and took out some important documents from it. Be careful, he put all the confidential documents in the safe, and Qi Rui has checked them clearly in the past two days.

These materials are the list of traitors and lackeys bought by Toshihide Inoue and the list of some patriots. These are all Qi Rui needs. With these documents, all the traitors and devils and spies in Inoue Mansion can basically be eradicated.

When Qi Rui left this room with the confidential documents, Toshihide Inoue was dead. At the same time as Qi Rui started, Song Mian, Chi Tiecheng, Su Wenqian, Tan Lin, He Jian, Ma Yunfei, Gao Han, Ouyang Jianping, and Fu Yingxue were also dead. Killed his target, leaving marks of jellyfish, herd fish and a bee.

By the time Qi Rui came to the yard, everyone had already assembled and confirmed that the death toll was correct. Qi Rui gave the information to Ouyang Jianping, telling them to quickly climb over the wall and leave according to the retreat route, while he quickly found his own car to change. Put on a set of night clothes and return to Jiuchi mansion, and bring the ronin to Inoue mansion again.

Same as the previous two days, Qi Rui led the rogues to scout around, and came to the gate after finding nothing.
"Yi and Xianren! Go and match the code!" Qi Rui ordered,

Yi and Xianren came to the door and knocked on the door and shouted a code similar to a password, but there was no response from inside, Qi Rui came over and shouted the code twice, still the same.

"Baga! Something happened!" Qi Rui immediately kicked open the gate and drew his knife to enter the courtyard of the mansion. There was no movement in the courtyard.

Qi Rui made a gesture to let Ronin quickly enter the mansion, and he also ran directly to Toshihide Inoue's office. After a while, Ronin's exclamation came. After checking, all 25 people in Inoue Mansion were beheaded.

"Curator Hisaike, the killers left this at the scene!" Yi and Xianren said holding the marks of jellyfish, herding fish and bees,
"Yi and Xianren! Mending Yamato! Go immediately and ask the nearby patrols and checkpoints if you see any suspicious people! Go quickly."

Qi Rui called Mieko Sakai and asked her to bring someone to Inoue Mansion immediately.

Along with Mieko Sakai was Captain Yokoyama of the Gendarmerie Headquarters. When he saw that there was no one alive in the Inoue Mansion, Yokoyama asked, "Director Hisaike, have you already been like this when you came?"

"Yes, they were dead within an hour when we came! They were still warm."

"It's less than an hour and a half now."

"I asked the surrounding patrols and checkpoints and found no suspicious people." Qi Rui said,
"Kuike-kun, did you come at 10:30?"

"Yes, these two days we have come here after ten o'clock. This is the time we have agreed with Inoue-kun. We are here at this time to investigate the surrounding situation."

"It seems that the killer knows that you come every day, and they entered the mansion with makeup in your appearance." Mieko Sakai said,

"Impossible, Mr. Inoue and I have made a secret sign, the door will not be opened unless we come!" Qi Rui said,
"Judging from the scene, the killers were poisonous bees, jellyfish and herd fish. It seems that they don't need passwords because they climbed over the wall and entered the mansion." Hengshan said,
"I also thought it was them, the method they used was exactly the same as when they slaughtered Tongyuan Foreign Firm before!" Qi Rui said,
"I have ordered martial law, I hope the killers have not gone far." Mieko Sakai said,

"Section Chief Sakai, Captain Yokoyama, it seems that what Inoue-kun said is correct, the military command has long been eyeing the Inoue Mansion, and we are all under their surveillance. They know exactly what time we come every day. In order to avoid encountering us, There was a time difference, and I killed Toshihide Inoue and the others before we came, but what makes me wonder is how they managed to fool the people in the mansion."

"This is really unbelievable. Almost all the agents of the Inoue mansion are from the Black Dragon Society, and they are all good in force. How come they don't even have a chance to fight back."

"Because they are dressed the same as you, they deceived the people in the mansion." Hengshan said,
"Kuichi-kun, why are you dressed like this?" Sakai Mieko asked,
"Because the people I brought are all samurai, Inoue-kun and I also thought that the killing gods would come, and they should be able to shoot without shooting with knives, so I brought all the masters with them." Dress up, this kind of attire is for hiding, and I want to capture some alive!" Qi Rui explained,

Mieko Sakai and Yokoyama have asked all the questions they should ask, and now they are very sure that the judge group and the poisonous bee led people to do it. Shunsuke Kuchi, who came every day, led people to come more than half an hour late, and the killers beat A time difference, and took away all the documents in the Inoue mansion.

After daybreak, Qi Rui took the vagrants back to the Jiuchi mansion, and the consulate went to some people to investigate the scene, and it was confirmed that another group of people entered the mansion before Jiuchi Shunfu and them, and they entered the mansion through the wall.

In the end, it was inferred that the people who came were also wearing black night clothes, dressed like Shunsuke Kuike and the ronin. When they entered the hall, they thought Shunsuke Kuike had brought someone here, because they couldn’t recognize them because they were all covered. , so it will be attacked.

No one doubted Shunsuke Kuchi, because the conclusion was that if he hadn't taken the ronin to protect the Inoue Mansion, Toshihide Inoue and the others would have been killed long ago.

In just one day, dozens of Chinese were killed in the concession. After investigation, they were all related to the Inoue Mansion. Obviously, the information taken away by the killers knew their informants.

"It's a pity that we don't know the list of informants, so we can't protect them in advance!" Said Mieko Sakai.

"Doesn't the consulate also have backups of these informants?"

"How could these people have backups."

"Report! There is news from the concession, and people are being killed constantly."

(End of this chapter)

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