Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 446 The Prime Minister Appears Again!

Chapter 446 The Prime Minister Appears Again!

Ken Matsushita smiled, and didn't seem to put any pressure on Shunsuke Kuike, as if he just wanted to know the reason.

"Master Matsushita, His Majesty the Emperor asked me to assist in the investigation of the theft. I definitely want to investigate the scene. I have indeed been to the pier a few times, but I don't have the ability of Matsushita. I didn't see that someone came from Jiangzhong I came here by diving, and after the explosion, I also surveyed the riverside, and found no traces."

"The dust after the explosion covered up everything, Mr. Jiuchi, have you ever thought about how the detonating device was brought into the dock?"

"If it wasn't for our own people, how did they bring them in, but according to what Colonel Matsushita said, they were brought in by diving."

"It's unlikely to be brought in by diving. After all, ordinary bombs are not waterproof."

"How difficult is it? It's enough to seal the package with oiled paper."

"That's right, Nakazuo Kuike agrees with me. They came here by diving?"

"No, I still insist on my opinion. What Matsushita said makes sense, but it is too difficult to do it. I can swim, but there are many patrol boats and large ships passing by on the river at night. The searchlights on the boat will also continuously shine on the river surface. If you want to dive, you need to have a distance of at least [-] meters, and you must reach the place you mentioned accurately. Is the requirement for divers very high? I have also trained for many years I also know that I can't do it, the other party is still two people, and they are carrying explosive devices, Colonel Matsushita, can this really be done?"

Ken Matsushita replied affirmatively: "There must be many people who can dive [-] meters!"

Ken Matsushita asked the guard post at the port, Shunsuke Kuike came that morning, and he never showed up after leaving, and the special case team all left before noon, leaving no one behind, so Ken Matsushita has sent the special case team Excluded.

"Master Matsushita, even if they came in by diving, there are guards at the door of each warehouse, and there are several patrols patrolling. How did they enter the warehouse? You must know that the windows of the warehouse are more than four meters high, and there is no ladder at all. I can't go up."

"You can climb up with ropes, which is not difficult, but the traces of the warehouse being blown into ruins have disappeared."

"It seems that Colonel Matsushita believes that the person came in by diving, so how do you plan to investigate next?"

"I searched along the opposite bank. The two left barefoot. After landing on the bank, the clues disappeared."

"Master Matsushita, you just arrived today, right? More than 30 hours have passed since the explosion. There is a road on the bank. How could there be traces?"

"You're right. After landing on the shore, the footprints can't be found. Maybe someone picked them up."

"Did you pick it up by car?"

"I'm not sure about this, it is likely that he was picked up."

"How does Colonel Matsushita plan to investigate, I, Kuchi Mansion, will definitely cooperate fully."

"Can you take me to meet the task force?"

"Of course, do you want the task force to help with the investigation?"

"Didn't you say that the task force is all detectives? I'll ask them a few questions."

"Okay, I'll take you there."

When he came to Pujiang Hotel, Tang Rui was woken up by his subordinates and ran over: "Curator, why are you back again? What happened?"

"It's nothing. This is Colonel Matsushita. He wants to see someone from the task force."

Tang Rui bowed to Matsushita and said, "Curator, let me take you there."

When we came to the task force's room, the box for the Yongle Grand Ceremony was on the table, and Kuko Hideyoshi and Shimizu Kazuo were guarding it. Qi Rui saw the two of them and asked, "Where are the others?"

"Go to sleep." Shimizu Kazuo said,
"This is Colonel Matsushita, I have a question for you." Qi Rui introduced,

Hearing that it was Colonel, the two quickly stood up and bowed: "Hello, Colonel Matsushita! If you have any questions, please ask."

Jian Matsushita glanced at Shunsuke Kuchi, and Qi Rui understood that this was for him to avoid, so he asked: "How long will it take for Matsushita, General Kagezuo asked me to go to the Mei Agency, or I will go there first, and wait a while Come back to pick you up?"

"This hotel is not bad. I'll be staying here today. Mr. Jiuchi, go ahead. I'll call you if I need anything."


Qi Rui came out and said to Tang Rui: "If Colonel Matsushita asks you to tell the truth, you must fully cooperate."

"Curator, is Colonel Matsushita also here to investigate the theft?" Tang Rui asked,

"No, he's investigating the bombing at the pier."

"Then what do we know?"

"Anyway, cooperate well with Colonel Matsushita."


Qi Rui drove to the office of Meiguanying Zuo Zhenzhao, and Qingqi Qingyin was also here.

Seeing Qi Rui alone, Yingzuo Zhenzhao asked: "Zhongzuo Jiuchi, where is Matsushita?"

"He wanted to ask the detectives in the task force some questions and said he would live there today, so I came over."

"Let him go, Kuike Zhongzuo, have you heard of the code name doctor?" Kagezuo Zhenzhao asked,

Qi Rui shook his head: "No, this is the first time I've heard of it."

"What about the prime minister's code name?"

Qi Rui shook his head and asked: "Prime Minister? I haven't heard of it. There is such a code name. Does this person have a high rank?"

"So you haven't heard of it." Kagezuo Zhen Zhao said disappointedly.

"It's the first time I've heard it. They belong to the Central Command and the Military Command?"

Qingqi Qingyin rolled his eyes at Shunsuke Kuchi: "They are the Communist Party!"

"Communists! Where are they?"

"Jiuchi Zhongzuo, the Secret Service Headquarters has been staring at the two communist parties for the past few days, but just yesterday they almost killed the traffic officer and escaped at the same time." Qingqi Qingyin said annoyedly,

Qi Rui pretended not to understand and asked: "They killed the traffic man? What do you mean, I don't understand!"

"The traffic officers were caught by us during the raid. After the torture, they all confessed, so we asked them to go back and stare at their online, but they were all killed yesterday. It seems that they already knew that the traffic staff had mutinied. I have been waiting for the opportunity to evacuate." Qingqi Qingyin replied,

"General Ying Zuo called me because he wanted me to go and see the scene?"

"That's useless, the scene has been destroyed, and it's useless if you go."

"Is the traffic officer only on the first floor?" Qi Rui continued to ask,

"Yes, only one is online." Qingqi Qingyin said,
"Then there should be offline too?"

"We didn't know why the guerrillas suddenly disappeared until now. It turned out that the Communist Party had known for a long time that the traffic staff had mutinied, and the guerrillas had moved ahead of time!"

"General Yingzuo, what can I do? What about the prime minister and the doctor?"

"The doctor was told by the traffic officer that the online code names of the two underground Communist Party groups are both doctors, but they have never seen it before, so we infer that the doctor is the head of the Shanghai underground party." Yingzuo Zhenzhao said,
"Who is the prime minister?"

"The code name Prime Minister has been around for a long time. He is an important figure of the Communist Party in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions. This code name disappeared for a while, and it reappeared recently."

"It appeared again!?"

"Yes!" Saying that, Kagesa Haruaki took out a deciphered telegram and handed it to Shunsuke Kuike.

(End of this chapter)

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