Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 460 The martial arts team is ruthless!

Chapter 460 The martial arts team is ruthless!
Chongqing now has support from the Soviet Union, and later from allies led by the United States, but the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army have nothing. Qi Rui still has a lot of money in his hand, and hopes to use this money to buy some good weapons.

In Qi Rui's opinion, this is better than any support, because having good weapons in hand is the best way to ensure combat effectiveness. During the Anti-Japanese War, we need to sacrifice ten people to kill a devil. The biggest one is The reason is that the weapons and equipment are backward.

Qi Rui, who has a modern soul, understands this better, so he wants to buy weapons from the Americans, and use these weapons to equip the Black Fox Commando, Snow Leopard Special Forces, and Li Yunlong's independent regiment. What kind of result will that be?

"Mr. Bernard, I am originally Chinese. As an intelligence officer, the more I understand the shameless and brutal aggression of the Japanese, the more I hate them. I also want to do something for my motherland! I hope to support what they lack the most. weapons."

Bernard said in agreement: "I understand, if I were you, I would do the same!"

"As long as you can bring weapons, I will take them no matter how much!" Qi Rui said,
Bernard shook his head and said, "I may not be able to, but I can introduce you to an arms dealer. He will definitely be very willing to cooperate with you!"

Knowing that he didn't want to involve the consulate, Qi Rui said, "Okay! You tell that arms dealer to come to discuss cooperation with me with weapons in two months, and I will definitely satisfy him."

"I understand what Mr. Qi means! Tomorrow you send someone to the consulate to look for me." Two months later, it will be time to pay for the purchase of information. At that time, it will be possible to prove the truth of the information he said. It seems that this information dealer is very confident. , Bernard agrees.

"Mr. Bernard, I will let my friend go there. He will say that his name is Mark Ning, and he will hold a black bag with two packs of unopened Camel cigarettes in it. Remember!" Qi Rui said the password exhorted,
"I remember, tomorrow I will personally receive this person."

Qi Rui gave Bernard three pieces of information, which to him were nothing more than historical events, but to Americans today, these are all huge pieces of information, and that’s why Bernard was so happy help yourself.

Qi Rui was convinced. He left the Moulin Rouge Cafe and walked halfway when he heard an explosion in the direction of the headquarters of the Anqing General Assembly. He could see the flames soaring into the sky while driving, so he drove to the scene immediately and found that there was an explosion on the fourth floor. A building is still burning, and firefighters and doctors are trying to save lives.

"Hey! What happened here?" Qi Rui took out his ID and asked a second lieutenant officer,

"Report to Zhongzuo Kuike! There are some people from the Anqing General Assembly gathering on the third and fourth floors. According to the current judgment, someone planted a time bomb in advance. There are already hundreds of people killed and injured, but because the fourth floor is currently unable to go up, I don’t know the specific situation above.”

"Another explosion!"

"Yes, the person who planted the bomb this time wanted to take over the Anqing General Assembly, because today is the day when all their leaders have a meeting."

"Are there any of us among them?"

"I asked the wounded, and they all said they didn't know."

This must have been done by the martial arts team. Assassination is not allowed in our party, but Qi Rui does not want to abide by this discipline, because some traitors and devils must die.

Especially for the Japanese war criminal Qi Rui, he will use unscrupulous means. He will punish the Japanese war criminals severely like the Jews who chased and killed Japanese war criminals. This is all because the little devil never apologized for this war of aggression!Even in modern times, senior Japanese officials still disregard our condemnation of worshiping ghosts, so Qi Rui has only one idea for these war criminals, that is to kill them to the fullest!

Since you little devils like to worship ghosts, then I will make more ghost worships for you!
Qi Rui wanted to train the members of the martial arts team to become the top killers, just like the jellyfish assassination team, because they would continue to carry out assassination missions afterwards.

But this time Qi Ruijue's martial arts team made too much noise, such an explosion could easily hurt innocent people.

"Hey, how many civilians were injured?"

"Reporting to Zhong Zuo Jiuchi, no civilian casualties have been found so far. This building belongs to the Anqing General Assembly. Some shops on the first floor are also pawnshops, tobacco shops, and gambling houses. There are no casualties. A few people were injured on the second floor. The serious thing is that the third and fourth floors, especially the third floor, are all thugs and little bosses from the Anqing Association."

From the corner of Qi Rui's eyes, he saw Yui Araki and Hideko Chida coming over and said deliberately: "Okay, I understand, this Anqing will always be our friend, you must hurry up and save people!"

"Chief Kuike!" Yui Araki saw Shunsuke Kuike in the car, so he came over to say hello.

"Section Chief Araki! I heard from Xiaori that the Anqing General Assembly is now controlled by your Shang Mansion. Do you know what's going on?" Qi Rui asked,

"Zhongzuo Jiuchi, we also rushed over when we heard the news, and we still don't know what happened."

"I happened to be doing business nearby and heard the explosion and came over to take a look. Since you are here, I will leave this place to you, and I will leave first if I have something to do."

Yui Araki and Hideko Chida sent Shunsuke Kuike away respectfully, and immediately launched an investigation. After the fire was extinguished, they went to the fourth floor immediately, only to find that almost all the senior executives of the Anqing Association were killed or burned to death.

"Section Chief, the amount of the bomb seems to have been carefully calculated, because the explosion didn't even affect the adjacent buildings, but almost no one survived on the fourth floor." Hideko Chida reported,

"Baga! We managed to control the Anqing General Assembly, but now their leaders should be running out!" Araki Yui said.

"Section Chief, the Anqing General Assembly is still there, and they will also elect a new leader. We won't be affected, right?"

"The elites of the Anqing Association are all dead, and the rest may be some rabble, and their strength must be greatly reduced!"

"Why did they meet to give the enemy this chance this time?"

"It should be to select people who are responsible for doing business with the military commander."

"Didn't you say that the military commander talked directly with our people?"

"When the head of the agency sent a report, Xu Baichuan of the military commander asked that it should not be us, but a Chinese agent. The head of the agency said that they were just for peace of mind, so he agreed, so I asked An Qing There will always be a shrewd and capable person to take charge of this matter, but because this job is more lucrative, they all want it, so today's meeting was held, but the wind leaked out, and I don't know who did it."

"Isn't it the killer of the military command?"

"Probably not, because the head of the agency said that Anqing General Assembly will be the agent, and the killers of the military command should be able to facilitate it."

"Could it be that they are not satisfied with the agent we have found?"

"No, the head of the agency said that Xu Baichuan has already agreed!"

"Who would have done that?"

"That's what I want to know too! Chida, investigate this case immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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