Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 40 Lemen · Li Xiaonan

Chapter 40 Paramount · Li Xiaonan
The Miaodao intelligence collection team was formally established, Qi Rui's main task was to collect intelligence, Chen Jiaying was in charge of deciphering, analyzing and classifying intelligence, and Fu Yingxue was in charge of information delivery.

In order to ensure the safety of the team, Fu Yingxue usually delivered the information by mailbox. Only when there was an emergency information would she use the radio, and the special encryption code was used.

Special Higher Course

"You want to set up a radio station and monitoring equipment in the attic of the pharmacy?" Yutaro Watanabe asked while looking at Shunsuke Kuike's application,
"Yes, Ms. Chen Jiaying has already served as a doctor in our pharmacy. She also wants to do intelligence collection work, and I also need her help. She is a very good intelligence analyst, and because she has worked in Harbin, she also understands Russian, and I am also familiar with some working methods of Soviet spies, so I want to cooperate with her, which will also be of great benefit to our special advanced courses."

At this stage, the main interception target of the super high class is the Soviet intelligence agency. Yutaro Watanabe asked very interestedly: "You said she is familiar with the working methods of Soviet spies?"

"Chairman, you can investigate her. Her main job at the Manchurian Railway Co., Ltd. is intelligence analysis, and most of them are aimed at Soviet intelligence. Don't we need such a talent? It's a waste to have her in the Southern Railway. Already." Qi Rui said a little excitedly,

"But she is full of iron after all."

"Chairman, some information can be shared with Manchurian Railway. Anyway, it is for the service of the Great Japanese Empire. I will handle important information as appropriate. At worst, give her some money."

Yutaro Watanabe lowered his head to think, if it is said that intelligence work will bloom everywhere, it is indeed the same as Shunsuke Hisaike said, when there are thousands of pieces of intelligence collected every day, intelligence analysis becomes the key. Gaoke Nantie is definitely not willing, but it is also a way to let her cooperate with Jiuchi.

"What you said is also reasonable. I can give you the equipment, Mr. Jiuchi, you have to really make achievements."

"Don't worry, the head of the class, I will get the results within ten days."

"Yo Xi! In this case, I approve your application, but you have to beware of this Chen Jiaying, she is a Chinese after all."

"Hayi! Class leader, don't worry, I have sent someone to watch her." Qi Rui said,
"Are you talking about Miss Aoyama? She must be your beloved girl, right?" Yutaro Watanabe asked with a smile,

"Chairman, Ms. Qingshan is indeed the girl I like, but at the moment, I just like it. Let's talk about the future. I am putting all my energy on work now."

"Jiuchi-kun, there is work to be done, the girl should like it or like it, don't hurt the girl's heart."


It is still very easy to get a radio station and monitoring equipment in the super high class. Yutaro Watanabe also wants to really let Shunsuke Hisaike make achievements, because so far his performance is still very satisfactory.

With the radio station and monitoring equipment, Chen Jiaying is even more powerful. Jardine Matheson, consulates and intelligence agencies of various countries are all within her monitoring range, because within ten days, not only Qi Rui will give some information to the special high school, but he will also report to the Southern Railway cross.

Paramount, the No. [-] Music House in the Far East, is also one of the places where intelligence personnel from various countries come to buy and sell information to clear relationships. Qi Rui is wearing a suit and leather shoes, a top hat, a gold watch on his hand, and a pair of three-jointed leather shoes. This time he didn't make up to look like a middle-aged man, but put on a mustache and a pair of expensive gold-rimmed glasses, which would make him look more mature.

Coming to the ballroom on the second floor, the central dance floor is very large, which can accommodate thousands of people to dance together, and there are some small dance floors around it. It is really dazzling with beautiful women from all over the world under the feasting and feasting.

Qi Rui has no interest in the beauties who come and go. He came here for the first time and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This is the real business woman who doesn't know the hatred of subjugation!
What Qi Rui sighed was not these dancers, but those Chinese dignitaries who spent their days and nights drinking and drinking.

Qi Rui didn't look for a seat, so he ordered a glass of wine at the bar and observed everyone here. Micro-expression recognition and management and simulation portraitist skills are now in use, because he wants to find the target as soon as possible—no matter what country the spy is OK!

This time Qi Rui came to explore the way, and he didn't expect to gain anything when he came for the first time, but to his surprise, he recognized Yansi Jiakang, the head of the special first class of the special advanced class, with makeup on at a glance .

Yansi Jiakang is also dressed as a businessman. His makeup skills are not low, but Qi Rui, who can imitate the skills of a portrait artist, can spot it at a glance. There are two men with him. What are they talking about? Because there was no beautiful woman by his side, Qi Rui guessed that they should be talking about something secret.

Qi Rui didn't know the two people sitting with Yansi Jiakang, but they looked like Chinese in their clothes, so he took out a stack of banknotes, took out one and shook it in front of the waiter and asked, "Do you know the three people in the corner?" Who are they all?"

The waiter glanced at him and said in a low voice, "Sir, I've seen that short businessman twice, but I don't know who he is. The other two are too familiar. One is Geng Jizhi, the French secretary of the municipal government. He is black and white. All you can eat..."

"Wait, who do you think he is?" Qi Rui heard the name just now very familiar, but suddenly couldn't remember who it was.

"Geng Jizhi, Mayor Yu Hongjun's French secretary, is also the secretary of the French Concession Board of Directors and the French Patrol Office. He is a big shot who can do both black and white. He is a frequent visitor here. The other is also the mayor's secretary. His surname seems to be Wang. ...but he doesn't come very often."

The waiter mentioned Yu Hongjun and Qi Rui finally remembered that this Geng Jizhi was a traitor. After the July [-]th Incident, he and a mayor secretary surnamed Wang replaced all the top-secret documents with blank paper and gave them to the Japanese. It turned out to be him!

"The system generates a D difficulty level task; let Geng Jizhi commit suicide!" The system voice suddenly sounded,
"Let him commit suicide? It's only D-level difficulty, can't he just kill him?"

"He must be made to commit suicide by himself, even if you don't pretend, but you can help him." The system's voice was always so blunt,
Qi Rui firmly remembered Geng Jizhi's appearance, and then gave the waiter a bill to continue observing. At this time, a dance music was played, the lights in the hall were brightened, and all the men and women on the dance floor returned to their seats.

Suddenly there was a gust of fragrant wind, followed by a series of pleasant laughter from the girl, and her voice was more pleasant than the laughter: "Give me a bottle of Gegas."

Curiously, Qi Rui turned his face to see the girl and was startled: "Li Xiaonan?"

In Qi Rui's mind, Yu Xiaowan and Li Xiaonan look exactly the same, why is he so sure that the one in front of him is Li Xiaonan and not Yu Xiaowan.

That's because of the ever-bright smile on Li Xiaonan's face, and because she is a sunflower blooming under dark clouds, a revolutionist walking forward in the dark!
Why is she here? Is the prime minister also in Shanghai?

(End of this chapter)

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