Chapter 369
Qi Rui directly took Lan Rouge out of the Secret Service Headquarters. Bi Zhongliang watched them drive away from the window, and said to Liang Zhongchun: "It seems that our Secret Service Headquarters will not have any secrets about Director Jiuchi."

"Director, Feng Manna and Zhou Hanguang are from Takeshige Aoki of the Super High School, and Wang Manchun and Lan Rouge are from Shunsuke Kuike. Originally, we had no secrets in Japan."

"We should still have our own secrets, don't you think?"

"Director, I think so too!"

"What happened to the thing you asked to check?"

"I've found out that most of the Ming family's goods came from Zhuang Xiaoman, and Zhuang Xiaoman is Shunsuke Kuike's woman. Director, should you continue to investigate?" Liang Zhongchun asked,
"So those supplies that are in short supply are managed by Zhuang Xiaoman?"

"Yes! Director, I don't think we can continue to investigate. If Shunsuke Kuchi finds out, we may be overwhelmed."

"Then let's put this matter aside for the time being, but you still need to send someone to keep an eye on the Ming family."

Qi Rui directly brought Lan Rouge to the Jiuchi mansion, and asked her recent work in the office, Lan Rouzhi also answered truthfully, if there was something special on her side, she would notify Fu Yingxue if Qi Rui was not around.

Qi Rui came to see her to see how she is doing recently. This little girl is much more mature and stable, but she still likes to act like a baby to herself.

"You can still talk so much with a pouty mouth, don't be angry! Look at what good things I brought back for you." Qi Rui took out several boxes, including Korean ginseng bought for her father Lan Changming , as well as Tianjin specialties such as [-]th Street Twist.

Seeing the delicious Lan Rouge, he immediately smiled and said, "It's a good thing you have a conscience and haven't forgotten me!" As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to grab a twist and started to eat it.

"Rouge, how is Tang Shanhai doing recently?"

"This person has a problem!"

"What's the problem?"

"He looks taciturn and honest, but his eyes are not honest at all."

It's no wonder that an agent's eyes can be honest, Qi Rui then asked: "Where are Feng Manna and Zhou Hanguang?"

"Feng Manna has always been like this under the protection of Takeshige Aoki. Now Zhou Hanguang has been promoted to the chief instructor of the secret service headquarters. He is the one who teaches and trains the newcomers."

"You'd better stay away from Feng Manna, don't get too close to her." Feng Manna is walking on the edge of the razor right now, and she may be exposed at any time.

"We have long since lost our previous relationship, and now we may not be able to say a word for half a month."

"So much the better."

"Report!" Song Jian shouted outside,

"Come in!"

"Curator! No, Miss Junko Muto is missing!"

After hearing this, Qi Rui immediately ordered: "Assemble immediately! Quick!"

"Rouge, call a car to go home by yourself, and call home directly if you have something to do." Qi Rui was already outside the office after speaking.

Several cars rushed to the place where Junko Muto disappeared, and the two people who secretly protected her lowered their heads. Qi Rui saw that they were traitors recruited from Rongshe before, and asked, "How did Miss Junko disappear?"

"It disappeared in the blink of an eye. We searched all over the place and found no one."

"Crack!" Qi Rui slapped his face when he went up, and said angrily, "Tell the truth! Otherwise, I will kill you now!"

"Curator! Our two brothers just had breakfast, and Miss Junzi disappeared."

"Song Jian, Tang Rui, take Miss Chunzi's photo and spread out to find someone! Whoever provides clues will be rewarded!"

People immediately dispersed to find someone, a beautiful girl was still very conspicuous, Qi Rui believed that he would find the clue, he asked the traitor subordinates of Rongshe: "Whose territory is this?"

"Curator, this is the site of the Anqing Association, and the boss here is called Master Qing."

"Take me to him immediately!"

Qi Rui took Yi and Xianren, Mending Yamato and they found the branch of the Anqing General Assembly. This Anqing General Assembly was originally a member of the Qing Gang, but now it basically has nothing to do with it. After the Inoue Mansion disappeared, because Qi Rui collected all the information If it is destroyed, all those who should be killed are also killed, and they are temporarily left alone.

Seeing a group of people rushing in suddenly, Mu Changqing was startled, Qi Rui directly drew his gun and pointed at his head and said angrily: "I am Shunsuke Kuchi from the Jiuchi Mansion! Hand over the people to me immediately! "

"Taijun!? Who is it?" Mu Changqing raised his hands in horror and asked,
"A girl named Junko Muto has disappeared on your territory, hand her over to me immediately!"

"Taijun! Misunderstood, how dare we touch the female Taijun!"

"She is dressed like a Chinese girl!"

"A Chinese girl's dress!" Mu Changqing rolled her eyes and said, "Taijun! Don't worry, I'll send someone to look for it immediately!"

Mu Changqing immediately ordered his subordinates to help everyone find someone, and soon there was news that the person was in a brothel.

Qi Rui rushed over immediately with his people. At this time, Junko Muto had already changed into a cheongsam. Seeing Shunsuke Kuike, she burst into tears, and it was obvious that she was frightened.

"Don't be afraid, Chunzi! Who brought you here?" Qi Rui asked in Japanese,

Before Muto Junko could speak, four men and one woman knelt on the ground begging for mercy: "Taijun, we didn't know she was a female Taijun."

"Whose house does this belong to?"

"Jiuchi Taijun, this brothel is mine, but I really don't know about it." Mu Changqing bowed and said frightenedly,
Qi Rui stretched out his hand and pulled out the sword from Yi Yuxian's waist, and beheaded the four men and one woman who kidnapped Junko Muteng in a flash of cold light. Mu Changqing was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "Taijun, I am Really don't know about it."

Qi Rui ignored him and asked Junko Muto: "Who changed your clothes?"

"Jiuchi-kun, don't kill him!"

"Chunzi, think about it, we arrived in time, otherwise you should know what will happen to you, so they should all be damned!" Qi Ruixin said that they did not know how many good families they had harmed by this method girl,

"Who did it!?" Yi and Xianren put the knife on the neck of an old bustard and asked,
"Taijun! Please spare me!" Plop!Plop!Four more kneel down, including the old bustard.

Mending Yamato and Yi and Xianren had already made a move, and the two beheaded four people with a flash of their swords.

"Mu Changqing! How do you want to die!?" Qi Rui roared angrily,
"Taijun! I was wrong! Please give me a chance to make amends. I have an intelligence report! I have a very important intelligence report!" Mu Changqing knelt on the ground and said,

Qi Rui said to Yi Yuxian and Mending Yamato: "Take all the tortoises and thugs here back to the mansion, and the brothel will be closed!"


Tang Rui, Song Jian and the others rushed over when they heard that someone had been found. Qi Rui asked them to escort Junko Muto home. He took Mu Changqing back to the mansion for interrogation alone, because he didn't know what important information he had to say. .

"Tell me, let me see if the information you said can save your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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