Chapter 382

Keiko Sakanishi already suspected Shunsuke Kuchi when she was in Chongqing, because she couldn't figure out why he would send someone to stare at her. If she doubted herself, she shouldn't come to the meeting in person, so there is only one possibility to follow her, and that is that he needs to know Who should I contact with the Military Command Bureau.

If Shunsuke Kuchi was one of his own, he wouldn't need to do this at all, so Keiko Sakanishi sold Liu Baode directly. As long as something happened to this person, it was basically certain that Shunsuke Kuike had a problem.

Keiko Sakanishi also knew about Toshisuke Kuike's identity and background, so she followed him back to Shanghai, because the matter was too serious for her to tell Kagesa Haruaki directly.

Keiko Sakanishi has been a spy since she was a teenager. With more than 20 years of experience, she clearly knows that any doubts must be investigated, because she knows that a top spy even has the ability to subvert a country.

Behind China's civil war for so many years, there are basically spies of the Imperial Japanese Empire. Her adoptive father, Rihachiro Sakanishi, once taught her that the more suspicious her own people, the more she must investigate.

Qi Rui's micro-expression recognition showed that Keiko Hanxi didn't mean what he said, and he was still a little elusive about what the other party was thinking, but a strong sense of crisis suddenly rose. Could it be that they doubted themselves! ?
"Chief Keiko, let me give you a task."

"Curator Hisaike, please tell me."

"Dazuo Yingzuo gave our mansion a task, which is to supervise Wang Tianmu. From now on, this matter will be handed over to you. You must make him explain everything he knows, especially the details of the stationmasters and main characters. Portraits, including those of Chen Gongshu, I have sent 20 people disguised as coachmen to infiltrate the French Concession, and I must get the portraits.” I planned to find a chance to get rid of Keiko Sakanishi and the three of them, but it seems that I can’t do it for the time being.


After returning to Kuchi Mansion, Keiko Hansai took Keigo Nakai and Shotaro Maekawa and drove away. Qi Rui called Song Jian and Tang Rui to the office and asked, "Did you get caught following Keiko Hansai in Chongqing?"

"Curator, we are not sure about this, but we can be sure that Miss Huizi is indeed very vigilant, and it is very possible for her to find out." Song Jian said,
Qi Rui explained: "I let you keep an eye on her for two purposes. Firstly, to protect her secretly, and secondly, to test her ability. Our Jiuchi mansion needs capable people. It seems that Miss Huizi is more powerful than I imagined." There are many."

"Curator, our mansion has been established for such a long time, shouldn't we also make some achievements to show to other institutions?" Song Jian asked,

"You are right, we really need to make some achievements to make Jiuchi Mansion Yang Wei famous! You follow me." Qi Rui said,
Qi Rui asked Song Jian to drive to Shenghui car dealership, Tang Ling greeted him from the door: "Boss! You haven't come for so long?"

"We took a long trip, how is the car business doing now?"

"Business is still very good, what's the boss?"

"Is there any news recently?" Qi Rui gave Tang Ling a signal to tell the truth,

"Which aspect is the boss referring to?"

"I took action in the French Concession once before I left. At that time, a few people ran away in Shangxianfang. Didn't I ask you to check their whereabouts?"

"I really found some clues. Recently, more than a dozen strangers have arrived in the Zhujiaqiao area of ​​Guandi Temple. They are probably the people the boss is looking for."


"Yes, west of Joffre Road."

"Tang Jun! You personally take Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yu to investigate, and let me know immediately if you have any news!" Chen Gongshu met himself in the special training camp, Qi Rui can't let him stay in Shanghai, he must be forced go out to Shanghai.

Qi Rui meant to be serious, and Tang Ling immediately understood that he must have encountered some difficulties, so he quickly got Song Jian and Tang Rui two sets of clothes from the Shenghui car dealership, and took them to investigate.

Qi Rui drove to the foreign firm opened by Zhuang Xiaoman. If the Japanese doubted him, they would definitely investigate her, so he had to say hello to her in advance.

"Mr. Jiuchi! You still know how to come." Zhuang Xiaoman has become a bit more charming since she became Qi Rui's woman.

"Miss Zhuang, you've worked hard! I'm here to see when you plan to open, and I can help you make a list of distinguished guests. We can't miss anyone who should be invited." Qi Rui looked at the four of Junfu Foreign Firm on the lintel. Jin Zi laughed,

"Jiuchi-kun is very right. I am worried about this matter. You can just make a list of the imperial army, and please write the invitation yourself!" Zhuang Xiaoman said and put his arms around Qi Rui's. arm,

Zhuang Xiaoman knew that brother Jiu must be in a hurry, otherwise he would not have come to the foreign firm in person, so he would take him to the office while talking.

When he came to the office, Zhuang Xiaoman closed the door, listened to hear that there was no movement outside, then pulled Qi Rui to the inner office, Qi Rui made a eavesdropping gesture at her.

Zhuang Xiaoman immediately said knowingly: "Mr. Jiuchi, three days later will be an auspicious day, shall we open that day?"

"Okay, I'll listen to you. I think the scale of this foreign firm is not small. I didn't expect you to have this ability." Qi Rui looked carefully at the office as he spoke, but he didn't find any traces of bugs in this office, but so did Qi Rui in this office. It was his first time here, so he didn't dare to be so sure that there were really no bugs in this room.

"It's not for you, Mr. Kuike."

"Can you show me around?"

"Okay! This is Junfu Foreign Firm, you, the master, of course have to take a good look."

Qi Rui hugged Zhuang Xiaoman and kissed him twice, but Zhuang Xiaoman scolded coquettishly: "Mr. Jiuchi, this is the office, how bad it is for others to see."

Qi Rui is not sure if there are any bugs in the office, but it is better to be cautious when sailing for thousands of years. Zhuang Xiaoman dragged Qi Rui out of the office and wandered around. After making sure that it was safe, Qi Rui whispered: "Xiaoman, you have to be careful. Some, the Japanese may suspect me."

"Is there a bug in my office?"

"I don't know, but you don't need to look for it, just assume it's there. Be careful in everything."

"I see, Brother Nine, are you going to be okay?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked worriedly,

"Maybe it's because I sent people to follow Keiko Sakanishi and she found out. Besides, Wang Tianmu's incident should have gone too smoothly, which made the Japanese suspicious. I don't know exactly what's going on. In short, we have to be careful."

"Yes, I understand."

"Xiaoman, silence the radio during this time, don't turn it on without my permission!"


Qi Rui visited Junfu Foreign Firm before leaving, and Zhuang Xiaoman did what he told him to do, because she had never contacted any military agents in Shanghai, and as long as the radio station was silent, the Japanese would not be able to find out from her anything.

(End of this chapter)

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