Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 467 The Prime Minister is Dangerous!

Chapter 467 The Prime Minister is Dangerous!

Qi Rui has also seen these anti-Japanese propaganda publications, and now the third issue has been issued. The content in it is to expose the crimes of the Japanese invaders and to unite all walks of life to publicize the anti-Japanese war. It seems that this is one of the important tasks of Miss Xia.

"Did you really not find any clues?" Qi Rui asked,

"Director Jiuchi, we are just guessing at the moment, and we haven't found any valuable clues yet." Bi Zhongliang said,

"Where did Director Wang go?" Qi Rui asked,

"Recently, she has gotten very close to Nan Tian, ​​the head teacher of the extra-high school."

"Yoko Nantian?"

"Yes, I am now the head of the special second class of the special high school." Bi Zhongliang said,

"Miss Yoko Nantian is the person whom Section Chief Fujita valued. Director Wang should have a bright future following her." Liang Zhongchun said,
"That's for sure! In the future, our Secret Service Headquarters also hopes that Chief Jiuchi will take care of him." Bi Zhongliang said,

"As long as your grades come out, you can talk about anything!" Qi Rui said,
"Yes! Chief Kuike is right!"

"Where is Sunny Zhongzuo?"

"Advisor Qingqi hasn't come for two days."

"Oh!? What is he up to?"

"We don't dare to ask, Qingqi consultant will tell us if he wants us to know." Bi Zhongliang said,

"Okay, if there is any news, let me know as soon as possible! Especially the news about the Communist Party, you know?"

"Yes! As soon as we find any clues, we will notify Director Jiuchi as soon as possible!"

Qi Rui left the Secret Service Headquarters and went to the special high class. He first chatted with Takeuchi Yunzi for a while. The main task of her special class was to find the jellyfish assassination team and the military command Shanghai station.

Qi Rui, who didn't gain anything from her, went to find Yoshimasa Fujita again. The special high school seems to be very busy these days.

"Nakasa Hisaike, I heard you've been busy recently!" Fujita Yoshimasa said,
"I didn't gain anything, so why don't I come to Mr. Fujita for lessons."

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Section Chief Fujita, the Communist Party has become more active recently, do you have any clues here?"

"You mean those anti-Japanese publications?"

"Yes, it's already in the third issue, but we don't have any clues. General Yingzuo attaches great importance to this case, so I'll come to you to try my luck."

"I left this matter to Section Chief Nantian, you might as well ask her." Fujita Yoshimasa always had a lukewarm attitude.

Qi Rui didn't care about his attitude, and asked, "Mr. Nantian, I haven't congratulated her yet, where is she?"

"It was in Aoki Takeshige's office before."

"Okay, I'm going now!"

"Nakazuo Kuike, is this a task assigned to you by the Mei Agency?"

"Yes, General Ying Zuo asked me to assist the Secret Service Headquarters, I can't slack off."

"Okay, then hurry up, Nantian should be here."

When Qi Rui came to Yoko Nantian's office, he heard the voices of two women inside, but the voices were not loud, and Qi Rui couldn't hear them clearly, so he stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Yoko Nantian saw Shunsuke Kuike push the door in and quickly got up and asked, "Curator Kuike! Why do you come to my place when you have time?"

"Of course I'm here to congratulate Section Chief Nantian!"

"I can only dare to be the commander of Kuchi!" Yoko Nantian, who is still a lieutenant-level officer, said modestly,

"Teacher!" Wang Manchun also stood up and shouted,
"Director Wang is here too! Did I hinder you?" Qi Rui asked,

"No! Curator Kuike, please take a seat." Yoko Nantian greeted very politely,
"Section Chief Nantian, I came here to ask the publications of the Communist Party if you have any clues here. Section Chief Fujita said that you are in charge of this matter."

"The higher authorities attach great importance to this matter. We are indeed investigating. Director Wang is here for this case." Yoko Nantian said without concealing it.

"Did you find anything?"

"We checked all the printing houses in Shanghai, and sealed all the seals that should be sealed, but these anti-Japanese books and periodicals continue to appear. We suspect that the printing houses are in the French Concession!"

"French Concession!?"

"Yes! Because there is almost no room for such a printing house in the public concession, but it is possible in the French Concession." Yoko Nantian said,
"Why not in our occupied area?"

"We have checked all the occupied areas, including some schools and units with printing presses, and found nothing suspicious, so our focus now is the French Concession."

"Why not in the suburbs? After all, the amount of paper and ink needed to print so many publications is not small, and it would be very conspicuous in the French Concession." Qi Rui said,
"We also thought of this possibility, so we have already started to investigate the suburbs."

"It seems that your side is more efficient!"

"It's all Director Wang's ability, and he really deserves to be a student of Director Kuike!" Yoko Nantian praised,
Wang Manchun might be able to help this time, and Qi Rui praised and entrusted him: "Director Wang is smart and studious, and he is loyal to our Great Japanese Empire. Section Chief Nantian still needs to take care of him in the future!"

"Curator Jiuchi, she is taking care of me now! After all, I just came to Shanghai not long ago, and I need her, a local, to help me with many things!"

"No! Teacher, Section Chief Nantian really took good care of me, why don't I find a chance to thank you two officers!"

"Okay! We must sit together when we have the opportunity. I am very happy to see your sincere cooperation! Let me know if you have any news. I also want to get some credit from you, so that I can claim credit for General Meiguan Yingzuo." Qi Rui said jokingly,
"Hahaha... Curator Kuchi was joking!" Yoko Nanada had long hoped to get closer to Shunsuke Kuike, after all he enjoyed a lot in Shanghai.

Wang Manchun and Nantian Yoko sent Shunsuke Kuchi all the way to the gate of the special second class, and watched him leave before going back.

At this time, the voice of the system in Qi Rui's head suddenly sounded: Create a task with difficulty level A, and send Liang Botao and Chen Zhenru away from the Japanese No.13 Army's jurisdiction.

"This task is only given now! It seems that the system knows that it will not be successful before, but Hefei and Anqing are both under the jurisdiction of the No.13 Army. This trip is quite far! No wonder the A difficulty level."

The system finally gave a new task, Qi Rui was thinking all the way back to the mansion, what excuses did he have to go so far.

Another thing that makes Qi Rui very nervous is the matter of the secret printing factory. Now almost all intelligence agencies are looking for it. After a long time, they will definitely find it. This is too dangerous.

Qi Rui is now very sure that this publication was edited and printed by Sister Xia, because the date of publication coincided with the time when she came to Shanghai.

When he got home, Qi Rui told Fu Yingxue about the serious situation, and said, "Xueer, Comrade Chancellor is very dangerous now, and the underground printing factory can no longer work! It must be stopped, and we must tell Sister Xia immediately about this situation!"

"Don't you have Miss Xia's phone number?"

"I called on the way back just now and no one answered. I can't make this call at home."

"Then where do we go to find someone?"

(End of this chapter)

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