Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 462 Jing Yun Was Followed

Chapter 462 Jing Yun Was Followed

No matter who Liu Rusi is hiding and Qi Rui can't go find her, she will definitely not hide traitors and devils, so Qi Rui smiled and asked: "How is He Tielin now, are you married?"

"already married."

"Why don't you invite me as a matchmaker when you get married?"

"We invited you when we got married, but unfortunately you were not in Shanghai." Liu Rusi said heartily, we just got married while you were not around, we would not be traitors if we invited you!
"I have nothing to do, I just came to tell you that the person in the photo will call me immediately."


Qi Rui took a symbolic walk around the dance floor and left. Liu Rusi went upstairs and opened the door of the office. Tielin turned on the light and asked, "What is this devil doing here?" '

"Still looking for those two people."

"Definitely anti-Japanese fighters."

"Tie Lin, do you know this devil?"

"It's true!"

"Then let's find a chance to kill him!"

"No! Before Xu Tian left, he told me not to have any thoughts about this devil."

"What do you mean, can't you kill it?"

"Xu Tian said he was special and helped us casually, so he repeatedly told him not to do anything to him, and also said that if he needs anything, let me help as much as possible." Tielin said,
"Tie Lin, look at other anti-Japanese organizations that are fighting devils and traitors every day. Today, someone bombed the Anqing General Assembly of the traitor gang. I heard that many traitors were killed. When will we act?"

"Everyone, Xu Tian said he would be back in a few days. He is a capable man. When he comes back, we will listen to his command."

"Is Xu Tian the case-solving expert you keep telling us about?"

"Yes, he will come back in a few days, and then you will know how powerful he is."

"Tie Lin, you said Tian Dan will follow when Brother Tian comes back?" Liu Rusi asked,
"Brother Tian didn't say anything about it. You'll know when Brother Tian comes."

Qi Rui left Cirrus and went to MGM again, asking Tang Manqing to help him pay attention to the people in the photo, and then he went home and told Fu Yingxue what he had learned today.

"Qi Rui, didn't you still go to the International Settlement to find that Kai Ziwei?"

"Well, I will go to him again in a few days, and my information will definitely be sold to them, because we may need to buy a large number of weapons."

"A large number of weapons?"

"Yes, the weapons of our team are too backward. Many guerrillas don't even have a few decent guns, and the devil's weapons are actually not very advanced. Many countries in the world have better weapons than theirs. I want to Buy the best weapons for our team, so that our soldiers will no longer have to charge twice." Qi Rui said,
"Will the Americans sell us?"

"Of course, the Yankees want the world to be in chaos, so they can make a lot of war money."

"But how many weapons can we buy from arms dealers?"

"Xue'er, our mission is to buy as much as we can. A platoon is a platoon that can be equipped, as long as it can improve the combat effectiveness of our troops."

"Qi Rui, what happened to today's bombing?"

"It was done by the martial arts team. The movement is a bit loud. I have already mentioned them."

"Do you want to report to the organization?"

"No, just pretend you don't know."

"Qi Rui, are you making a mistake?"

"Forget it, we killed traitors, and they helped devils to harm our compatriots."

Fu Yingxue is the person who knows Qi Rui best, but she still persuades: "Qi Rui, no matter what we do, we still need to be principled and disciplined."

"Xue'er, I know this, but I have no choice but to kill these traitors, because if we don't kill them, a large number of patriots will be persecuted."

"I know, I just don't want you to make mistakes."

"I want to make a mistake right now!" Qi Rui said, already pressing Fu Yingxue on the bed...

Jing Yun dressed up as a middle-aged man and came to the US consulate. He claimed that Mark Ning had something important to do with Mr. Bernard. When Bernard came out and saw the black leather bag, he asked Jing Yun to open the bag on the grounds of inspection, and saw a bag inside. A suit of clothes and two packs of Camel brand cigarettes. After the signal was correct, he took Jing Yun into the consulate.

In a shop opposite the consulate, Ken Matsushita watched Bernard lead people in through the window through the binoculars, and asked, "Have you seen the middle-aged man just now?"

"never seen it."

"You must pay attention to the people and vehicles entering and leaving the US consulate in the past two days. When this person comes out, don't be alarmed. I want to know where he went."


Jing Yun was brought directly to Liang Botao and Chen Zhenru by Bernard. Alex was not there. Jing Yun explained Qi Rui's meaning to them and asked: "Mr. Liang, Mrs. Liang, how can we arrange this?" Are you satisfied?"

Hearing the plan, Liang Botao felt a little suspenseful and said, "This is too dangerous."

"This is the best solution our captain came up with, and we guarantee safety." Jing Yun said,
"Guaranteed safety? Once we are caught by the devils, we have no chance at all. Are you really so sure?"

"We're really sure!"

"In that case, well, let the two pretend to be us and go first, and if everything goes well, we will listen to you." Liang Botao said,

"Let's try again? Isn't that a waste of time!"

"If we don't try once, we will wait for the opportunity according to the original plan." Liang Botao said,

"Okay, I'll get back to you as soon as possible."

Jing Yun was very careful when he left the consulate. He really found that there were four people following him alternately, and thought to himself: Sure enough, the elder brother said that the devils really set their sights on the consulate, and they didn't find them before entering.

Jing Yun had already planned the exit route. He walked into the alley unhurriedly, entered through the back door of a tailor shop, went out through the front door, turned around and entered the nearby watch shop.

He pretended to be looking at the clock and used his peripheral vision to watch the devil spies looking for him all over the street. After all four devil spies appeared, he returned to the alley from the back door of the watch shop, then climbed over the wall to another alley, returned to the street, and called a rickshaw to leave.

Even so, he wandered around the street for more than an hour, and returned to the small building only after he was really sure that there was no tail.

In the store opposite the consulate, four following agents went back to report: "Master Matsushita, that person has lost track, he seems to have found us."

"It can be seen that this person is very experienced. He entered the consulate dressed as a middle-aged man, but after he came out, he seemed much younger." Ken Matsushita said,

"Master Matsushita, why are you so sure they are the same person?"

"The person is tall, short, fat and thin and his walking steps and posture have not changed."

"But what if we lose track?"

"What can I do if I lose track, keep watching the consulate, strictly check the people and vehicles coming in and out, and remember not to let go of the dung truck!"

(End of this chapter)

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