Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 407 Need to cooperate with the anti-group

Chapter 407 Need to cooperate with the anti-group (Happy Chinese New Year!)

Qi Rui's goal is not just the money from drug dealers selling opium, but his ultimate goal is the military expenses of the Kwantung Army and the garrison troops, because drug trafficking is one of the main sources of military expenses for the Kwantung Army.

It seems that this is the only way to complete the task of [-] million in a short period of time, and this is what Qi Rui has been thinking about all day long.

"We still have to continue to pay for the goods, but we still have to think of other ways to get money, Xueer, in fact, the military workers have been busy these days, and the Japanese have no loss, because their goods are all by rail and waterway , if we want to get more money, we still have to attack them." Qi Rui said,
"I know that too, but it's too difficult to attack them."

"I met Li Jianfu yesterday. He said he would return to Fengtian in two days. He should return with a huge sum of money, and most of the money will go to the Kwantung Army." Qi Rui said,
"I also know this. Satomi Fu sells opium mainly to raise military expenses for the Kwantung Army. He should have taken a boat to Dalian, and he was protected by the Japanese army along the way. The few bodyguards around him are not good people. What are you going to do? "Fu Yingxue asked,
"I haven't figured it out yet. The only time we want to do it is before Satomi leaves the residence and after we arrive at Fengtian."

It is definitely unrealistic to go to Fengtian at this time, Fu Yingxue said: "That is to say, we can do it before Satomifu leaves Tianjin."

"At present, there is only one possibility. It is definitely not possible to grab halfway."

"Qi Rui, this time I am leading the military team, you just need to lure Satomi away."

"Xue'er, don't worry, I will go to his residence on the grounds of entertaining him, and we will discuss what to do after the investigation is over." He only had 60 taels in his hand, and all he received were cash and gold bars, and the money should have been put in the hotel where he was staying.

Qi Rui asked Tang Rui to drive to Li Jianfu's residence. It should be because there have been frequent incidents against drug dealers recently. Li Jianfu is quite careful here. The hotel where he lives is actually guarded by a small team of military police.

"Mr. Satomi, you are leaving in two days. To thank you for your help, I will practice it for you at Xilemen tomorrow night. You must come." Qi Rui sent the invitation and said,

"Hisaki Nakasa is too polite."

"According to the Chinese saying, you are my God of Wealth, and I must curry favor with you."

"Why, when I was in Shanghai, I didn't see you trying to make money from opium. Did you get the hang of it when you arrived in Tianjin?" Although Qi Rui said he was a lieutenant, he is now a free intelligence officer. It doesn't matter.

"Mr. Satomi, I'm all to blame Yushi Sato and Hidekazu Mokawa. They let me know how much money opium makes. That's why I was moved. I will ask Mr. Satomi to take care of you in the future."

"It's easy to say, I sell everyone, and this time Kuike Zhongzuo helped me a lot." Satoshi said with a smile,

"Oh? What did I do for you?"

"The price of my opium before was not more than one hundred yuan, but this time I bought at least one hundred and two every two. This is all because you introduced Donghua foreign company to me. Without him, I can't buy it for others. Home prices go up."

"Mr. Satomi would be the best if he can make a fortune."

"I'm just an errand runner, and the money is going to be handed over to the Kwantung Army."

"Then they won't let you work in vain!"

"So this trip was not in vain. I didn't expect to make a lot of extra money." Because opium was very tight, the opium that Satomi brought this time was also sold at a good price.

"When is Satomi-san coming next time?"

"I'm afraid we'll have to wait until June and July."

"So it's out of stock during this time?"

"Because of the season, there are not many."

"No matter how many there are, Mr. Satomi, please don't forget Donghua foreign company."

"Don't worry, I will be the first to consider you." Li Jianfu spoke the official language of a businessman,

Qi Rui observes the hotel room where Li Jianfu lives, which is an inner and outer room, and now Qi Rui judges that Li Jianfu's money is in the inner room.

When Qi Rui returned to the villa, he drew the floor plan of the hotel and the devil's defense plan, and said to Fu Yingxue: "This is the hotel where Satomifu lives, and there are people guarding his room. If we want to get the money, we may Need the help of the anti-group."

"Anti-Tuan?" Fu Yingxue was very surprised because she had no contact with the Anti-Tuan before.

"Xue'er, you and I are definitely not allowed to enter or leave this hotel, because both of us must be present at the banquet, Jingyun and the others pretending to be wealthy businessmen to enter and get caught are very likely to be discovered. The members of the anti-group are all children of rich families. Very convenient and normal." Qi Rui said,
"What is your plan?"

"Let Jing Yun lead people to follow them into the hotel. I thought that was the only way to do it."

"But let Zeng Che know about this action, what about the money?"

"Don't think about it for now, just get the money out first, I'll go to Zeng Che to discuss it."

Qi Rui thought about it and finally decided to join forces with the Anti-Tuan, so he contacted Zeng Che and explained the plan.

"Xiao Jiu, why do I feel that your people did the previous actions?" Zeng Che was also investigating who did it, but he couldn't find any clues either.

"Fifth Brother, I really don't belong to me. I just want to take advantage of the fire to loot, so the first thing the devil thinks of is those weapons, and he won't think of us at all, don't you think?"

"There is some truth to what you said. Your plan is fine, and I will arrange it immediately." Zeng Che said,
"Fifth brother, if the money is taken out..." Qi Rui hesitated to speak,

"Xiao Jiu, if you have any plans, just say, you are my brother, no one is closer than us."

"Fifth brother, I don't intend to hand over the money." Qi Rui said straight,

"There should be a lot of money, right?"

"It is estimated that there are at least three to forty million."

"Xiao Jiu, I don't want any money, but you have to tell me how you plan to use it."

"Fifth Brother, I assure you that I will not spend a penny of this money. I am going to buy some important equipment from the Americans."

"Oh, Xiao Jiu, I believe in you." The fourth and sixth children always praised this Xiao Jiu. At present, he is indeed very capable, but for Zeng Che, this Xiao Jiu is too mysterious.

"Fifth brother, I will ask a few brothers to come to you, and the next thing will be carried out according to the plan, but the safety of the anti-group members must be ensured, and they must not be exposed for this operation." Qi Rui warned ,

"Xiao Jiu, don't worry, I will arrange them according to the plan."

"Then we've agreed!"

After Qi Rui left, Zeng Che immediately contacted two key members of the Anti-Tuan who had just come from Beiping. He didn't tell them the specific task content, but asked them to help bring a few people to the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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