Chapter 409
The little heroes of the anti-group came in and out of the hotel according to the plan to confuse the number of people, so that Jing Yun, Jiang Tong and Jiang Xing stayed in the hotel, because Qi Rui had already finished the investigation, and they only needed to act directly. As Qi Rui's apprentice, it's easy to pick the lock.

In order to better deceive others, Jiang Tong and Jiang Xing used the makeup technique taught by Qi Rui to disguise themselves as women. The two used two suitcases to get all the gold bars and some cash of Satomifu.

Both of them had practiced before, so the heavy suitcase was not conspicuous in their hands. Jing Yun did not leave with them, but only left after making sure that there were no traces left.

Qi Rui used the children of the anti-group to ensure that Jing Yun and the others could enter and leave the hotel safely, because they would not be implicated if there was an alibi.

Jiang Tong and Jiang Xing got off halfway in a rickshaw, looking for a place to change into men's clothes before returning to Donghua Foreign Firm, followed by Jing Yun, and they lived in the foreign firm that night.

Seeing the two boxes of gold bars and cash, Shen Xilin admired Miaodao even more, and asked Jing Yun: "Captain Jing, have you met Comrade Miaodao?"

"I have never seen it before. When we came from Yan'an, the chief told me that Comrade Miaodao has a special status. He will not meet with me unless it is absolutely necessary. He only asks us to obey his orders unconditionally."

"I really want to meet Comrade Miaodao!" Shen Xilin said with emotion,
Qi Rui comforted Li Jianfu, "Mr. Li Jian, luckily your people are fine. It seems that these people know you very well, maybe they came from Manchuria!"

Qi Rui deliberately made things complicated to distract Li Jianfu's attention.

Li Jianfu thought for a while and said: "It is really possible. I am actually very low-key in Tianjin and Shanghai, but no one in Manchuria does not know me. Many people think that I am an opium king who has made a lot of money and wants to kill me. There are a lot of people."

"Mr. Satomi, I have promised General Honma to investigate this matter, and I will do my best to pursue it. Now it is very certain that the two killers are the ones who attacked Yuan San and burned Boss Shen's warehouse before. I hope these people get the money Afterwards, I can show some telltale feet." Qi Rui said,
"Zhongzuo Kuike, it seems that these people are very strong, you have to be careful!"

At this time, Yushi Sato walked over quickly and said: "Nakasa Hisaike, we found the hiding place of the two killers!"

"Is it hidden in some unoccupied room?" Qi Rui asked,

"Yes, and not one, Nakasa Hisaike, do you think there will be their internal agents in the hotel, otherwise how could the hotel not find out if they live here." Said Yushi Sato,
Qi Rui thought for a while and said: "The cleaning staff probably don't know how to clean rooms that no one has lived in, so I said that the killer is very familiar with the situation in the hotel, and they probably stayed in the hotel before, so Section Chief Sato, you are responsible for checking Check all the tenants who lived in Mr. Lijian during his stay, and it is very likely that the killer is among them."

"Okay! Leave this matter to our special high school!"

Li Jianfu and his people still live in this hotel, Qi Rui excused that he had something to go back to the villa, came to his bedroom, Fu Yingxue hugged him happily and smiled: "Success!"

After Jingyun and the others succeeded, Shen Xilin notified Xiuchundao Aoyama Masami immediately, but he didn't know Comrade Xiuchundao's real name.

"Haha, my three apprentices didn't embarrass me!" This time, Jing Yun and the others were very agile, and they did things very cleanly. Qi Rui knew in advance that they didn't find any clues. It can be seen that Jing Yun and the others' ability to act has improved. very big.

Fu Yingxue liked Qi Rui more and more, because he blamed him when he accepted Jing Yun and Zhou Daliang. Now it seems that Qi Rui's vision is really good. Jing Yun, Jiang Tong, Jiang Xing, Cao Meng, including Zhou Daliang and the others acted They are all very capable, and said with a smile: "Famous teachers produce high-level apprentices, so I can be considered your apprentice too?"

"You don't count because you are my wife!" Qi Rui smiled and hugged Fu Yingxue in his arms and kissed her twice.
"Qi Rui, you said you want to get 7000 million, but now it's more than [-] million, and victory is in sight." Fu Yingxue originally thought that getting [-] million was a fantasy, but she didn't expect it to be almost the same.

"Shen Xilin still has tens of thousands of taels of opium in his hand, and he can sell it for a few million. The organization can send people to collect the money. How can such a large amount of money be divided into several times and transported to the base area?" Qi Rui said,
"Okay, I will notify the organization tomorrow." Fu Yingxue finished speaking and asked, "Qi Rui, did you see Gu Junru when you came back?"

"no, what happened?"

"He received a telegram that Fujita Shinnaka's son Fujita Eiji was shot dead at the gate of the special high school today. The people in the mansion sent a report saying that the jellyfish assassination team should have done it, because the bullets were modified. Not Chi Tiecheng?" Fu Yingxue asked,
"Then who else is there? Now that Su Wenqian is injured, this kid is strong. If Brother Six can design an action plan, it will be even more foolproof. That's great!" Qi Rui raised his hands up to celebrate Fu Yingxue.

Fu Yingxue is very good now, no matter how much Qi Rui likes her, she will never refuse, she waited for Qi Rui to let go of herself before she said: "Just now Song Jian came back and said that Wang Tianmu made a fuss and was discharged from the hospital."

"Discharged from the hospital?" Zeng Che said that he would find a way to give Wang Tianmu a list. Could it be that he has already got it, so that he will have a good result in his trip to Tianjin.

Qi Rui immediately called the hospital. Sure enough, Wang Tianmu said that he wanted to take revenge on the military commander, but he thought of some people.

Qi Rui immediately asked Song Jian to take Wang Tianmu back to the villa, and then called a team of military police overnight to crack down on three Juntong contact points according to the address Wang Tianmu gave, killed six and arrested three Juntong spies.

Qi Rui once again handed over these spies to Yushi Sato for interrogation, but in the end, according to the explanation of these three people, all attempts to arrest them were in vain.

"Curator Jiuchi, Baoding, Cangzhou, and Beiping!" Wang Tianmu wrote down the list and handed it to Shunfu Jiuchi.

Qi Rui immediately reported the list to the special high schools in various places to arrest people. Not all of the lists given by Zeng Che were military spies, but most of them were spies of the Central Command.

Qi Rui didn't care what happened to these people, he believed that Zeng Che would never betray the anti-Japanese heroes.

Mao Chuanxiu and Coke in Beiping were broken, because according to the clues provided by Wang Tianmu, he also arrested several military reunification agents and destroyed three Central Reunification liaison stations, and arrested many Central Reunification spies.

This time Wang Tianmu made a great contribution, because following the clues caused the Central Command to lose a lot, but the Military Command did not lose much, because Zeng Che had already prepared.

"It's still 2000 million, or you can postpone it. It's very risky to act now." Fu Yingxue saw that Qi Rui was always trying to persuade him,
Qi Rui said with a mysterious smile: "Xue'er, someone will send us money, and it should be here soon."

 I wish all book friends a happy new year!Good fortune!The world is turning around!

(End of this chapter)

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