Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 458 What Information Are You Selling This Time?

Chapter 458 What Information Are You Selling This Time?
After a long period of investigation, Kagesa Haruka found that no matter what happened, Shunsuke Kuike was very capable at the beginning, but his stamina was always a little bit behind, especially in the operations against the God-killing Action Team and the Jellyfish Assassination Team. particularly prominent.

It was the same this time, without any warning, he found out that there was something wrong with Liang Botao and the others, and even sent special personnel to investigate them. This is enough to prove his keen sense of smell, which is the most valuable advantage of intelligence personnel.

However, Ying Zuo Zhenzhao had a premonition that the more critical and important things would go wrong, the search and arrest of Liang Botao, Chen Zhenru and Alex might fail.

"Master Matsushita, I will give you a team, and I also ask you to help find Fan Luosha of the God-killing Operation Group, the Communist Party commissioner Prime Minister, and the Chinese-American Liang Botao! I also hope that you, the king of secret agents, are not called for nothing. !"

"I will do my best!" Ken Matsushita had already realized that the strength of these opponents might really affect his title of King of Agents, but he couldn't resist.

Qi Rui first sent Tang Rui to Meiguan to get the photos, and he personally assigned tasks to the secret agents of the Jiuchi mansion, asking them to go to all the well-known dance halls and bars to find people.

Tossing like this until eleven o'clock in the evening, all the dance halls and bars were closed but did not find the target, Qi Rui drove to the hotel, but no one came back as expected, and really disappeared without a trace as if he had evaporated .

I don't know when Sister Xia and Li Xiaonan left, Qi Rui drove to the French Concession to Li Xiaonan's house by himself, and she was indeed with the prime minister.

"Sister Xia, boy, have you seen Liang Botao and the others?"


"They brought Alex so conspicuously, how could they disappear like this?" Qi Rui said strangely,

Shen Qiuxia also said quite puzzled: "I didn't know there was such a person as Alex before. I thought about it carefully just now. This may be the way for Liang Botao to get rid of the Japanese spies. You must know that having this foreigner can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble, I guess they have a whole plan to get out."

"Sister Xia, does this Liang Botao have experts to help him, because their make-up skills are not inferior. If you really have a complete escape plan as you said, this plan is beyond the imagination of ordinary people." Qi Rui said,
"Yes, I have the same idea as you, that's why I came back early. Judging from the current situation, they should be safe, and this safe place is likely to be the American consulate!" said the prime minister,
"The American Consulate!?" Qi Rui felt that it was very possible after hearing this, because there is no safer place than there,
"Yes! The American Consulate, Xiao Rui, is there a way for you to find out?" the Prime Minister asked.

"I might be able to find someone to inquire about it. Leave it to me!" Qi Rui thought of the American spy Bernard, and had long wanted to sell them some information that could influence the situation of the battle.

"Xiao Rui, how is the devil?"

Qi Rui roughly told the prime minister about who was talking to Yingzuo Zhenzhao, and then said: "Sister Xia, Yingzuo Zhenzhao will definitely send other secret service agencies to find people. You must be careful recently, because he is most interested in Still the commissioner and prime minister."

Shen Qiuxia nodded and said: "Xiao Rui, boy, I have other things to do these days, if you have any news, please call me, remember, if you find someone, call me Second Sister on the phone, there are special circumstances It’s called Third Sister, and it’s called Fourth Sister if you need to meet up! Otherwise, it’s called Big Sister.”

"Sister Xia, just tell us what we need to do!" Qi Rui couldn't violate discipline and ask Shen Qiuxia what to do, but he was really worried about Sister Xia's safety.

Before leaving, Qi Rui told Li Xiaonan: "The assassination operations of the martial arts team will continue as usual, but we must pay attention to safety."


It was past twelve o'clock when Qi Rui returned home, Fu Yingxue was still awake and waiting for him at the door, Tan Lin brought the secret agents of Jiuchi Mansion to guard them dutifully.

"Qi Rui, have you found someone?" Fu Yingxue asked after serving Qi Rui to the bed.

"I originally found them, but because Comrade Prime Minister refused to allow us to meet Liang Botao and the others directly, I left to find a young man and asked her to meet them. In the end, I ran into the ghost spies chasing after them from Hong Kong, and Liang Botao and the others disappeared."

"That means they evacuated before the devil's spies arrived?"

"On the surface, that's what it means. We still need to investigate this matter, and we need to continue looking for people, but now the devils are also looking for them all over the city."

"Have you got a clue?"

"Comrade Prime Minister suspects that they went to the US consulate."

"They should all be American citizens, I really can't tell."

"So I'm going to look it up tomorrow."

"Qi Rui, you just said that Yingzuo Zhenzhao still wants to find the commissioner's prime minister, haven't we sent a report saying that he has canceled the trip?" Fu Yingxue asked,
"I have already shown him the telegram, and he is so sure that it should be someone from him inside us. You still need to report this situation to the organization." Qi Rui said,
"No way, if there really is a lurking devil spy, then this person's level will not be too low. You must know that Comrade Prime Minister's level of secrecy is not low." Fu Yingxue said,

"Not necessarily. I met Sister Xia in Yan'an. She was a teacher, but one thing is certain, that is, she taught middle-level cadres, so the organization checked some of them." Qi Rui said,
"The intelligence work of the little devil is really pervasive."

"Our comrades are not the same!"

On July [-]th, there was a shower, and Qi Rui continued to ask the secret agents of the mansion to find Liang Botao. He sent Song Jian to lead the team to the public concession, and asked Tang Rui to lead the team to the French Concession.

Qi Rui put on makeup and came to the Moulin Rouge Cafe. When Bernard heard that the intelligence dealer appeared again, he rushed over as quickly as possible.

"Mr. Qi! You finally appeared!"

"Mr. Bernard, hello! Are you satisfied with the information I gave you before?"

"Very satisfied, I don't think you will let us down this time." Bernard smiled,

"We never disappoint our customers!"

"Mr. Qi, I want to ask you a question, would you trade with the Japanese, Germans, Italians?"

"Mr. Bernard, we are intelligence dealers, and we may trade intelligence with anyone, but I can assure you that when we trade intelligence with ***, most of the information we provide is false, even if it is true. Intelligence is also beneficial to the allies." Qi Rui said,
"Haha... I also think so, otherwise you should have been hunted down long ago." The US intelligence agency has investigated this mysterious intelligence dealer, and even wanted to find out this intelligence analysis agency, but so far they have found nothing. .

"Mr. Bernard, the information I gave you this time is very important to the allies, you must pay attention to it, and don't regret it when you suffer a loss."

(End of this chapter)

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