Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 437 The counterfeit banknote scheme continues

Chapter 437 The counterfeit banknote scheme continues
There is no need for Qi Rui to advise them now, as long as Fukada Yuto does not send Yongle Dadian away, Qi Rui will think of a way after tonight.

Qi Rui asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to lead the team to follow the task force. He drove to the special high school to find Yoshimasa Fujita, because he had seen the letter from Sixth Brother early in the morning, and he couldn't get around the special high school if he wanted to investigate Zheng Ziliang's case.

"Curator Hisaichi, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Section Chief Fujita, what does Shang Mansion say about Zheng Ziliang's case?"

"He sent someone to kill Zheng Ziliang, and he is implementing a plan, so let's not take care of this matter anymore." Fujita Yoshimasa said,
"Section Chief Fujita, I just received a report that Zheng Ziliang has a huge sum of money in his hand, which was obtained from buying goods for Chongqing before. Have you found the Shang Mansion?" Qi Rui wants to investigate this is the most reasonable reason.

"A huge sum of money!? The little curator Hinata didn't say anything."

"Then I'll call him and ask." Qi Rui called Xiao Hinata Shiro in front of Fujita Yoshimasa, and asked, "Mr. Xiao Hinata, did you get the money from Zheng Ziliang?"

"Zheng Ziliang's chivalrous society doesn't have much money. Now this gang has been annexed by the Anqing General Association. After all, the assets are not very large, and some of them are still negative assets." Xiao Hinata said to Bailang,

"Mr. Xiao Hinata, Zheng Ziliang should have a huge sum of money selling goods for Chongqing, don't you know about this?" Qi Rui asked,

"A huge sum of money!? No way, I asked Zheng Ziliang personally, and he said that he had already given it to Chongqing, didn't he?"

Xiao Hinata Bailang's tone was very surprised, but Qi Rui didn't see his expression and couldn't tell the truth from the fake, and said: "As far as I know, Mr. Xiao Hinata and Mr. Fujita are going to Zheng Ziliang's house to check. You go too, we'll see you there."

"Oh, okay!" Xiao Hinata's goal was to make money, and he was worried that the Anqing Association would take it all for himself when he heard that there was such a sum of money.

Why didn't Qi Rui go to Zheng Ziliang's house by himself, because now the Shang Mansion has been staring at it, no matter what identity he went there, he would be suspected by Xiao Hinata, because he had sent someone to check Xinyang Wharf before, and Xiao Hinata belonged to Rihachiro Sakanishi Apprentice, and quite experienced.

Qi Rui also had a purpose in dragging Fujita Yoshimasa, so Kohinata Bailang would definitely investigate the matter in a serious and official manner. Since Zheng Ziliang hid the money, I believe few people know about it, so Qi Rui wanted to find clues first. , Use your own traces to learn to see if the money is hidden somewhere in Zheng Ziliang's house.

Another reason is that Qi Rui is also worried that the money has been divided by the monk's mansion of the Anqing General Assembly. Let Fujita Yoshimasa come forward to deal with this situation.

When we arrived at Zheng Ziliang's home, his family members and some gang members were still there. Qi Rui also saw Yang Hu from the Loyalty Club here. He had a good relationship with Zheng Ziliang and came to help with the funeral.

"Curator Jiuchi, do you really have this money?" Xiao Ri asked Bai Lang,
"Just look up the types and quantities of goods sold by Zheng Ziliang during this period."

"But Zheng Ziliang said that as long as the goods are sold, someone will take the money directly. Is he lying to me?"

"He should have lied to you. We have investigated so strictly, it is impossible for people from Chongqing to go so smoothly." Qi Rui said,
"Whether it's true or not, let's search it." Fujita Yoshimasa said,
"Yui Araki led people to search, but nothing was found." Kohinata said,

"Then search again!" After finishing speaking, Yoshimasa Fujita motioned for Yoko Minamita to lead someone in to search.

After the search, Qi Rui went to ask Zheng Ziliang's family some questions, and finally left without any results, and went back to the special high school together. Qi Rui said apologetically, "I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time."

"Don't say that, since we got the news, we will definitely check it out." Fujita Yoshimasa said,
"Could it be that Zheng Ziliang didn't put the money at home but somewhere else?" Qi Rui said to himself,

"Curator Jiuchi still thinks he has the money?" Xiao Ri asked Bai Lang,
"The money definitely exists, but we don't know whether it has been taken away by people from Chongqing. The news I got is that the money hasn't arrived in Chongqing yet! Mr. Kohinata, Mr. Fujita, we still have the money If you look for it, you must not let the people in Chongqing take it away!"

"Could he have deposited the money in the bank?" Kohinata asked,
"Then ask Mr. Fujita to check the bank." Qi Rui said,
"Okay, I will send Yoko Nantian to investigate the matter immediately, but I would like to ask how did Director Kuike know that there is this money?" Fujita Yoshimasa asked,

"The latent personnel I arranged in the military command told me that now Chongqing already knows that Zheng Ziliang was killed. It seems that the military command attaches great importance to his line."

"Section Chief Fujita, we also have people in the military command, and it was given by Director Kuike." Kohinata Shiro said,

"Mr. Xiao Hinata, ask Qiao Yu to inquire about it too, because I heard that the money is quite a lot." Qi Rui said,
"Okay, I'll send an inquiry immediately when I go back."

Qi Rui left the extra-high school with Xiao Hinata Bailang, and said with some regret: "Mr. Xiao Hinata shouldn't have killed Zheng Ziliang so early!"

"Curator Jiuchi, I really didn't know I had this money before. If I knew, I would definitely not kill him."

"Mr. Kohinata killed him just to force out the military commander?"

"Yes, and it has been successful. They sent me a letter asking me to send someone to Hong Kong to negotiate with the person in charge." Xiao Hinata said honestly to Bai Lang,

"It seems that Chongqing attaches great importance to this matter, and they are confident. Can you tell me the reason?" Qi Rui asked.

"Director Hisaike, we have many merchants or agents doing business in their territory. As long as they don't sell prohibited goods, both sides often turn a blind eye for money." Kohinata finished speaking and whispered: "Director Hisaike , I was asked to do this by the government agency, and I can’t say more about the rest.”

Kohinata Bailang was also worried that Shunsuke Kuchi would misunderstand him, Qi Rui immediately understood what was going on after hearing this, the shirt organization wanted to use counterfeit money to trade goods with the National Control District!This trick is poisonous enough. It seems that this is what Takeshige Aoki has been busy with during this time. The counterfeit banknote project shirt agency has never given up, and now it is ready to continue to implement it.

"Did Section Chief Aoki contact you?"

"Curator Kuike knows?"

"You can guess it, but this has given you a way to make money, sir! Don't forget me when you make a fortune in the future!" Qi Rui laughed,
"If there is no curator Jiuchi, how can I still have a mansion, and I will definitely repay this kindness." Xiao Hinata said to Bai Lang,

Qi Rui called Zheng Yaoxian on the way out of the extra-high school, and told him in coded words that he would meet at the warehouse tomorrow night, and then called Li Xiaonan to make sure that the things Zhuang Xiaoman had prepared had been taken back.

Qi Rui looked at the time and went to the pier early, and he was going to act tonight. He wanted to make sure that everything at the pier was normal.

(End of this chapter)

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