Chapter 421
It was Qi Rui who asked Zhou Weiguo to buy live sheep and wine for the drug dealers. The Mongolian sweat medicine he made himself was not put in the wine, but in the barbecue seasoning. Anyone who ate the lamb was confused.

Zhang Chu, Li Nancheng, and Jiang Tong led a team to take away money purses, good guns, ammunition, and some horses. Before leaving, they killed some drug dealers and woke up two with cold water. The purpose was to let them see that they were holding knives. The fake Fan Laosan.

"I can see that there are a lot of people here!" Looking at the messy footprints on the ground, Wu Danian said,
"Second brother, we didn't wake up for such a big commotion at night, it must be wrong!"

"Second Brother, I seem to have seen Fan Laosan last night!" said one person,

"Fan Laosan!?" Several people were shocked when they heard this name.

"I only saw the back, wearing Fan Laosan's clothes, and holding his knife in his hand."

After hearing this, Li Heng and the others checked the wounds of some of the dead again. Most of them were killed by machetes, and Fan Laosan used machetes.

"Could it be that Fan Laosan really did it!?" Wu Danian asked in disbelief, because what Fan Laosan did was courting death, and he would be hunted down by all the drug dealers in Rehe.

"No wonder he's not interested in Boss Zhou at all! And he left early, so it was a wishful thinking!" Liu Jincai was still willing to believe that it was Fan Laosan who did it, because there was no one else besides him.

Li Heng glanced at Boss Zhou and the others. They just sent someone to buy live sheep. They didn't leave the hotel for half a step in the city yesterday, so they ruled out their suspicion.

"Second brother, he took away all the money from our family, let's report it quickly!" Wu Danian said to Li Heng,
"You take someone back to report to Big Brother, and I will take someone to track down Fan Laosan, and we will see you in Zhaowudameng!"

This time, Kong Yuangang's subordinates died more, and Jiang Jieqi and Sun Yarong's men suffered little loss. Some of them were left to take care of the funeral of the deceased, and the others immediately went on the road to Zhaowudameng, which is now Chifeng City.

As soon as he left Ningcheng, the system rewarded Qi Rui with the S-level difficulty task. The task of raising [-] million military expenses has been completed. This time, what he got is the ability to use soldiers like a god.

Various tactics, tactics, strategies, etc. appeared in Qi Rui's mind. Qi Rui learned combat command when he was in the military academy. After mastering this skill of using soldiers like a god, Qi Rui felt that he had a very deep understanding of various combat operations.

"Okay! It seems that I will not only engage in spy warfare in the future, but may also command the army to fight! The rewards for S-level missions are really extraordinary!"

Weiguo Che Zhou asked: "Comrade Qi, we have achieved our goal, what are we going to do in Zhaowuda League?"

"Doesn't our leaving now mean telling them that we did it? Sending them mutton and wine has already made them suspicious, so we still have to go to Zhaowudameng. Maybe we will have a more lucrative harvest."

"What about our team?" The original plan was to return to Hutou Mountain after receiving the money, but the current situation is somewhat different from the original plan. Zhou Weiguo asked,

"I have asked Jiang Tong to inform Zhang Chu to return to the base with the money and spoils, and then it will be up to us." Qi Rui said,
"Is it possible that we really want to buy opium, and we don't have so much money?" Xu Hu asked,

"The drug dealers' money was robbed again this time, they will definitely be in chaos for a while, and what we will do next is to loot Chiang Kai-shek's treasury."

The money of these drug dealers will definitely not be put in the bank. Basically, they will build their own treasury in their own mansions. Qi Rui plans to rob Chiang Kai-shek first, and then attack Yudong Company.

"Looting Chiang Kai-shek?"

"That's right, this is the purpose of our coming to Zhaowuda League." Since we're here, let's do it again, this is Qi Rui's original intention for coming here.

"Then the previous money belongs to our detachment?" Zhou Weiguo asked with a smile,

Qi Rui also smiled and said: "Let's give some to the independent group, Captain Zhou, the sum of the money Zhang Chu took away is about 3000 million."

Zhou Weiguo smiled and said generously: "Okay! Go back and give some to the regiment."

Qi Rui knew that it would be good if he could give one-third to the independent regiment. Now that the money raised for the base has been sent over, the next thing to see is how much money Chiang Kai-shek has saved in his family.

It took a day to arrive at Zhaowu Dameng, and Kong Yuangang's people had no chance to attack Boss Zhou and others along the way, because Liu Jincai protected them very well and took them directly to Jiang's house.

Liu Jincai explained the situation to Chiang Kai-shek first, and heard that this time he lost tens of millions again, but Jiang Jieqi was very angry, especially when he heard that it was Fan Laosan who did it this time, and he was yelling in the room.

"Master! Do you want to send someone to look for Fan Laosan?" Liu Jincai asked.
Chiang Kai-shek calmed down and thought for a while and said: "This matter is a bit strange. Logically, Fan Laosan would not dare to provoke us and Kong Yuangang, so how can he hang out in Rehe in the future!"

"Sir, what if he wants to leave?"

"Send someone to inquire about the news and see what's going on with Fan Laosan."

"Master, don't we send someone to go directly to Fan Laosan?"

"We don't need to look for it, Kong Yuangang will send someone to look for it, we just need to wait for the news." Jiang Jieqi said cunningly,
"Master, how do you deal with Boss Zhou?"

"Is there money in their boxes?"

"I don't know yet, but they keep a close eye on the box, and it should contain valuables."

"How many boxes?"

"Four suitcases, the others used parcels."

"How much money can be contained in four suitcases, I have a chance to open it!"

"Yes! Sir!"

Jiang Jieqi excused that he had something to do and was not in a hurry to see Zhou Weiguo and Qi Rui. Liu Jincai always received him. On the third day, Jiang Jieqi got the exact news that Fan Laosan did not return to his villa and is now missing.

"Bastard, he must have gone to the customs with money!" Chiang Kai-shek cursed,
"Master, the money of our four families is about 300 million, plus his own 700 million, which is more than 3000 million. It seems that he really robbed the money and escaped!" Liu Jin calculated,

"If he doesn't run away, he will die. Steward Liu, immediately gather people to rob Fan Laosan's opium plantation!"

Chiang Kai-shek sent people to rob Fan Laosan's opium plantation. Kong Yuangang and Sun Yarong also had the same idea. After the three families arrived, they fought, and each other restrained themselves from firing.

In order to make up for the loss, the three families sent more people to grab the land, and when they were arguing, Qi Rui and the others took action at Jiang's house.

In the middle of the night, Qi Rui took Liu Sanxian to sneak into Chiang Kai-shek's bedroom, and used the scent to confuse the people in the room first, and used trace science to find the underground vault under Chiang Kai-shek's bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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