Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 426 Good News from Taihang Mountain!

Chapter 426 Good News from Taihang Mountain!
At noon the next day, Mieko Sakai was wearing a kimono and invited Shunsuke Kuike to dinner alone.

"Section Chief Sakai, this is the first time I've seen you in a kimono, it's really pretty!" Qi Rui said politely,

Mieko Sakai smiled charmingly: "Kuichi-kun, I came to see you after I dressed up carefully."

"Section Chief Sakai, did something happen?" Qi Rui asked respectfully when Mieko Sakai spoke today.
"Jiuchi-kun, I will leave Shanghai, and the new super high school head will arrive soon. I am very happy to spend time with you. You are one of the few friends I have in Shanghai. I am very lucky to have a friend like you. "Sakai Mieko drank a big sip of red wine sadly after speaking,

"Transfer! Where are you going?" Mieko Sakai was transferred, which made Qi Rui a little regretful. To be honest, her ability is really not good. The most suitable for a woman like her is to be a swallow (the Soviet Union called it a female spy who betrayed her lust for swallows.),

"I will go back to China for the time being. I don't know the specific arrangements. I will definitely inform Kuichi-kun as soon as I have the exact whereabouts." Said Mieko Sakai who is really a friend of Shunsuke Kuchi.
"What a pity! What about Miss Yunzi?"

"Yunzi is now the head of the first special class. I don't know if the new head has any other arrangements for her."

"Don't you know who the new headmaster is?"

"I know that he is Yoshimasa Fujita, the eldest son of General Fujita Shinchu, with the rank of Lieutenant Commander, because his father and younger brother both died in Shanghai, and he applied to come to Shanghai by himself."

"Let a person full of hatred be the head of the special high school class!?" Qi Rui was surprised,

"General Ying Zuo probably wanted to use his hatred, because this is his greatest motivation."

"I hope his hatred will not be used on his own people!"

"Jiuchi-kun, thank you for your care and help during this time! I don't know how to thank you, I hope I can help you someday in the future." After Sakai finished speaking, he drank another glass of red wine.

"Section Chief Sakai is too polite to me. Didn't you mean our friends just now? Since we are friends, we should do what friends should do. Come! Drink! I hope we can see each other again!" Qi Rui also raised his glass and took a sip.

"Jiuchi-kun! Take care! Be careful of the jellyfish assassination team, because you are already the key target of their assassination."

"I will definitely destroy them before they kill me! These people are my sworn enemies now!"

"Kuike-kun, Yoshimasa Fujita should have important clues about the jellyfish assassination team. I hope he is really stronger than me and can help you eliminate the jellyfish assassination team."

"Oh! Does he really have clues for jellyfish and herding fish?"

"I heard that it is, and this is one of the reasons for making him the head of the class."

"I don't know if this Fujita Nakasa is easy to get along with!"

"I heard that he is very cold. It is said that no one has seen him smile. The Chinese who fell into his hands rarely survived. He is a very cruel guy!"

"Where did he work before?"

"I was in Manchuria before, and I should have been the head of the special high school."

"I hope to have a pleasant cooperation with him." Since it is such a guy, let's kill him as soon as possible, because now Qi Rui suddenly remembered that this Fujita Yoshimasa was the head of the special high school in the pretender, but he did not expect that he was Fujita Jinzhong's eldest son.

Mieko Sakai drank a little too much and was obviously a little drunk. Before leaving, she hugged Qi Rui and said, "Jiuchi-kun, I know I am not as beautiful as Ms. Masami, and you have no interest in me at all. Use your body to enhance our relationship."

"Section Chief Sakai, you drank too much! I'll send you back right away."

"No! Everyone in the special high school knows that I'm leaving, and no one listens to what I say, so I won't go back, Jiuchi-kun, you can take me wherever you want."

Mieko Sakai almost said that she was going to sleep with Shunsuke Kuchi. It seemed that this Japanese woman was very horny, but how could Qi Rui, who had Fu Yingxue and Zhuang Xiaoman, fall in love with her.

"I really drank too much!" Qi Rui helped Sakai Mieko leave the restaurant, found a nearby hotel to settle her down, called Takeuchi Yunzi and left.

On the way back to the mansion, Qi Rui called his sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian and agreed to meet at the old warehouse at night.

When I got home at night, Fu Yingxue threw herself into Qi Rui's arms to announce the good news: "Qi Rui, Yan'an called, the Taihang Mountains battle was in full swing yesterday, we fought more than a dozen ambushes, large and small, we eliminated more than a thousand devils, and even seized a large number of people. Weapons and ammunition, the battle is not over yet, and all combat units are still chasing the devils."

Qi Rui held Fu Yingxue high and asked happily: "So my battle plan has succeeded!"

"The chief said that your battle plan was perfect. You made full use of the terrain of the Taihang Mountains, and used various methods to break up the army of devils and defeat them one by one! The tactics were very successful. Zhou Weiguo's independent regiment wiped out the most enemies and performed the most outstandingly!"

"Zhou Weiguo's independent regiment is more powerful than other brother troops, and his command ability is even better!"

Only more than a thousand devils were eliminated, which made Qi Rui a little regretful. According to his design, even if it is possible to wipe out all the Japanese troops who entered the mountain, all in all, our own weapons and equipment are not enough.

"The chief also said that according to your battle plan, the casualties were the lowest in history. This is the most gratifying thing to congratulate." Fu Yingxue continued to praise her lover.

"Okay! It's good to win the battle, but let the base area move quickly, because in this way, the strength of our army in the base area will be exposed, and the devils will definitely make adjustments and adjust to sweep into the mountains again." Qi Rui reminded Chief Liu of the base area before, Still not at ease, he said again,
"The chiefs know that this time is also a big training, and the effect is very good. Not only the combat effectiveness of the soldiers has been greatly improved, but also the weapons and equipment have been greatly improved, so the chief commended you by sending a message."

"Then let's celebrate!" Qi Rui put Fu Yingxue down and said,
"Okay! Most of our soldiers should be celebrating too!"

After the two of them finished their meal, Qi Rui sent Fu Yingxue home, then took a rickshaw to the French Concession, and saw the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian and the fourth brother Xu Baichuan in the old warehouse.

"Fourth brother! Why have you come to Shanghai too?"

"Xiao Jiu! I must have a mission here, hahaha..." Xu Baichuan hugged Qi Rui and laughed,

"What mission?"

"Your fourth brother's mission is kept secret, we don't need to worry about it." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Brother Six, we have nothing to lose from the big raid?" Qi Rui asked,

"Because I got the news in advance, there is no loss."

"Have you got the news in advance?"

"Yes, Rouge played a role. She notified me with the special alarm method I taught. We left Shanghai and went to Suzhou before the big raid."

"Sixth brother and Yan Zhi actually have a secret contact code!?" Qi Rui really didn't know,

"It's the alarm code I taught her to use on special occasions. Because you weren't here, she couldn't find anyone else, so she used this code. Help me later and thank her!"

(End of this chapter)

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